Question & Answer
Is it possible to grant security rights to a tab control on the screen?
1. Select the Application Designer in the Platform Configuration module.
2. Select the WOTRACK object.
3. Go to the "Select Action" menu, duplicate and enter the description as “Duplicate WOTRACK”.
4. Create a new Signature option called SAFETYPLAN from the "Select Action" menu.
5. In the Workspace tab, click the Safety Plan tab
6. Click Control Properties
7. Click Select Value in the Signature Option field, and select the SAFETYPLAN signature option
8. Click "Save Application Definition".
9. Go to the Security Groups application in the Security module.
10. Select the MAXADMIN group and click on the Applications tab.
11. Select the duplicate work order application i.e. duplicate WOTRACK
12. Find he safety signature options by entering safety in the description filter. The new signature option Safety Plan tab access has not been granted. This means that nobody should be able to see the safety plan tab.
Log in as maxadmin and go to the Duplicate WOTRACK application. Note that the safety plan tab is no longer displayed for the maxadmin group.
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Document Information
Modified date:
17 June 2018