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Fix list for IBM WebSphere Application Server V7 Feature Pack for Service Component Architecture (SCA) 1.0.1

Release Notes


Fix list for IBM WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for Service Component Architect (SCA) 1.0.1 provides periodic fixes. The following is a complete listing of fixes for SCA Feature Pack with the most recent fix at the top:


Fix Pack
Fix Pack
Fix Pack
Fix Pack
Fix Pack
Fix Pack
Fix Pack
Fix Pack
Fix Pack
Fix Pack

Fix release date: 2 Nov 2015
Last modified: 2 Nov 2015
Status: Recommended

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PI19106Duplicated first element within a list for simple elements
PI19559Warning message that the is not found when applying a WebSphere V7 fix pack
PI20054List items from the copied tree are missing after mutating the original
PI24600NullPointerException with XML tracing enabled
PI24951Nilled elements within a list are not removed from the actual tree
PI28697Nillable attribute in schema is not considered when evaluating nilled elements
PI30687Data corruption in copied tree due to original tree not being built
PI38021ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with fast access array
PI46771Intermittent NullPointerException prevents SCA BLA startup
PI48042SCA implementation.jee application may not start
Fix release date: 13 Jan 2014
Last modified: 13 Jan 2014
Status: Superseded

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PI05133AbstractMethodError may prevent application from stopping with Feature Pack for SCA
PI05150CopyHelper.copy() method does not copy all elements
PM66723Default namespace conflicts need to be resolved
PM73159Old ServiceMessageObject artifacts come back after cloning
PM78281Attribute xsi:nil is ignored in certain SDO scenarios
PM83493Cycle added during copy of mutated and chain-copied list.
PM83824Enabling the "" setting may cause an SCA application to fail to start
PM84353EqualityHelper.equal failed if XML has different comments
PM84691Incorrect type order during WSDL Processing
PM87277Deadlock caused by unnecessary lock acquisition while retrieving XSD properties
PM97539NullPointerException caused by inconsistent state handling inside SDO lists
PM97999Incorrect type assigned to WSDL part
PI05297Error when installing fix packs with 64-bit Installation Manager
PM85954JSON serialization performance improvement for SCA HTTP binding wireformat=jsonrpc

Fix release date: 24 Sep 2012
Last modified: 21 Sep 2012
Status: Superseded

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PM43717 Starting SCA OSGi application throws SCAValidationException after applying service.
PM44738 TypeNotPresentException when accessing a service component architecture (SCA) application.
PM52848 Timeout occurs during object tree traversal.
PM53362 Missing null element due to property.getDefault() return incorrect result.
PM53777 Unset SDO data objects in change summaries lose type on cross-scope copy.
PM53828 Generated property does not respect nullable.
PM53844 With*=all trace enabled, CWSCA3034E will be received with lazy parsing.
PM54591 Evaluating absolute XPath expression against top-down constructed SDO may trigger ClassCastException.
PM55913 Incorrect timestamp in database event.
PM56160 ClassCastException in FastAccessCursor.materializedCurrentContext.
PM57712 SDO wrapper types not available via TypeHelper.getType methods.
PM57831 Updating or restarting SCA application causes CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST error on invoke.
PM59814 Properties may be missing from types derived from WSDL documents with no target namespace.
PM60082 Get method on a list of DataObjects does not return null for a nulled DataObject.
PM61854 SCA composite fails to start with NullPointerException.
PM62269 Loading WSDL documents results in excess schema resolution activity which may impact performance.
PM64900 Updateconfig log file overwritten by Installation Manager.
PM67404 Operation not implemented.
PM67560 SDORemoveWarningException when update SCA with interim fix.
PM67756 Performance regression during DataObject.set operation.
PM68562 Error when installing fix packs with 64-bit installation manager.

