IBM Support

How can I configure WebSphere Application Server SSL protocol to use TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3?

How To


How can I only configure the WebSphere Application Server SSL protocol to use TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3?


The following steps demonstrate for ND environment where you have Deployment Manager, Node Agent, and Application Server instances, and using default WebSphere Application Server SSL configuration CellDefaultSSLsettings and NodeDefaultSSLsettings.

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment (hereafter referred to as Network Deployment) cell has a cell-scoped (meaning visible to all processes in the cell) SSL configuration called CellDefaultSSLSettings. This configuration contains node-scoped (visible to all endpoints on that specific Node) SSL configurations called NodeDefaultSSLSettings for every Node in the cell. Also, NodeDefaultSSLSettings will apply to each application server that runs within that Node.

These SSLconfigurations (CellDefaultSSLSettings & NodeDefaultSSLSettings) contain many resources such as keystore, truststore, SSL handshake protocol, cipher suite group, and Client authentication.

The following picture shows the SSL configuration layout for dmgr (CellDefaultSSLSettings) and one node (NodeDefaultSSLSettings). For the stand-alone WebSphere Application Server, you will see only NodeDefaultSSLSettings.



High Level Steps


  • Backup the WebSphere Application Server configuration
  • Configure TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3 for WebSphere Application Server SSL configuration (CellDefaultSSLsetting, NodeDefaultSSLsetting, and XDDefaultSSLsetting).
  • Configure TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3 for the DMGR & Node ssl.client.props.
  • How to verify WebSphere Application Server using TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3 protocol.
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) or Questions and Answers (Q&A).

Backup the WebSphere Application Server configuration

Please make sure to backup the WebSphere Application Server configuration before making any changes in the WebSphere Application Server SSL configuration.

WebSphere Application Server has backupConfig command, which will backup the entire config directory

Tells the backupConfig command not to stop the servers before backing up the configuration

Example command

cd to dmgr profile path (WAS_INSTALL_HOME>/profiles/<DMGRPROFILE_NAME>/bin)

backupConfig.bat -nostop


For more details on backup command options, please check the following

How do I run the backupConfig and restoreConfig scripts in the WebSphere Application Server?


Configure TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3 for WebSphere Application Server SSL configuration (CellDefaultSSLsetting, NodeDefaultSSLsetting, and XDDefaultSSLsetting)

Modify all WebSphere SSL configurations by running the following manual steps from the WebSphere Application Server console:

1. Log in to the WebSphere Application Server Integrated Solutions Console.

2. Click Security > SSL certificate and key management; under Related Items, click SSL configurations. (such as CellDefaultSSLsetting, NodedefaultSSLsetting, and any other SSLConfig)

The following pictures are related to the TLSv1.2 configuration.





The following pictures are related to the TLSv1.3 configuration.





Note: For each node, it has its own NodeDefaultSSLsetting, and the above setting will APPLY BOTH inbound and outbound SSL Communication

3. Select each SSL Configuration described above, then click Quality of protection (QoP) settings under Additional Properties.

4. On the Quality of protection (QoP) settings panel, select TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3 (depend on your security requirement) from the pull-down list in the box named Protocol and change the protocol to TLSV1.2

5. Click Apply and Save.

Configure TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3 for the DMGR & Node ssl.client.props

Update the ssl.client.props configuration file for the dmgr and node

Note: Backup this configuration file before making any changes in the ssl.client.props.

The SSL protocol is set with the property in the ssl.client.props file.

<WAS_INSTALL_HOME>/profiles/<PROFILE_NAME>/properties and edit the ssl.client.props file and set the value to TLSv1.2

For example, modify This must be done for each ssl.client.props file under the following directories:

For Node example WAS_install\profiles\AppSrv01\properties

For DMGR example WAS_install\profiles\Dmgr01\properties

The following picture is related to the TLSv1.2 configuration.


The following picture is related to the TLSv1.3 configuration.


Note: If neither of these is unable to stop properly due to permission issues or some other issue, you will have to manually kill each of these by logging on to the machines and killing the appropriate deployment manager and nodeagent, Application servers processes

1. Stop the Deployment Manager

cd <WAS_INSTALL_HOME>/profiles/<DMGRPROFILE_NAME>/bin and Use the stopManager command

2. Stop the Application Server

cd <WAS_INSTALL_HOME>/profiles/<NODEPROFILE_NAME>/bin and Use the stopServer servername

3. Stop the Node Agent

cd <WAS_INSTALL_HOME>/profiles/<NODEPROFILE_NAME>/bin and Use the stopNode command

