IBM Support

Fix list for IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.8

Release Notes


The following table contains the complete listing of fixes for Version 3.0.8


APARs fixed in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.8

APAR Description
IO23858  (IBM Content Navigator users) Corrupted text is displayed when user previews a PDF. With this fix, the issue does not occur.
IO26822  (IBM Content Manager users) The heap memory consumption grows continuously requiring the server to be restarted. With this fix, the memory consumption is stabilized.
(IBM Content Manager users) The Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer displays the old content of a document after updating it with new content, say by Merge and Split action, when the document's item type has 'Never Create' version policy. With this fix, along with the Daeja parameters below, the viewer always displays the updated content. Add the parameter, 'modifiedTileCheckTime' with value '0s', to the Additional settings section of the Daeja ViewONE Server tab and ensure that this parameter is not present in the Daeja ViewONE Virtual tab. The application server needs to be restarted after adding the parameter.
IO27018  (IBM Content Navigator users) When downloading Microsoft Word documents as PDF, the numbering of paragraphs in downloaded PDF is different than the original numbering.
With this fix, the numbering of the paragraphs is same as the original numbering.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When exporting properties having Chinese or Japanese characters in the value, garbled characters are seen to be exported.. With this fix, the properties' values are exported correctly
(IBM Content Navigator users) When opening a document with the HTML Conversion viewer, the document is seen to be aligned to the left side of the viewer instead of in the center. With this fix, the document is aligned to the center.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When previewing some PDF documents, part of content is missing. With this fix, all of the content will be displayed.
(IBM Content Manager users) When bulk editing properties in All Versions search results, it is possible to edit the properties of prior versions. With this fix, bulk editing properties of prior versions is not allowed.
(IBM Content Navigator Task Manager users) When multiple tasks are scheduled to run at the same time, the tasks are failing to start and the 'CipherException' error caused by 'OverlappingFileLockException' is logged in the Task Manager log file. With this fix, tasks are started successfully.
(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) After upgrading to 3.0.6, when opening document in the OnDemand search results list, if the folder name has special words, the document is not able to be opened. With this fix, the document can open successfully.
(IBM Content Manager users) The print functionality is available in the IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer for users without the print privilege. With this fix, the print functionality is not available for users without the print privilege.
(IBM Content Navigator users) If two custom viewer plugins are registered and only only one of them is enabled on a desktop that has a viewer map with the corresponding custom viewer from the enabled plugin, an attempt to launch the viewer fails with the error, 'Viewer classes have not been loaded' n the browser console, referencing the plugin that is not enabled on the desktop. With this fix, no error occurs and the document can be opened successfully.
(IBM Content Manager Users) When annotations are saved with MOD:CA format, freehand annotation may sometimes fail to be saved with a 'java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException' error in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer. With this fix, freehand annotations are saved correctly.
(IBM Content Navigator users) An error is displayed when documents with multiple content elements are opened using the Daeja ViewOne Professional viewer. With this fix, documents with multiple content elements can be opened using the Daeja ViewONE Professional viewer.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Extra getWorkItems requests are made when a work item's properties are edited. With this fix, users will no longer see the extra getWorkItems requests.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When using Classic theme, the focus outline or search criteria text are not displayed correctly. The text in the Search Criteria bar at the top of the search results screen is squeezed together. With this fix, this issue is fixed.
(IBM Content Manager users) When the Notelogs pane is opened in the viewer, the 'Create a New Notelog Version' checkbox is shown and editable even when the version policy of the notelog part is set to be either always or never create a new version. With this fix, the checkbox is hidden when the version policy of the notelog part is set to be either always or never create a new version.
(IBM Content Manager users) Content Manager users cannot access task manager if they are not IBM Content Navigator administrators. With this fix, Content Manager users will be able to access task manager.
(IBM Content Navigator users) A CIWEB1042 error with text, 'The document cannot be added to the repository error' occurs sometimes, when uploading MP4 documents. With this fix, this issue does not occur and users can successfully upload MP4 files.
