This document describes how to collect diagnostic data from the HMC for problem determination. This document references the HMC enhanced UI in the preparation section. Enhanced UI is available in HMC Version 8 and later.
Resolving The Problem
This document describes how to collect HMC diagnostic data (pedbg data) for use with problem determination. For issues involving servers managed by two HMCs, the data should be collected on both HMCs.
Section 1. Preparing to Collect the Data
Step 1: (Optional) Enable remote command execution
To collect pedbg remotely, you must:
Enable remote command execution Users and Security>Systems and Console Security Enable Remote Command Execution |
Configure the HMC firewall to allow remote ssh connections HMC Management > Console Settings> Change Network Settings, Lan adapters Tab, Select the interface used for remote access, click Details, then the Firewall tab. Secure Shell is selected by default, click Allow Incoming button, then OK, OK to save. |
Obtain an ssh client such as PuTTY |
For further information see HMC Enhanced: Enabling ssh/remote command execution
Step 2: Ensure a user ID of hscpe with a task role of hmcpe exists on the HMC.
The hscpe ID is not a built-in ID like hscroot, it must be created. To administer HMC users, you must be logged in as hscroot or a hmcsuperadmin user.
Locally (at the HMC): Open a restricted shell locally on the HMC by selecting HMC Management in the left frame. Select Console Management > Open a Restricted Shell terminal in the right frame.
Remotely: Open an ssh session (PuTTY) to the HMC.
Determining whether the hscpe user ID exists and what roles are assigned to it. lshmcusr --filter "names=hscpe" If the hscpe user ID exists, you should see output similar to the following: name=hscpe,taskrole=hmcpe,description=Service,pwage=99999,resourcerole= If the hscpe user ID does not exist, you should receive the message No results were found. |
Creating the hscpe user ID: mkhmcusr -u hscpe -a hmcpe -d IBM Service When this command is run, you are prompted to enter a new password for the new user. |
Resetting a lost password chhmcusr -u hscpe -t passwd When this command is run, you are prompted to enter a new password for the user. |
Section 2. Collecting Data Using PEDBG
Step 1: Log in as user hscpe.
You must be logged in to a restricted shell terminal session as user hscpe with role hmcpe to collect pedbg.
Remotely: Start an ssh (PuTTY) session with user hscpe.
Locally: Log in to the local HMC console as user hscpe. Then open a Restricted Shell terminal windows by selecting HMC Management in the navigation area, then select Console Management > Open a Restricted Shell terminal in the work frame (right frame).
To switch to user ID hscpe when the user is already logged on locally with another user ID run the following command in the restricted shell terminal (Remote Command Execution must be enabled):
ssh hscpe@localhost
If prompted to verify authenticity of the host, reply yes and press enter. Enter the hscpe password when prompted.
Step 2: Re-create the problem.
If possible, re-create the problem before collecting a pedbg. Otherwise, note the HMC date and time. Notify your support representative of the date and time of the problem being investigated relative to the HMC clock. If the HMC clock is not current, inform your support representative of this also. For example, "The problem occurred approximately 2:00 PM on March 16. The HMC time is 30 minutes slow so that would be about 1:30 PM HMC time.".
Step 3: Collect pedbg
Note: For problems involving managed servers managed by two HMCs, collect pedbg files from both HMCs.
Run PEDBG command
Run the pedbg command with the options specified by the support representative.
If the support representative did not specify the options (or for issues that need more than a few hours of historic data) type the following:
pedbg -c -q 4
If the problem was re-created immediately before pedbg collection, the "-q 3" option can typically be used, which results in a much smaller file:
pedbg -c -q 3
If the support representative requested dumps from the managed system(s) and HMC data type the following to collect all dumps + all historic data:
pedbg -c -q d4
Section 3. Getting the Data to IBM
There are many ways the data can be sent to IBM. The following is a list of preferred methods, starting with the quickest and easiest method. The method used varies depending on the type of network access available to the HMC and the availability of media.
* |
Secure FTP directly from HMC to IBM IBM no longer allows unsecured FTP. Either the -S or -s flags must be used for secure file transfer.
If the HMC has a network connection that allows SFTP (Secure FTP) to the Internet, type the following command to send the file directly to IBM Support via ECuRep: sendfile -S -f /dump/ -h -d /toibm/hw/ -n -u Your_IBM_Support_File_Transfer_ID
sendfile -S -f /dump/ -h -d /IBM/YourCompanyFolder -n -u Your_IBM_Blue_Diamond_User_ID
* |
Use removable media (USB flash drive) to move the pedbg to another workstation with Internet access.
To copy the pedbg file to media:
The device name is the mount point for the target device. For example, for the first USB flash drive its typically "/media/sdb1".
Once on USB flash, use another workstation to upload the data. See "Sending the pedbg to IBM from another workstation or server with internet access".
* |
Use SCP or FTP to copy the pedbg file to another workstation with Internet access.
If another server or workstation on the network has Internet access and network access to the HMC, then the data can be copied to the other server with FTP or SCP and uploaded to IBM support from there. SCP (secure copy) SCP (secure copy) can be used to copy the file from the HMC. Microsoft Windows 10 and later, MacOS, and Linux all include a standard scp command as part of the OS. Earlier versions of Windows require installing a 3rd party secure copy utility such as PuTTY pscp. Example of copying the file to a PC or Mac using standard scp at the command line:
Example of copying the file to a PC using PuTTY pscp:
For further information on using PuTTY pscp, refer to Copying an HMC File to a Microsoft Windows PC Using PuTTY. FTP/SFTP Use the sendfile command to FTP the data from the HMC to another server. Refer to Secure FTP direction from HMC to IBM for an example of the syntax or use the --help option. |
* |
Sending the pedbg to IBM from another workstation or server with internet access
b. Send the file to IBM: To upload the file to ECuRep, browse to and upload the file under your case number. For further information on ECuRep, including command line instructions, see Instructions for Sending Data to IBM Support.
To send data to IBM Blue Diamond instead of ECuRep or testcase , use .
For further information on IBM Blue Diamond, see Blue Diamond Help.
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Document Information
Modified date:
11 November 2024