IBM Support

FSFC Features and Upgrades - 4.5

General Page

This page describes the features added and defects addressed with each build.
Contact support to access the upgrade files. A valid maintenance agreement is required.
  • Features added in 4.5

    PowerHA Tools for IBM i 4.5 is now available for select customers. It has all the features and fixes from 4.3 and 4.4, and adds the following:

    • CSM support for FSFC and FSR operations, including Dual Control

    • GMIR ESE D-Copy support

    • Support for DS8K host and volume mapping (support for volume groups have been removed)

    • View and change SVC copy and cleaning rates

    • New options on WRKCSEDTA (check, run, view logs files)

    • LPM support integrations

    • Wait for incremental copy to finish (USETARGET *COPIED)

    • STRFSFLASH from source LPAR to either controller

    • Migration of data from prior releases (4.3 and 4.4)

    • FSFC is Hyperswap-aware

    • Prompt for HMC LPAR and profile names

    • Before FSFC ensure target not running on source LUNs

    • CHK commands warn when log files > 20 MB

    • Allow QSTRUPPGM *NONE on the source LPAR

    • CHK/STRFSFLASH checks QLPAR authorities on the source LPAR

    • List IP addresses that don't match when doing remote STRFSFLASH

    • CSEDTA SHUTDOWN(*NO) and RESTART(*NO) changed to *YES/*NO

    • FSFC support for virtual IP

    • Send FSFC Finished to QSYSOPR as program messages

    • Support for aggregate communication lines

    • Warn if IPL attributes set to start in restricted state

    • CSEDTA allows prompting on shutdown and backup commands

    • Enable FSFC pause/resume for BRMS Xfer method *ALL

    • BRMS *SYSBAS custom timestamps

    • Monitor BRMS control groups that end abnormally

    • Export BRMS backup logs to the controller (or any tagged joblog)

    • On BRMS transfer *CHGONLY include BRMS files QA1AZCG (control group status) and QA1ADXR (duplication cross reference file)

    • Log when explicit DDD lock commands are called

    • Register and release PowerHA licenses

    • Do not allow restricted media classes with BRMS transfer *ALL

    • DSPCSEDTA PRINT parameter added

    • QZRDHASM savefiles compressed

    • CHGBRMSOBJ enhancements

    The following features were added (or fixed) in the June 17th, 2020 build:

    • SWRCYPNT Autodelete properly initialized

    • SETUPFSFC and SETUPFSR run correctly when PowerHA isn't installed

    • Use *NONE for 2nd HMC parameter instead of empty field

    • resyncflash_pprc.script was missing freeze and unfreeze options

    • RPF error when prompting on HMC

    • SWHYASP from H2 to H1 was only partially successful

    • Added SNDBRMMSG help text

    • ENDFSFLASH processes IP addresses in WRKSTRPRSC

    • QZRBRMSEXIT library qualifies SNDBRMMSG

    • DMPINF with BRMS integrations will show backup commands

    The following features were added (or fixed) in the October 1st, 2020 build:

    • 40247: STRFSFLASH ds8k resync=yes should not issue resyncflash if no flash

    • 40000: WRKCSE LUN volume panels: Use actual node names instead of Production and HA

    • 39856: 6.2.9 version of CSM server breaks CsmClientManager

    • 40285: Check that disks have reported in before calling multi-path resetter

    • 40109: Add node name to sysbas LUN environment in WRKCSE

    • 40857: *CHGONLY merge rejects media class in restricted list, doesn't check entire list

    • 40983: doGMCVFreezeWait isn't picking up the right status

    • 41144: savddd / rstddd doesn't handle all flashes correctly

    • 40161: Add retrieve current production node function to RTVINF

    • 40879: Improve output from DMPIMF

    • 39531: RLSCSELCK no longer releases all LPAR locks

    • 41304: FSFC is not validating host mappings - instead see "no host connections file found" in log

    • 41378: *IPL path must delete journals and receivers too

    • 41444: WRKCSE - license code 91 should be able to create flash environment

    • 41425: remove frequency from CSM backup options

    The following features were added (or fixed) in the October 30th, 2020 build:

    • 39351: RLSCSELCK wasn't releasing all the locks.