Fix release date: 16 Jan 2012
Last modified: 12 Jan 2012
Status: Superseded

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PM24443 In BO compatibility mode, WSDL RPC style needs to be converted to doc/literal style.
PM25391 Delivers various defect fixes in support of enabling lazy parsing mode for mediation flow components.
PM32491 Improper error handling in the SCA code during SCA composite stop when a runtime error occurs in app's stop() business logic.
PM36358 SCA classloaders retained in memory after BLA stop when using
PM37754 SCA memory footprint increases after repeatedly redeploying/restarting applications.
PM38073 SCAClassLoader leaks associated with implementation.jee.
PM39067 Ship apar fixes for IBM WebSphere Application Server v7.0 feature pack for SCA v1.0.1.11 (sdo) for WPS and WESB 7.5.
PM39273 NullPointerException and IllegalState encountered when stopping WebSphere Application Server with SCA BLAs installed.
PM39356 Exception adding servlet mapping: Mapping clash ServletWrapper reported in systemout.log when no severe error has occured.
PM40719 Composites containing impl.osgiapp fail to redeploy after being deleted.
PM40774 Loss of copied data after original data is mutated.
PM41434 Object model cycle added during list processing.
PM42286 SCAClassLoader leaks associated with binding.EJB.
PM45525 CWLLG0594E due to a NullPointerException when running an AIS with a 1-way BPEL microflow.
PM45805 Feature Pack for SCA is incompatible with WebSphere Process Server v7.0.
PM45808 SDO change summary for a detached DataObject is incorrectly cached.
PM45922 ConcurrentModificationException when iterating over the list of DataObjects for a many-valued property.
PM47950 Provide XOP-aware serialization of service data object to support MTOM/XOP in stack product's JAX-WS binding.
PM48313 Data corruption when mutating object tree.
PM48768 JSON-RPC over SCA HTTP binding does not return a JSON object after an exception.
PM48793 ID processing change required for top-down constructed SDO data objects.
PM51337 Data corruption when using cloned service message object trees.
PM51398 Argument type mismatch using lazy mode in BPM 7.5.
PM51596 ClassCastException may occur after removing items from a list.
PM51614 SDO DataObject may return stale ChangeSummary if xsi:type attribute required during move.
PM52535 Improve the wording of "partial success" message in Installation Manager.

Fix release date: 16 May 2011
Last modified: 13 May 2011
Status: Superseded

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PM15506 SDO classes incorrectly exposed to OSGii feature pack runtime when the SDO feature is not installed for Feature Pack for SCA.
PM21235 SCA (default) binding name entered as service name in SCA service registry.
PM21237 Update asset fails when policy set is attached to asset.
PM21725 ClassCastException thrown when setting null value on the wrapper dataobject's value property.
PM23144 Inappropriate exceptions are being sent to FFDC.
PM23959 Using the administrative console to apply and save can corrupt entries with empty uri fields.
PM24444 In BO compatibility mode, on-the-fly property needs to be a single-valued property.
PM24459 Error on ZPMT "Target node administrative security" panel.
PM24943 Applications with a wsPolicySet attribute are unable to start.
PM25359 Invalid xsd:time value results in transformation error.
PM25361 Timezone information different between memory and serialized xml.
PM25608 Unable to start the SCA application.
PM25929 SCA Composition Units containing large assets are slow to start, resulting in long SCA business-level application start times.
PM26852 Using complex SCA properties with JAXB databinding in a multithreaded environment results in NullPointerException.
PM26921 Multibyte characters get corrupted in SDO when sent to another SCA component.
PM27391 Installation Manager only - Unable to import version spanning interim fixes for version and up into installation manager.
PM27393 Installation Manager only: Adopt ibm installation manager 1.4.2.
PM28595 SCA memory footprint increases after redeploying applications.
PM29112 Failed to do "Update all" operation on multiple installed Feature Packs using installation mananger.
PM29193 UpdateAsset fails for SCA applications using implementation.jee.
PM29610 During SCA profile augment failure in addNodeMetatdata processing not reported in Profile Management Tool.
PM30598 Schema generation is incorrect for byte[] data type.
PM31717 When use IM to uninstall a cumulative interim fix (supersedes another ifix), the dependency checker bundle blocks it.
PM31769 Precision of xs:decimal field is not maintained when passed between SCA service components.
PM32491 Improper error handling in the SCA code during SCA composite stop when a runtime error occurs in application's stop() business logic.
PM33070 Files in an asset's meta-inf directory are not being picked up during update asset.
PM33638 SCA classloaders retained in memory after BLA stop.
PM34240 Cannot load Application Server classes/resources with implementation.osgiapp using using SOAP over JMS binding.
PM34287 FileNotFoundException during BLA asset expansion.
PM35766 Repeated restarts of the server hang during SCA startup.
PM36073 Problems with schema generation and loading of types from WSDL documents.
PM36077 Special handling of Date objects for BO mode in SDO/X should apply to subclasses of date.
PM36080 Changes to SDO/X SPI extension points required for BO/X.
PM36084 Problems with change summary in BO mode.
PM36263Several performance issues in the SDO/X component impede throughput.
PM41308 Functional enhancements have been added to the xpath/query/xslt execution engine.

