IBM Support

Go Live Phases, deliverables for 5.0, Handover process and documents required at Handover



Go Live Phases, deliverables for 5.0, Handover process and documents required at Handover


PART: Distributed Order Management 5.0 Platform


Resolving The Problem

The following methodology is to be followed in a Go live of Yantra 5x


Project Planning
Responsibility Matrix
Project Charter
Communication Plan
Project Work Plan
Risk Log
Presentation to steering committee

Requirements & Scope Analysis
Scope Matrix
Technical Architecture Topology
Gap Log
Client requirements and business processes
Gap Review meeting with Service mgmt and PM
Solution Model
Final Solution Definition document
Delivery Phase SOW
Definition review meeting with Steering Committee
Detailed Design
Generation Plan
Source Code Control Structure and Procedures
Complete Detailed Design
Design, Development and Test Procedures
Unit Test Plans & Models
String Test Plans & Models

Configuration & Development
Activate Incident Management Tool
Activate Test Management Tool
Activate Code Migration Tool
Activate Configuration Validation Tool
Code Inspection Audit
Execute Unit Tests
Unit Test Management Worksheet
User Acceptance Test Plan - Draft
Definition review meeting with Steering Committee
String Test
String Test Plan
String Test Worksheet
String Test Cases
String Test Team Training & Kickoff
String Test Exceptions Resolution
Data Loading and Migration Plan - Draft
System Integration Test
System Integration Test Plan
SIT Test Tools
SIT Team Training
Create SIT Model
SIT Documented Results
Performance Test
Technial Architecture Review
Performance Test Plan
Update Test Approach Document
Execute and Monitor Performance Test
Performance Test Documented Results


1. Implementation team indicates readiness for handover. This involves preparing the support team with any words or customer specefic terminology that the support team has to be familiar with.
2. Customer reviews steps to be followed during offsite support and indicates concerns, if any. The implementation team resolves issues, if any.
3. Implementation team arranges meeting between customer personnel, for a ?mock test? of the support procedure. This initiates handover to support team.
4. Customer begins calling Support Hotline for any queries or issues.
5. Implementation team monitors the handover over a week ( this is an estimate ), with the support person.
6. Implementation team leaves customer site.


All documents below are to be submitted in soft copy (where available).

1) Requirement Validation documents
2) Summary document that details customer details and specifics, if any.
a) Organization chart ( IS, Users, Operations, DBA )
b) Contact Information including implementation resources
c) Connectivity Information
d) Hardware/Software versions and layout. Directory structure of by environment (TEST/ PRODUCTION). Configuration information for licenses, parameters.
e) Customer standards
f) Background jobs and schedules (cron), critical times, Number of shifts
g) Support agreement summary
h) Billing information for enhancements and process to be followed.
i) Customer equipment, if any, at Yantra
3) Any documents regarding process submitted to customer.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Historical Number


Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

