IBM Support

How to access file shares from IBM i by using QNTC

Question & Answer


How to access file shares from IBM i by using the QNTC file system.


The IBM i OS QNTC file system allows the IBM i to act as a CIFS or SMB client to access Windows, Samba, and IBM i file servers.

The QNTC file system resides in the 'root' file system. Administrators must create directories for each remote file server they would like users to access. The command to do so is:

MKDIR '/QNTC/<RemoteFileServer_Name_or_IP>'

All directories under the QNTC file system survive only until the next IPL and must be re-created following the IPL. Consider adding those MKDIR commands to the startup program so that they are always available to users. View the current list with:


To connect to external file servers, the IBM i QNTC client must send valid credentials. By default, the IBM i sends the current logged-on users' USRPRF and PWD.
However, an interactive user can connect with a different ID by using a submitted job.
For example:
SBMJOB CMD(DSPLNK OBJ('/qntc/<RemoteFileServer_Name_or_IP>/*')) USER(<AlternateIBMiUSRPRF>)
The AlternateIBMiUSRPRFmust exist on both the client IBM i and MyRemoteFileServer and the passwords must match between those systems.
Unless the remote file server is another IBM i system, it does not use USRPRFs.  Windows, for example, uses IDs, which consist of two parts:  a domain name and an ID.  The password level on IBM i determines whether the encrypted password is sent to the remote client in all lowercase letters (QPWDLVL = 0) or if it is a case-sensitive passphrase (QPWDLVL ≥ 2).  For more information about setting up compatible IDs and passwords with QNTC, see IBM technote ID and Password Considerations for QNTC file system.
If QNTC access does not work as expected, gather a job log of the attempt:
...and review the resulting SPLF. 

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB68","label":"Power HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU070","label":"IBM Infrastructure"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"","label":""}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"Version Independent"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 May 2024

