IBM Support

Helper scripts for unaugmenting feature pack data from WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and V7.0 for automated uninstall scenarios for Windows



WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and V7.0 profiles need to be "augmented" in order to utilize feature pack code. If the feature packs are uninstalled, then the profiles need to be unaugmented. This technote has advice and sample scripts for the unaugmentation process.


This technote has functional sample scripts which can assist with the necessary step of unaugmenting profiles when performing large-scale feature pack uninstallation from WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and V7.0 Test Environments on Windows. Typically, these scripts will only be necessary for scenarios where feature packs will be uninstalled across a large number of development environments.

WebSphere Application Server V6.1 and V7.0 support the use of additional product add-ons called Feature Packs. Installing a feature pack allows the product to take advantage of new features; however, in order to take advantage of the features, the product's configuration profiles need to be augmented with additional data. Each Feature Pack has a set of augmentation templates for the various WebSphere Application Server profile types.

If a feature pack is uninstalled, then the profile templates associated with that feature pack need to be removed from the product's profiles. This is process is called unaugmentation. If a profile is not unaugmented when a feature pack is uninstalled, then the application servers in that profile will not function correctly, and my no longer start up.

The uninstall programs for feature packs can assist with the unaugmentation process. If you are uninstalling a feature pack from a single WebSphere Application Server product, then relying on the uninstaller's automated unaugmentation function is usually sufficient. It is also possible to unaugment profiles using the Profile Management Tool prior to running the uninstall program.

However, the uninstaller's automated unaugmentation process may not work well for the WebSphere Test Environments installed under Rational Application Developer or other IBM Rational development environments. The uninstall process performed by Installation Manager may not offer the automatic unaugmentation option in silent mode, depending on how the feature packs were initially installed. (If the Feature Packs were delivered using Rational Application Developer's WebSphere Test Environment Feature Pack repositories, then they may not offer the automatic unaugmentation on uninstall. If the Feature Packs were delivered using WebSphere Application Server's original Feature Pack repositories, then they will offer automatic unaugmentation on uninstall.)

As a result, IBM recommends using the Profile Management Tool to unaugment (or delete and recreate) profiles which used the feature pack templates. This would help guarantee that the profiles are already unaugmented by the time the feature packs are uninstalled.

Reason for using helper script
Unfortunately, the recommendation to manually unaugment profiles is a tedious process in situations where a large number of development environments are uninstalling feature packs using an automated process.

The scripts attached to this technote were developed to address this scenario: In situations where feature packs are uninstalled from WebSphere Test Environments using an automated process, it would be helpful to have scripts which either unaugment the profiles before calling the uninstaller, or call attention to the fact that profiles are augmented. Administrators who are comfortable using automated scripts and processes can use these scripts to assist with feature pack uninstallation projects.

Note: These scripts were developed to address a specific client scenario. Since other clients may encounter this same scenario, we are making the scripts available publicly. Please note that the scripts were developed for the specific use case described above and there are currently no plans to expand the scripts to accommodate additional scenarios. Also, the scenario occurs predominantly in development environments, which are typically Windows environments. As a result, these scripts are available for Windows only.

Resolving The Problem

Unaugmentation rules for WebSphere Application Server V7.0
A profile augmented with one of the feature pack templates listed below can be unaugmented without any restrictions. Note that if a deployment manager is unaugmented, then the same feature pack template must be unaugmented from all the nodes in the deployment manager's cell.

If an application deployed to an application server in the profile relies on feature pack code, then that application may malfunction. The server and profile will continue to function, and the profile can be re-augmented later.

This discussion applies to these feature pack templates: OSGi, JPA, Modern Batch, CEA, SCA, and XML

Unaugmentation rules for WebSphere Application Server V6.1
A profile augmented with the EJB 3.0 feature pack is subject to a limitation about when it can be unaugmented. If a node is federated, then it must be removed from the cell before it is unaugmented. Note that the process of removing a node from a cell will revert that node to its configuration before it was federated. In many cases, this means that the node will lose all its configuration data, and it will not be regained when it is re-federated.

A profile augmented with the WebServices feature pack is subject to an additional limitation. Node profiles cannot be unaugmented. Only deployment manager profiles can have the WebServices feature pack template unaugmented. WebServices node profiles must be entirely deleted if the WebServices feature pack is uninstalled.

For these reasons, it may not be desirable to uninstall the V6.1 feature packs at all. If it is absolutely necessary to uninstall them, then you will most likely need to reconfigure all the node profiles associated with the product.

Helper scripts

This script unaugments feature pack templates from WebSphere Application Server V7.0 profiles. The download description mentions which feature packs are handled by this script.

The script determines which feature pack uninstall scripts are available, then iterates through calling each uninstall script.

The script will produce a return code of 0 when no errors are detected, and it will print information to the console explaining what it accomplished. If an error is detected, then it produces a return code of 1. If a larger automated process is using this script, it can detect that return code and decide how to handle it.

This script uses a simple string parsing technique to read the profileRegistry.xml file and determine if any profiles are augmented.

The script does not automatically unaugment profiles. As mentioned in the Limitations section above, there are significant limitations to unaugmenting V6.1 profiles. As a result, manual intervention is necessary to determine how to handle augmented V6.1 profiles. This helper script simply provides a means to detect whether profiles are augmented so that an automated process can more easily make this determination before proceeding with Feature Pack uninstall.

The script will produce a return code of 0 when no augmented profiles are detected. If augmentations are detected, it produces a return code of 1.

Script downloads

Click the script icon in the left column to download the script.

Script downloadScript
For WebSphere Application Server V7.0 Feature Packs
This script unaugments the following feature pack templates from all profiles: OSGi, JPA, Modern Batch, CEA, SCA, and XML
The script will exit with return code 0 for success, and return code 1 otherwise.
For WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Feature Packs
This script detects whether any profiles (defined in profileRegistry.xml) are augmented with the following feature pack templates: WebServices and EJB 3.0
This script will exit with return code 0 if there are no errors and no augmentations, and return code 1 if there are augmentations or errors.

All source code and/or binaries attached to this document are referred to here as "the Program". IBM is not providing program services of any kind for the Program. IBM is providing the Program on an "AS IS" basis without warranty of any kind. IBM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ACTUAL, DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR FOR ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS), EVEN IF IBM, OR ITS RESELLER, HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0;6.1","Edition":"Base;Express;Network Deployment","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

