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Get free nmon & njmon training level 1 & 2 (Performance Monitoring)

How To


If you are the systems administrator for AIX, VIOS, Linux on a Power System or Linux on AMD64 or x86_64 laptops, workstations, or servers then performance monitoring is a hot topic. You can get fully skilled by watching these videos on YouTube from the developer of the software.


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Skill up from amateur to expert levels on these performance monitoring tools in just 4 solid hours of training.


This document assumes you have AIX, VIOS of Linux running and you can install a simple program.
The nmon command displays on screen the current performance stats and can save them to CSV files for later graphing by various methods.
By default njmon uses open source tools Influxdb (Time Series database) and Grafana (live web-based dynamic graphing). 
If you know what you are doing with other time series databases, then you can also ship the data into Elastic (also called ELK and Elasticsearch) or Splunk.


There are two categories of IT Techies:

  • People already running nmon or njmon and
  • People that will soon be running nmon or njmon :-)

OK, that is an old joke but that is my plan!  Downloads for open source nmon for Linux, njmon for Linux and njmon for AIX are accelerating  - the weekly downloads is growing each month.  There is no way to track nmon for AIX use (it gets installed every time you install AIX) but I suspect it is now used in 95% of running AIX operating systems.  This popularity results in many questions from newbie people starting to use nmon, many people that can't be bothered to read the nmon -h output and many wanting to deepen their skills. 

I now direct everyone to the nmon and njmon training material on YouTube:

nmon for AIX (and VIOS)

  • YouTube Playlist for nmon on AIX
    1. nmon Starter Pack Monitoring Online for a current AIX version
    2. nmon Starter Pack for AIX Data Capture
    3. nmon Starter Pack for AIX Analyser
    4. nmonchart to graph your data files
  • The total time to watch all the videos is about an hour.

nmon for Linux (on lots of different hardware)

  • YouTube Playlist for nmon on Linux
    1. nmon for Linux Starter Pack
    2. nmon for Linux Data Capture
    3. nmonchart to graph your data files
  • Total watch time is an hour

Once complete and you can create your first nmon data graphs, you can use this logo:  

nmon L1

Advanced nmon topics

  • YouTube Playlist for Advanced nmon Topics for nmon on AIX & Linux
    • Four parts and 16 topics - Many hints and tips plus how to avoid common mistakes
    1. -f and -F abuse!
    2. Editing nmon files
    3. User-Defined Disk Groups
    4. nmon External Data Collectors
    5. nmonmerge adding 2 files together
    6. nmon performance tuning not Capacity Planning
    7. Microsoft Excel failures
    8. Pointless PCPU & SPU stats
    9. nmon for Linux Utilisation stats
    10. Topas Reports
    11. Online view box lines (not x or #)
    12. nmon for Linux distributions = not perfect
    13. Capacity Plan from 100.s of nmon files
    14. Limiting to named disks & processes
    15. Stopping nmon cleanly
    16. What next?
  • The total time to watch the videos is 1 hour

Once complete and you create your first nmon data graphs, you can use this logo: 

nmon L2

njmon for AIX, VIOS, and Linux (on lots of different hardware)

  • YouTube Playlist
    1. njmon + InfluxDB + Grafana Series 1: Introduction njmon
    2. njmon + InfluxDB + Grafana Series 2: Installing InfluxDB & Grafana
    3. njmon + InfluxDB + Grafana Series 3: njmon Install and Set-up
    4. njmon + InfluxDB + Grafana Series 4: Importing Grafana Dashboards for njmon data
    5. njmon + InfluxDB + Grafana Series 5: 1st njmon graphs
    6. njmon + InfluxDB + Grafana Series 6: Templates
    7. njmon + InfluxDB + Grafana Series 7: Graphing Multiple Resources (like  when you have multiple CPUs, disks, networks, and file systems)
    8. njmon + njmonchart              Series 8: Graphing njmon's JSON data with njmonchart makes a web page of graphs
  • The total time to watch the videos is 2 hours

Once complete and you create your first njmon data graphs, you can use this logo:   

njmon L1

Note: This logo is not part of an official or certified badge scheme.

Additional Information

Other places to find content from Nigel Griffiths IBM (retired)

Document Location


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Document Information

Modified date:
19 December 2023

