IBM Support

FLRT - Fix level determination

How to determine machine model, firmware and software code levels

FLRT assists administrators in formulating a maintenance plan for IBM Power Systems. It uses various codes and fix levels to provide recommendations on updates or incompatibilities on your system.

Use these instructions to determine the machine model of the system you want to update, as well as the level of firmware and software products installed on that system.

Machine Type-Model


Enter the following command to confirm the model number (MTM) of the system:


Example output:

 System Model: IBM,9117-570
 Machine Serial Number: 104CAEC
 Processor Type: PowerPC_POWER5
 Number Of Processors: 3
 Processor Clock Speed: 1502 MHz

Make a note of the System Model.


Enter the following command to confirm the model number of the system.

dsphdwrsc type(*prc)

Example output:

                      Display Processor Resources
                                                  System:   RCHASKMA
 Type options, press Enter.
   7=Display resource detail

 Opt  Resource   Type-model  Status           Text
  _   CEC01      9406-MMA    Operational      Main Card Enclosure
  _   PN01       28D4        Operational      System Control Panel
  _   MP01       53CF        Operational      System Processor Card
  _   MP02       53CF        Operational      System Processor Card
  _   MP03       53CF        Operational      System Processor Card
  _   MP04       53CF        Operational      System Processor Card
  _   MP05       53CF        Operational      System Processor Card
  _   MP06       53CF        Operational      System Processor Card
  _   MP07       53CF        Operational      System Processor Card
  _   MP08       53CF        Operational      System Processor Card
  _   PV01       52AD        Operational      Processor Capacity Card
  _   SP01       294E        Operational      Service Processor Card
  _   SP02       294E        Operational      Service Processor Card

AIX OS level

Use the oslevel command to display the highest recommended technology level installed on your system. For example:

# oslevel -s

Example output:


IBM i OS level

Use the dspptf command to display the operating system level on your system. For example:


Example output:

               Display PTF Status

Product ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   5722999
IPL source  . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   ##MACH#B
Release of base option  . . . . . . . :   V5R4M0 L00

System firmware


Enter the following command:

lsmcode -c

Example output:

The current permanent system firmware image is SF240_219
The current temporary system firmware image is SF240_219
The system is currently booted from the temporary firmware image.


Enter the following command:


Example output:

Version of System Firmware is SF240_332 (t) SF240_332 (p) SF240_332 (p)
Version of PFW is 16322007080381CF0681


Enter the following command:


Example output:

                 Display Firmware Status

 Service partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   No
 Firmware update policy  . . . . . . . . . . :   *HMC
 Server IPL source . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   Temporary
 Firmware product ID/release . . . . . . . . :   5733906  V1R2M0

              ---Server firmware----
              Fix           PTF
 Copy         pack          ID
 *ACTIVE      EM310_063     MH01066
 *TEMP        EM310_063     MH01066
 *PERM        EM310_057     MH01049

Hardware Management Console

HMC version and release information can be viewed locally at an HMC console by bringing up the Help menu and clicking "About Hardware Management Console". You can also view this information, either locally or from a remote WebSM client, by going to

Licensed Internal Code Maintenance -> HMC Code Update

and then reading the status section. From the command line, you can display the current code level by running the following command:

# lshmc -V

Example output:

  version= Version: 6
   Release: 1.0
  HMC Build level 20060801.1
  MH00781: Required fixes for V6R1.0 (08-03-2006)

Virtual I/O Server

The VIOS command line user interface provides the ioslevel command that displays the VIOS version information.

# ioslevel

Example output:

General Parallel File System


Enter the following command to determine the level of GPFS installed on your server:

# lslpp -L gpfs.base

Example output:

gpfs.base   C   F   GPFS File Manager 


Enter the following command to determine the level of GPFS installed on your server:

# rpm -qa | grep gpfs

PowerHA (formerly HACMP)


To determine the level installed on your server, enter the following command:

# lslpp -L

Cluster Systems Management

Enter the following command to display the version of CSM installed on your server. Note the version displayed does not necessarily indicate that CSM is configured or operational.

# csmconfig -V


Use the lslpp -L csm* to list all the filesets installed for CSM *, which might be at different levels (in a PTF configuration). For example, CSM might have csm.core and csm.server, but the overall level is considered


Use the rpm -qa | grep csm to list all the RPMs installed for CSM.

Tivoli Workload Scheduler LoadLeveler


Enter the following AIX command to determine the level of LoadLeveler installed on your server:

# lslpp -ha Load.full


Enter the following command to list the LoadLeveler RPMs installed on your system.

# rpm -qa | LoadL


Enter the following LoadLeveler command to determine the level of LoadLeveler installed on your server:

# llstatus -v

Example output:

  llstatus rsat0839a 2008/09/24 AIX 5.3 180

IBM Parallel Environment

Enter one of the following commands to display the version of Parallel Environment installed on your server.


lslpp -l | grep ppe.poe


poe -v

Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library (ESSL)

Enter one of the following commands to display the version of ESSL installed on your server.


lslpp -h "essl.rte.*"


rpm -qa | grep essl

Parallel Engineering and Scientific Subroutine Library (Parallel ESSL)

Enter one of the following commands to display the version of Parallel ESSL installed on your server.


lslpp -h "pessl.rte.*"


rpm -qa | grep pessl

Parallel Environment Developer Edition (PEDE)

Enter one of the following commands to display the version of PEDE installed on your server.


rpm -qa | grep ppedev

Linux (on Power and x86)

rpm -qa | grep ppedev

Parallel Environment Runtime Edition (PERTE)

Enter one of the following commands to display the version of PERTE installed on your server.


rpm -qa | grep ppe_

Linux (on Power and x86)

rpm -qa | grep ppe_

Disk systems

AIX, Linux, HP-UX, and Windows

IBM recommends using the Storage Manager client interface to update the firmware for IBM System Storage Disk Systems except for specific upgrades on some systems.

DS4000 series considerations

For DS4200, DS4700, and DS4800 systems only: You cannot use the Storage Manager client interface to upgrade these systems from firmware at level 6.x to level 7.x. Instead, you must use the provided DS4000 FW Upgrade Tool. Use the following guidelines to determine when to use the firmware upgrade utility or the Storage Manager client interface.

  • Use the upgrade utility for DS4200, DS4700, or DS4800 systems only.
  • Make sure your system firmware level is at least Release 6.14. If the firmware is a version older than 6.14, you must first upgrade to the latest 6.x code available on the support website. Then, use the upgrade utility to upgrade to level 7.x.
  • If your system is at Release 7.x, you can upgrade the system firmware from the Storage Manager client interface (the normal process).
[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB08","label":"Cognitive Systems"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HW1A1","label":"IBM Power Systems"},"ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

More support for:
IBM Power Systems

Software version:
All Versions

Document number:

Modified date:
11 March 2022



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