Fix release date: 10 Dec 2010
Last modified: 8 Dec 2010
Status: Superseded

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PM19050 java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: MyMethodName occurs when invoking an SCA component over an EJB binding.
PM19531 NullPointerException hit when adding an implementation.osgiapp SCA CU to a BLA which contains a JEE CU.
PM19533 Add support for Romanian translation.
PM19703 JMS binding custom wire format handled incorrectly / JMS binding tag missing after editing composition unit.
PM20069 Product boundary SPI enablement.
PM20483 CurrentCompositeContext.getContext() returns null on a server without any SCA applications deployed.
PM20954 Remote getService appends unqualified interface name to component name.
PM21187 Property value for nilled element is only null if marked nillable in XSD.
PM24535 If both the OSGi and SCA Feature Packs are installed it is not possible to target an OSGi application to a web server.

Fix release date: 1 Sep 2010
Last modified: 1 Sep 2010
Status: Superseded

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PM12501 Performance issue when using ID type elements with SDOs.
PM12704 Create SDO management profile template.
PM12705 Namespace conflict occurs when setting the property value with a data object.
PM13773 ChangeSummaryElement_copy.clear() clears the original CS Eelement.
PM14515 Globalize exception messages for SDO/x.
PM14640 Problem with Java serialization of SDO static DataObject.
PM15136 IllegalArgumentException when SDO is passed over JMS binding to an Aries application.
PM15260 Enable passing DOMErrorHandler for deserialization.
PM15274 Expose new SDO 2.1.1 APIs for bo override to throw UOE.
PM15505 Memory leak when repeatedly stopping and starting SCA applications.
PM15953 SCA Feature Pack addNode validation is too strict.
PM15974 Slow performance when deploying SCA components during a debug session in Rational Application Developer.
PM16049 Slower performance of SCA native binding as compared to web service binding.
PM16073 ChangeSummarySPI.getPosition returned incorrect value.
PM16128 IndexOutOfBoundsException on remove call.
PM16243 Java.util.ConcurrentModificationException occurs using SDOs in the SCA feature pack. Problem only happens on Solaris.
PM16250 SPI layer can not work with resource injection in JAX-WS SOAP/JMS scenario.
PM16755 Admin agent augmentation needs to be enabled.
PM16895 OSGi Feature Pack failed when attempted to expose OSGi services as SCA components.
PM16952 Expose the SDO classes provided by the SCA feature pack to the OSGi application environment.
PM17016 SDOE should throw UnsupportedOperationException for those new SDO methods introduced in 2.1.1 spec.
PM17021 Support BO backward compatibility to allow BO to convert the instance value to comply to the BOE behavior.
PM17276 Use SCA Feature Pack client to talk to an SCA component and get IlllegalAnnotationsException.
PM17383 Getting anyURI value from anyType property failed.
PM17425 Copy of dobj with list item moved does not equal to original.
PM17559 In BO mode, set then get a duplicate property will return null.
PM17933 ChangeSummary.getOldValue returns wrong result if isNOOPChnage returns true.
PM18155 Package with uri 'commonj.sdo/java' not found.
PM18369 A stacked install of z/OS SCA Feature Pack on appserver fails due to insufficient space.
PM18371 base64Binary set in anySimpleType does not serialize correctly.
PM18740 Setting an anyType property with a simple value should throw a ClassCastException in BO mode.
PM18847 IndexOutOfBoundsException with BO/X and setting list.
PM18925 DO.getDataObject(simpleTypeProperty) not returning a wrapper DataObject.
PM19038 Adding value to a sequenced and copied DataObject throws NullPointerException.
PM19330 NullPointerException in CursorUtils.checkAndSetXsiType() for BO setString().
PM19415 Performance problem with addAll and clear methods for ArrayCDataListAdapter.
PM19992 Concurrentmodificationexception after using iterator.remove() method on SDO/X lists.
PM20028 Clear on a copy of CSElem also clears original.
PM20389 Incorrect exception raised for many-valued properties of a list type.