(IBM Content Manager users) Adding a text annotation to a document in the viewer, then editing a property value in the properties pane causes both the viewer and properties panes to become disabled. With this fix, the properties pane is disabled when the user begins adding a text annotation and becomes enabled when the user saves the annotation change.
(IBM Content Navigator users) PDF files may render with a pink background with Preview action and in thumbnails in the Document Info Pane. With this fix, PDF files will display correctly.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) User will be unable to view contents of an in-basket if there is no default sort column defined on the in-basket and the first column defined on the in-basket has null values. With this fix, the issue is resolved.
(IBM Content Navigator users) The IBM Plex fonts aren't loaded after upgrading from IBM Content Navigator version 3.0.6 IF002 or above to version 3.0.7. With this fix, the fonts are loaded.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When updating documents in Edit Service client, an error DGL3688A (ICM7215) is seen in the application server log. With this fix, these errors are not seen in the log.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Button label text is left-aligned (left-to-right) instead of right-aligned (right-to-left) for Hebrew,Arabic and other right-to-left languages. With this fix, this issue is resolved.
(IBM Content Manager users) When filtering a worklist by a subset, using the class filter on the top right of the content area, many other attributes defined in the repository are displayed, instead of just the subset's attributes. With this fix, only the attributes defined for the selected subset are displayed.
(IBM Content Navigator users) The Download and Checkout action labels are translated to the same word in the Polish language. With this fix, these actions are translated correctly.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When loading a plug-in that depends on another plug-in in the browser, an error occurs intermittently. With this fix, the plug-in is always loaded successfully.
(IBM Content Navigator users) If in the Browse feature or view, the contents are sorted by a column (property) and a new document is then added, the view is refreshed and contents loose their sort order. With this fix, the sort order is retained even after adding a document to the Browse view.
IO27633  (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) In IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, Search templates with properties with choice lists populated with EDS are not displaying the choice lists when the search template is searching multiple classes. With this fix, the choice lists will display for multi-class searches on EDS properties.
(IBM Content Navigator users) IBM Content Navigator users will see Property Table become very slow on Internet Explorer when the property table contains more than 50 rows. With this fix, the issue is resolved
(IBM Content Navigator Users) In IBM Content Navigator, eml and msg files cannot be printed using the IBM Daeja ViewONE Print service. Those file types can be printed from the viewer. With this fix, these files can be printed using IBM Daeja ViewONE print service via the context menu print action.
(IBM Content Navigator users) The Edit Service client crashes when attempting to open a document with a title greater than 160 characters. With this fix, the issue is resolved.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Share cannot be enabled on a repository when the IBM Content Navigator's JVM locale is "iw" (Hebrew). With this fix, Share can be enabled on a repository regardless of the locale.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Additional permissions are displayed for certain users in the Teamspace user interface. With this fix, users will see the correct Teamspace permissions.
(IBM Content Navigator Users) Users receive an error in IBM Content Navigator when opening the Security tab of the properties dialog for documents that have role-based security, and a role has a nested role assigned to it. With this fix, users can open the Security tab for documents with nested role-based security.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When viewing a document through a custom viewer page, continuous getAction requests are seen in the network tab of the browser console as well as in the application server log.. With this fix, these multiple getAction requests do not occur.
IO27664 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) In Navigator for Microsoft Office, the error "The given key was not present in the dictionary."  is displayed sometimes when opening the properties pane of a document from the search results list. With this fix, the properties pane is displayed without error from the search results list.
(IBM Content Manager users) Image disappears in AJAX viewer when image properties are edited. With this fix, the image will no longer disappear.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Error CIWEB1058 occurs when selecting a "Content Reference" type document. With this fix, users will not see the error message.
(IBM Content Manager users) The message 'No results found' is displayed intermittently when performing a search, even though browser's bottom status bar shows that results were returned. Refreshing the content area may cause the search results to be displayed. With this fix, this symptom does not occur and results are displayed when the search is executed the first time.