4. Start the dmgr

cd <WAS_INSTALL_HOME>/profiles/<DMGRPROFILE_NAME>/bin and Use the startManager command

5. Sync the node with dmgr using syncNode command before going to start the node agents

cd <WAS_INSTALL_HOME>/profiles/<NODEPROFILE_NAME>/bin and use the syncNode.bat <deploymgr host> <deploymgr port> <DMgr_hostName> <SOAP_PORT_of_DMGR> -username <username> -password <password>

 dmgr_host is the host name of the Deployment Manager

dmgr_port is the SOAP port of the deployment manager (the default is 8879). Please make sure your dmgr soap port.

uid and pwd are the DM administrator user name and password

Please see this video How can I manually synchronize a node with the Deployment Manager in WebSphere Application Server?

6. Start the node agent

cd <WAS_INSTALL_HOME>/profiles/<NODEPROFILE_NAME>/bin and Use the startNode command

Logon to Dmgr administrative console and check the Node/Server availability and then synchronize nodes in the administrative console

7. You can start the application server from the console.


How to verify WebSphere Application Server using TLSv1.2 protocol

You can perform testing using a browser or external tool such as OpenSSL.

Test with Browser

Configure the browsers to support only TLS 1.2 or TLSv1.3 and access the admin console or application.

1. To configure Internet Explorer version 8 and later, complete these steps:

   a. In Internet Explorer, click Tools > Internet Options.

   b. In the Internet Options dialog box, click the Advanced tab.

   c. Scroll to the Security section, select the Use TLS 1.2 or TLSv1.3 checkbox, and click OK.

2. To configure Firefox version 24 and later, complete these steps:

    a. Open a Firefox browser and enter about: config in the address bar.

    b. When prompted, click I'll be careful, I promise! and accept the warning.

    c. Search for security.tls.version.max.

    d. Double-click security.tls.version.max and change the value to 3 to configure the browser to support TLS1.2.

    Tip: Value of 1 supports TLS1.0. Value of 2 supports TLS1.0 and TLS1.1. Value of 3 supports TLS1.0, TLS1.1, and TLS1.2.

Test with External Tools such as OpenSSL

You can use OpenSSL s_client to connect to WebSphere Application Server using an SSL port like a console SSL port or Application server SSL port

openssl  s_client -connect webspherehostname:consolesslport -tls1_2


openssl s_client -connect webspherehostname:9443 -tls1_2

openssl s_client -connect webspherehostname:9443 -tls1_3

If it is connected to the WebSphere Application Server system, then it will display the certificate chain in the command prompt and the handshake details. Based on this, you will know that the WebSphere Application Server system is configured to support TLVs1.2.

Note: The above steps apply to other protocols, such as TLSV1.2 to SSL_TLSV2


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) or Questions and Answers (Q&A)

Question: Is TLSv1.3 supported in WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5? What's the minimum fix pack?

Answer: TLSv1.3 support from JDK1.8 Service refresh 7 fix pack 15, and IBM recommends installing the latest Websphere Application Server fixpack and JDK level.

Question: Is TLSv1.2 supported in WebSphere Liberty Profile 8.5.5? What's the minimum fix pack?

Answer: Liberty can be configured with any JDK. So it depends on what JDK version is configured with the Liberty profile. If you are using IBM JDK v1.6 jdk SR11 then it is supported. if you are using the below version of this JDK then it is not supported

TLSv1.2 is introduced on JDK 1.6 Sr10. which mean it starts from WAS7.0.0.23 ( JDK1.6 SR10 FP1)) onwards

see the following details

JSSE enhancements The following enhancements were made in the JSSE in IBM SDK for Java™ V6 service refresh 10:

 The IBMJSSE2 provider now supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.1 as described in RFC 4346. The most important update is protection against cipher block chaining (CBC) attacks.

 **The IBMJSSE2 provider now supports TLS 1.2 as described in RFC 5246. Among other things, this RFC specifies different internal hashing algorithms, adds new cipher suites, and contains improved flexibility, particularly for negotiation of cryptographic algorithms**.

Question: Which cipher suites support the TLSv1.2 protocol?

Answer: Cipher suites with SHA384 and SHA256 are available only for TLS 1.2 or later more details, Please see the following link

Cipher suites

Question: Do I have to enable FIPS strict mode to use TLSv1.2?

Answer: No. You can configure WebSphere Application Server to use TLSv1.2 without FIPS.

Question: WebSphere Application Server is acting SSL client. Does the Remote SSL server have to use TLSV1.2 as well to work?

Answer: Yes, both the Client side and Server side must use TLSv1.2 for SSL communication.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
26 December 2022