Fix release date: 28 May 2010
Last modified: 28 May 2010
Status: Superseded

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PM12578 Provide SCA support for Aries applications.
PM14215 A memory leak may occur when there is high usage of getservice interface.

Fix release date: 28 April 2010
Last modified: 28 April 2010
Status: Superseded

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PM01229 Local component invocation performance fixes.
PM01262 Sdo dmgr profile tempmlate cannot augment a cell profile.
PM02156 Fix memory leak in scaproxy.
PM02828 Concurrentmodificationexception being caused by copy_on_write option in xci layer.
PM03380 Problem with more than 1 bla in a single jar with shared sdo types.
PM03819 Performance delay during cu start with a large asset.
PM04384 Dataobject.getdataobject throws illegalargumentexception on path.
PM04407 Java.lang.runtimeexception: cannot set null value on attribute.
PM04408 Interfacedefbuilder memory leak on bla start.
PM04564 Substitution properties are not treated as list type in bo mode.
PM04686 Expose xci spi option to disable schema-full-checking.
PM05371 loses xml ns declarations.
PM05756 Improvement of bo-x businessobjectimpl.get.
PM05760 Policyvalidationexception when starting 2 sca applications at the same time.
PM05761 Thread hangs in hashmap.rehash when starting more than one sca application.
PM05982 Normalize xstype null namespace.
PM05983 Xml document encoding lost on serialization.
PM06281 Xci: changing list element value changes cardinality of list.
PM06364 Java.lang.classcastexception: incompatible with [ljava.lang.object when using sca feature pack.
PM06960 Threading problem in the weak reference usage.
PM06990 Data lost or process stop using anonymouscomplex bo.
PM07152 Adding a data object to a many-valued property does not take effect.
PM07418 Invoking a web service of a j2ee web project failed.
PM07421 Typehelper.getopencontentproperty returns null when multiple threads are running concurrently.
PM07863 Fix the usage of large and oversized constants in xmlhelperimpl.
PM07895 With a list containing more than one null values, changing one value to non-null will change the rest to empty strings.
PM08251 Calling setstring with null value would cause get to throw Nullpointerexception.
PM08394 Global property does not show up as an instance property.
PM08395 Enable sdo for bo s override to support emf cs delete.
PM08498 Datafactory.create(type) throws Nullpointerexception.
PM08507 An invalid xml character failed mfc.
PM09134 Change summary property does not work with reference sharing scope manager.
PM09213 First letter of target service uri is missing.
PM09358 Assertionerror thrown calling set method for properties with list types like xs:nmtokens and xs:idrefs.
PM09523 Reduce calls to detach from sdo.
PM09671 Enable sca export registration to be grouped by module.
PM09687 Reduce impact of calls to datahelperimpl.convertitem.
PM09902 Can t set pojo in anytype property.
PM10493 Nullpointerexception in bointernalutil.issimpletype.
PM10528 Add componentname to service registiry.
PM10542 Httpcontrol is null.
PM11128 Sca1013:ss:fvt7002: service.invoke(operation, object) fails.
PM11243 Classcastexception when setting value property of wrapper.
PM11332 Bomapper error.
PM11345 Dynamicerrorexception occurs when invoking the sdo.isset method.
PM11556 Sdo 2.2 formatted namespace is serialized.
PM11616 Deadlock issue running service proxy pattern in xci mode.
PM11718 Perf: xci models leaking across app install/uninstall.