(IBM Content Navigator Users) When opening documents in the Daeja Virtual Viewer, the JavaScript heap utilization in the browser tends to steadily grow and performance degrades. With this fix, the JavaScript heap consumption usage is reduced and performance is improved.
(IBM Content Manager users) When the version policy of item type is set to "Prompt to create", the document version is updated incorrectly after editing the document in Edit Service. With this fix, this issue is resolved.
(IBM Content Navigaor users) Property values are wiped out when multiple files are selected during adding using an entry template. With this fix, this issue is resolved.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When selecting Roles for a teamspace template, users with different language settings can add same default role multiple times. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
(IBM Content Manager users) Documents are allowed to be opened or saved through the web browser prompt despite lacking the clientExport privilege. This occurs when a viewer map includes a mapping for all the file types to be opened by the web browser and the user attempts to open an unsupported file type. With this fix, an unsupported file type cannot be opened or saved through the web browser prompt if the user does not have the clientExport privilege.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Users can see Delete and Restore actions when the user only has read-only permission on the recycle bin. With this fix, these buttons are not displayed if the user does not have the appropriate permission.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When two or more users use both IBM Case Builder and IBM Content Navigator, the Case Builder user may not be able to save changes to the solution objects as they are locked by another user. With this fix, Case Builder users will be able to save changes to their solutions objects.
(IBM Content Navigator users) The highlight strings in search results with content summaries are displayed with extra characters around the search keywords. With this fix, the extra characters are removed.
(IBM Content Manager users) Exception 'java.lang.Exception: process.error.exception.retrieveworklist' occurs when opening a worklist. With this fix, the worklist opens successfully.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Download All parts As PDF action fails to delete temporary files. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Password visible as plain text upon inspecting password field element on the login page. With this fix, the password will not be visible upon inspecting the password field.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Users unable to see text in new line when "Wrap" option is used on property table. With this fix, the issue is resolved.
(IBM Content Manager users) The save operation never completes when adding a document from Merge and Split if the Content Manager item type settings specifies a date field as its first attribute. With this fix, the save operation will complete normally and the document will be added.
(IBM Content Navigator users) A Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability exists where the application allows JavaScript to be injected into the web page when naming a Saved Search. With this fix, this vulnerability does not exist.
(IBM Content Navigator users) The 'Remove from folder' action's dialog does not show the list of folders when the Classic theme is enabled. With this fix, the folder list will show when the Classic theme is enabled.
(IBM Content Manager users) Read-only users get an error message every time when viewing a document if AutoCheckedoutWithView set to true. With this fix, read-only users can open documents successfully.
(IBM FileNet Image Services users) Attempt to login to an IBM FileNet Image Services repository configured with a CMIS Repository ID with the format of (CMIS Repository ID):(Domain) fails with an error stating the repository could not be found. With this fix, the authentication succeeds.
(IBM Content Manager users) The user security mapping is wrong when creating a folder entry template. With this fix, the user security mapping will be displayed correctly.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Previewing a minor version of a document in IBM Content Navigator throws an E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND error. When the document is promoted to a major version, the error goes away. With this fix the minor version will open correctly.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Edit Service client installed on Mac OS fails to connect to the server. With this fix, the documents can be opened without any errors.
(IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) OnDemand HTML viewer fails to launch from a desktop URL that has a load balancer hostname. With this fix, the viewer launches successfully.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When printing using the IBM Daeja ViewONE print service (HTML-based), an error occurs if a custom LTPA token name is used. With this fix, the print service works even if a custom LTPA token name is used.
IO27802  (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users)    In IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, when the Office application window is moved to the secondary display in a multiple display system, drop down windows such as calendar controls, multiple value editors, etc. will show up in the main display, separated from the office application window. With this fix, the drop down windows will show up in the same display that the office application is in.
