IBM Support

Guardium Windows S-TAP monitoring DB2 Database goes inactive and needs to be restarted frequently



This scenario is based on the usage of the Windows S-TAP monitoring DB2 Database. 
The concern arises after Guardium® Administrator receives Windows S-TAP inactive alert frequently and needs to go and manually restart the Windows S-TAP to resume the DAM activities.


  1. Windows S-TAP stops suddenly and post restart works fine until the next stoppage
  2. Post executing the Windows S-TAP diagnostics, it was evident from the diag_out.txt file that the Windows S-TAP was not keeping up with the DB2 database traffic
    image 7011
  Log Name: Application
  Source: DB2 Tap
  Date: 2020-10-27T07:36:24.000
  Event ID: 12
  Task: Transmitter
  Level: Warning
  Opcode: N/A
  Keyword: Classic
  User: N/A
  User Name: N/A
  Computer: <SERVER_HOST_NAME>
One or more log events have been dropped.  STAP is not reading from the server fast enough. 


"One or more log events have been dropped.  STAP is not reading from the server fast enough."
This descriptive error message during the S-TAP stoppage indicates that the incoming DB2 database traffic in this scenario is overwhelming for the current S-TAP configuration to cope up with and hence needs configuration changes.


This scenario explanation is for Windows S-TAP V10.6 but in general this can happen for all versions of V10+ Windows S-TAPs.

Diagnosing The Problem

Windows S-TAP diagnostics need to be collected in order to refer and conclude-
> current Windows S-TAP (WINSTAP) configuration i.e. guard_tap.ini file
> event logs
> stap log
> diag_out.txt
This helps to find out the relevant traces during the time when the incident happened

Resolving The Problem

"One or more log events have been dropped.  STAP is not reading from the server fast enough."
This trace message from the WINSTAP diagnostics helps to find out that the WINSTAP's current buffer size is unable to accommodate the incoming traffic packets from the database.
In such cases, the "BUFFER_FILE_SIZE" if is kept to a standard default value of  50 is recommended to be increased to a higher value of  200.
With this configuration change if the issue occurrence still happens at a lower frequency than earlier this value can be increased further and WINSTAP needs to be monitored for stability.
Windows S-TAPs V10.5 and onwards have an additional intelligent scalability feature to handle such scenarios.
DYNAMIC_BUFFER_INCREASE parameter was introduced in V10.5. The default value is 0.
When this feature is enabled with below parameter configuration in guard_tap.ini, 
the Windows S-TAP can use up to 250 Mb of buffer file size 
In high-performance environment recommended value is:

Document Location


[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSMPHH","label":"IBM Security Guardium"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000Gp0IAAS","label":"STAP"}],"ARM Case Number":"TS004382744","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"All Version(s)"}]

Product Synonym

IBM Security Guardium®;

Document Information

Modified date:
11 November 2020