Fix release date: 23 Nov 2009
Last modified: 19 Dec 2009
Status: Superseded

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PM00971 Ship a cumulative ifix of sca feature for sca feature pack refresh pack v1.0.1.0.
PM01303 Misleading messages issued against classic sca modules in ear packages.
PM01366 Eventsummary cannot tolerate 2 eventsummary entries in xsd.
PM01385 Bocrossscopecopy sdox-->sdoe fails with qname.
PM01402 Add serviceability code to the source.
PM01405 Unable to map security role because of java 2 security error.
PM01407 Workarea not available when processing a message received through a WebSphere process server jms export.
PM01448 Running into a illegalargumentexception as the sdo is calling getstring("uri") on an dataobject instance instead of a type.
PM01451 Helpercontextimpl.copyreferences() should return null for the anonymous type.
PM01496 Sdoutil.option_fast_serialization only working for load not save.
PM01505 Changesummary isactive not always disabled.
PM01528 Xsd:anyattribute not handled properly.
PM01679 Classcastexception does not show detailed type information.
PM01687 If scope manager cannot find the import/include xsds, do not ask xci to load them.
PM01696 Need an option allowing users not to serialize the default attribute value.
PM01705 Dataobject.getproperty(string propertyname) where propertyname contains white spaces.
PM01708 The bpel assignment drops the milliseconds of datetime value.
PM01711 Default value is always returned for the xs:union property with enum member type.
PM01874 Excessive time in savescaconfig.execute.
PM01964 Shallow equality function not tolerant enough of white space in non-mixed types.
PM01965 Null pointer exception (npe) in abstractlistadapter.tostring(object).
PM01968 Add spis to xciutil.
PM01970 Inadequate profile requested on some cursor forks.
PM01972 Add xsi:type to the element of xsd:anysimpletype.
PM01973 Sustitutiongroup handling is not correct in box.
PM01976 Xml in the wrong order.
PM02347 Spi stop applications should key off of the module name instead.
PM02350 An extraneous sibling data object was serialized.
PM02351 Illegalargumentexception was thrown on gmonthday property.
PM02352 Nullpointerexception in bo map of ota schema.
PM02360 Gyear, gyearmonth in local time instead of utc as for emf.
PM02632 To provide backward compatibility for property.ismany().
PM02763 Classnotfoundexception calling xciutil.setxsitype().
PM02765 EJB threw an unexpected (non-declared) Nullpointerexception.
PM02828 Concurrentmodificationexception being caused by copy_on_write option in xci layer.
PM02832 4.5x business object perormance regression.
PM02843 Exception thrown when set value to uniontype.
PM02855 Provide better logging for pathmanager.
PM02969 Support dataobject.get() on the on-the-fly attribute property with @.
PM02976 Improve tolerance of whitespaces in sdo path elements.
PM02977 Nullpointerexception from domcachednode.addcachedelement.
PM03056 Sdo/x copy must set new cursor.copy_preserve_xs_decls option.
PM03159 Can not set bo element for validate in xci mode (problem in sdopath tag/tag.tag/tag).
PM03264 Boxml exceptions throw under heavy load.
PM03265 Provide clearer error messages for sdo.
PM03273 Turning off copy_on_write causes performance regression.
PM03289 Substitution group behavior is different between emf and xci.
PM03352 Xci unsupportedoperationexception was thrown during cross scope copy.
PM03474 Cannot set null value on union attribute.
PM03499 Classcastexception: property type is not a list.
PM03671 Concurrentmodificationexception at httpexporthandler.
PM03675 Xci: java.lang.arraystoreexception.
PM03695 Boxmlserializer.writedataobject() returns different content.
PM03777 Incorrect xsi type information was serialized for the datatypewrapper object.
PM03807 In bo mode, handle multiple on-the-fly open properties sharing the same property name.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSF2FJ","label":"WebSphere Application Server V7 Feature Pack for Service Component Architecture"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;;;;;;;;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":" ","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