    • 41178: IAS0814 now also sent to QSYSOPR

    • 41304: Host mappings are validated

    • 41378: FSFC *IPL will clean up BRMS journals

    • 41444: WRKCSE with license for Product Code 91 will allow environment creation

    • 41425: Remove frequency from CSM backup options

    • 40983: doGMCVFreezeWait isn't picking up the right status

    • 41650: CSM log messages to check the console

    The following features were added (or fixed) in the April 9th, 2021 build:

    • More environment variables documented here

    • 44404: BRMS Transfer SAVLIB explicitly specifies more parameters to avoid interference with changed command defaults

    • 44452: BRMS subsystem allowed to start on target LPAR

    • 43747: QZBRMSEXIT can be configured to ignore BRMS errors (environment variable QZ_IGNORE_BRMS_ERROR)

    • 43218: Remote STRFSFLASH won't tie up QZRDFSR as long, allowing more STRFSFLASH's to process faster

    • 43304: Ability to adjust remote STRFSFLASH timeout (environment variable QIBM_FSFC_RMT_FLASH_TIMEOUT)

    • 43197: On BRMS Xfer check that the image catalog directory exists

    • 43281: MCH3601 in STRFSFLASH when lock on CSE fails

    • 43148: Fewer BRMS Xfer log messages

    • 42362: Changing DS host mappings wasn't dropping all connections first

    • 42765: DMPINF only recorded current date entries

    • 43072: Fixed WRKSTRPRSC *VIRTUALIP lines

    • 43185: Various fixes related to check if target LPAR is running on FlashCopy volumes (environment variable QZ_DISABLE_LUN_CHECK)

    • 43201: STRFSFLASH more tolerant of source LPAR in MSG_BUSY state

    • 42438: Incorrect message issued when no volumes to import

    • 39035: CHKRCYPNT gets better error messages

    • 39034: RPF HMC prompting now works

    • 41662: Option to not flush memory on flashcopy (environment variable QZ_NO_FLUSH)

    • 40003: When removing routes include the binding interface

    • 44690: Allow customers to skip -multinc on resyncflash

    • 44592: Blanks in port for CMN resource field can cause the wrong resource to be selected

    • 44746: The CSEDTA APIs will allow a dynamic media class suffix to start with a digit

    • 44405: Fix unexpected communications response 40

    The following features were added (or fixed) in the August 3rd, 2021 build:

    • 45758: Derive target LPAR lock names from HMC LPAR instead of IP address. See this document if multiple target LPARs are used.

    • 46647: Failure parsing volume information during LUN check

    • 45915: Fix CPYSPLF error on controller

    • 46563: Target needs to handle Busy Response message from source when backups end

    • 44878: WRKCSE opt 12 opt 17 FlashCopy mapping incorrectly displays incremental status

    • 46563: Don’t enforce license check in QZBRMSEXIT

    The following features were added (or fixed) in the December 15th, 2021 build:

    • HMC LPAR locking properly uses LPAR names, not profile names.

    • 46491: License checking in QZBRMSEXIT removed

    • 48376: CHK/STRFSFLASH handles controller hostnames > 10 characters

    • 48556: NLS changes for running on DBCS systems (enforcing ccsid 37)

    • 49049: Force ALCSTG(*MIN) when creating image catalogs

    • 47721: Omit BRMS_MEDIA and LOG_INFO SQL views from BRMS transfers

    • 43927: Fixed QZRDIAEXT2 ending with errno 3452

    The following features were added (or fixed) in the January 6th, 2022 build:

    • 50089: Compatibility updates for 4.6 controllers

  • Upgrading to 4.5 from a prior release

    Upgrading to 4.5 is only recommended from the March 5th 2019 build of 4.3 (or newer) - upgrading from any other build or release will require manually re-creating all WRKCSE, WRKCSEDTA and WRKCSECRDL entries. Use the following command to display the build date:


    All the controllers and source LPARs in a cluster must be at the same version (i.e. 4.5). We strongly recommend that they also all be at the same build date. The version and build date is stored in data area QZRDHASM/BUILD.

