IBM Support

GUI Application Framework Fundamentals

How To


QRadar GUI application framework apps are stand-alone web applications that are served from a docker container.


Installation Overview

Every app runs in its own unique web server (Flask by default). Each web server, in turn, runs within a secure Linux® container. Docker is the implementation stack for the secure containment of the web app codebase.

Each app is installed by using the RESTful API endpoints. The installation endpoint handles these tasks:

  • Validates the manifest of the app.
  • Automatically creates a Docker image (asynchronous) with the app code that is bundled within it.
  • Registers the app (asynchronous) with QRadar to enable web traffic proxy and the HTTP request/response lifecycle from QRadar to the app.
  • Automatically runs a Docker container from the Docker image (asynchronous) mounting in persistent storage from the QRadar host.

Go to the GUI App Framework REST Endpoints page for more details.


The default web language that is used to author an application is Python, and the Flask framework is integrated and available for use by the application.

For more information, go to the Python website.


Flask is a micro web application framework that is written in Python.

Flask is the web server from which the app-coded endpoints are served. You use Python functions to deliver use cases. You can use route annotations for each Python method in the Flask application. After the Flask web server starts, HTTP/HTTPS-bound requests are serviced by Flask for that route, and the Python functions are run.

Each Flask server that is run from within the Docker container uses port 5000. Outwardly from the container, Docker maps that internal port 5000 to the next free port from the 32768-60999 ephemeral range. During the registration phase, this outward mapped port is stored by QRadar so that web requests for an app, through QRadar are proxied to the correct container.

The following code is a sample Python route:

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello World!'

In a standalone Flask web server, a web request through a browser to http://localhost:5000 returns: Hello World!

Note: Other web application framework platforms can be used e.g. Node. Flask is only the default framework


Jinja2 is a Python library that enables you to create templates for various output formats from a core template text file. HTML is the format that is used for QRadar apps. Jinja2 has a rich API, and large array of syntactic directives (statements, expressions, variables, tags) that you use to dynamically inject content into the template file.

Flask's in-built render_template() method is the easiest way to inject data from a Python method, served by the route, into a Jinja2 HTML template, as shown in the following example:

def hello_world():
    return render_template('hello.html', title='QRadar')

The template hello.html contains the following code:

<!doctype html>
<title>Hello from Flask</title>
  <h1>Hello {{ title }}!</h1>

The following HTML output is produced:

<!doctype html>
<title>Hello from Flask</title>
  <h1>Hello QRadar!</h1>

For more information, see the Jinja2 website.

HTTP Request Response Lifecycle

When an app is successfully installed, requests to the app are proxied only by using an established connection to QRadar. The app cannot be directly accessed by using direct URL requests or any other method.

Apps can establish a secure authenticated and authorized session to QRadar. Any authorization tokens that are created to verify that the integrity of session can be reused. The app obtains all the capabilities, security, and authenticity facets of QRadar. The app can use the user session state to get access to all of QRadar RESTful API endpoints to pull or push data to or from the QRadar system.

Containerized Apps and the Network

With the GUI Application Framework, traffic flows from container to container, from container to host on its public IP address (not localhost), and from containers to the outside world.

When each app is passed as an archive (.zip file) of source code to the QRadar endpoints, QRadar builds the initial image specific to your app codebase. Each image runs as an individual container. As the container is run or started, QRadar maps the internal flask server port (5000) to an external ephemeral port. This external ephemeral port is registered to QRadar so that proxied requests to your app code are routed to the correct container.

/debug Endpoints

All apps must include a /debug endpoint or route that runs locally on port 5000. This endpoint is used to ensure live apps are active and reachable.

If you disable flask (the default webserver) to allow the app to use its own web server, you must include a /debug endpoint on port 5000. If you do not include the endpoint, your app will restart once per minute, as a result of QRadar being unable to receive a response from the app.

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSBQAC","label":"IBM Security QRadar SIEM"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cwt3AAA","label":"QRadar Apps"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 March 2021