(IBM Content Navigator users) when using entry template with multiple value field, tabbing off multiple value field does not work. With this fix, when using entry template with multiple value field, tabbing off multiple value field works.
(IBM Content Navigator users) The number of file types that can be specified for the webBrowserViewerOpenInlineFileTypes parameter in Additional Properties of the Settings section of the administration desktop is limited. With this fix, this limit has been suitably modified to allow specifying of more file types for this parameter.
(IBM Content Manager users) CM8 users are not saved to search roles in the ICN admin repository configuration. With this fix, users should see an error message if they do not have sufficient privileges to save the changes.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Users are unable to switch features when running IBM Content Navigator with the sideChrome=1 parameter. With this fix, users can switch features.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When the deployment script changes the WebSphere JPA level from the default JPA 2.1 back to JPA 2.0 , it causes unexpected behavior for other applications. Wit this fix, this issue does not occur.
(IBM Content Navigator users) When closing a page, an error: "An error occurred when the system attempted to close a page when you switched to a new solution or role." occurs. This error only occurs when using a device with touchscreen enabled, even though you're not using the touchscreen functionalities. With this fix, users should no longer see the error when closing the page.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Export action fails to display the export dialog when attempted more than once, on touchscreen-enabled machines. With this fix, the Export action works even if attempted multiple times.
(IBM Content Navigator users) After the viewer window is closed and re-opened, the position of the new viewer window is changed. With this fix, the issue does not occur.
(IBM Content Manager users) Child properties are not displayed properly in Inline Viewer. The problem is due to a CSS issue with the "child" properties pane. The height of the pane is miscalculated so it does not show the property values. It is specific to the Inline Viewer because it uses a specific CSS to (re)style the overall viewer. With this fix, the properties are displayed correctly.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) In the Security tab of Properties dialog of a folder, if an Owner category user ID is selected and Edit button is clicked, a Custom Access window or dialog is displayed that contains a drop down with values, Owner, Author, Reader, No Access and Customize. After selecting the value Customize, saving the changes and closing the dialog, if the same user ID is selected and Edit button is clicked to bring up the Custom Access window again, then selecting a new value Owner (or another value) from the drop down, causes the Custom Access window to be closed abruptly without allowing the user to save the change. With this fix, this issue does not occur and the user is allowed to save the changes on subsequent modification attempts ts as well.
(IBM Content Navigator users) Comments are not visible from the Magazine View if "Selected Item Color" under Application Wide Elements of Theme is changed. With this fix, users should see the comments from the Magazine view when using a colour theme.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager users) If Document Title is made a required field in an entry template and if multiple files are selected for upload when using it, Document Title is displayed as a required filed but is disabled and the user is unable to complete the add action. The text 'The file name will be used' is displayed in the grayed out field. If a single file is selected for upload, then Document Title is displayed as a required field with the file name as the value, but is enabled for editing. With this fix, this issue does not occur and the user is able to complete the add action even when selecting multiple files.
IO27834  (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) In IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, when opening folders by double clicking on them in the bottom list, a folder named "Loading..." is showing in the folder tree and it is not removed. With this fix, the folder with the "Loading..." message is removed or not displayed when double clicking on folder to open them.
IO27842  (IBM Content Navigator users), When using Edit Service, enabling SSL certificate validation is not working on Apple Mac clients. With this fix, enabling function will work.
(IBM FileNet Content Manager) An ORA-01400 error can occur when adding documents on IBM FileNet Content Manager using an Oracle database if the document has a list-valued property set to an empty list. With this fix, the empty list value will be set to null so that the error does not occur and documents can be added successfully.
(IBM FileNet Image Services users) When viewing documents stored in a FileNet Image Services CMIS repository using the Image Services plugin, an error occurs after displaying the first page. With this fix, all pages are displayed without an error.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSEUEX","label":"IBM Content Navigator"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000ChuAAAS","label":"Content Navigator"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"3.0.8","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB18","label":"Miscellaneous LOB"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
04 August 2020