    The 4.5 controllers will support non-cluster source LPARs running at 4.3, 4.4 or 4.5, which facilitates upgrading source LPARs in stages.

    DS8K volume groups are no longer supported on WRKCSE opt 16 panels. These have been changed to hostnames and volume mappings and the configurations on the DS8K will also need to change. Use WRKCSE opt 16 to record your existing volume groups before the migration, then use WRKCSE opt 16 after the migration to enter the new host mappings.

    For DS8K copy services environments which specify "Full Flash" and "Resynch Flash" then the existing FlashCopy must be removed before the next STRFSFLASH. To remove the FlashCopy, ensure the target LPAR is not using the target LUNs and run the rmflash script from WRKCSE opt 14.

    The functionality of data area ONLYRSTCLS has been replaced with environment variable QIBM_FSFC_DISABLE_MEDIA_CLASS_CHECK.

    To update the controllers:

    1. Upgrade the controllers to the 3/5/2019 (or newer) build of 4.3
    2. Ensure no STRFSFLASH or STRFLASH or SWCSE commands are in process.
    3. End the toolkit subsystem:
    4. Generate a text file with all of the WRKCSE / WRKCSEDTA information:
    5. Save the DDD information:
      MKDIR '/tmp/ddd43backups'
      QZRDHASM/SAVDDD PATH('/tmp/ddd43backups')
    6. On each controller, issue the restore command:
    7. Update to the most recent Secure Java JAR file.
      Download it from here:
      Place it on all controllers in /QIBM/Qzrdhasm/ssh/
      Then update the links:
      RMVLNK OBJLNK('/QIBM/Qzrdhasm/ssh/jsch.jar') 
      ADDLNK NEWLNK('/QIBM/Qzrdhasm/ssh/jsch.jar') OBJ('/QIBM/Qzrdhasm/ssh/jsch-0.1.55.jar') 
    8. On one controlling partition, migrate the existing DDD to the new format:
    9. On each controlling partition issue the setup command:
    10. Update job scheduler entries to call CLEANLOGS instead of CLNICSMLOG.

    To update a source LPAR:
    1. End the toolkit subsystem:
    2. On each source LPAR, issue the restore command:
    3. On each source partition issue the setup command:
    4. After these steps have been performed, it is recommended that CHKFSFLASH be performed before the next planned flashcopy to test the configuration.

    While it is not necessary to make any changes beyond those listed above, the following are optional steps to use some of the new features in version 4.5:

    • If using multiple controllers and STRFSFLASH from the source LPAR, use WRKSTRPRSC on the source LPAR to define the controllers and call STRFSFLASH with parameter CTLR(*AUTO) so that STRFSFLASH can use either available controller.
    • On the controllers use SAVDDD with your backup strategy to capture the toolkit DDD.
    • If LPM is involved, update the CSEDTA to specify HMC Managed System *SEARCH instead of multiple CSEDTA's.
    • Use the Hyperswap support to avoid multiple CSEDTA's.
    • Use BRMS Custom timestamps if the BRMS Advanced Feature is installed and licensed.
    • Change the BRMS control groups use the Backup item exit program QZBRMSEXIT instead of ENDFSFLASH in the last *EXIT, so you can get notifications of abnormal control group end and backup progress in restricted state.
  • Updating 4.5 to a newer build date

    1. Ensure no STRFSFLASH or STRFLASH or SWCSE commands are in process on the LPAR being upgraded.
    2. End the toolkit subsystem:
    3. Issue the restore command:
    4. Issue the appropriate setup command:

    After these steps have been performed, it is recommended that CHKFSFLASH be performed before the next planned flashcopy to test the configuration.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z000000cxy9AAA","label":"High Availability-\u003EFull System Flash Copy"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
18 May 2023

