IBM Support

Fix list for IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.10

Release Notes


The following table contains the complete listing of fixes for Version 3.0.10.


APARs fixed in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.10

APAR Description
IO25890 (IBM Content Navigator users) When previewing Microsoft Word documents, diagrams and tables are not aligned correctly. With this fix, diagrams and tables are aligned correctly.
IO26045 (IBM content navigator users) Some Microsoft Excel documents are not converted to PDF properly. After the conversion, black blocks are displayed in PDF files. With this fix, the documents are converted correctly.
IO27326 (IBM Content Navigator users) Preview action on a PDF file displays only a portion of the file contents.. With this fix, all of the file contents are displayed.
IO27849 (IBM Content Manager users) Some AFP files are not rendered in the AJAX or HTML Conversion viewers. With this fix, AFP files are displayed correctly.
IO28113 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users can see that the regular expression for a field is not updated along with pattern setting from EDS if using the Entry Template layout. With this fix, this issue is resolved.
IO28123 (IBM Content Navigator users) This fix caused a regression in the previous interim fix which prevented switching the IBM Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer from Redaction mode to Annotation mode once a document is redacted to a new version. This regression is fixed in this interim fix.
IO28128 (IBM Content Navigator users) Unauthorized SSO users might experience a situation in which they get a misleading error message when attempting to access a saved search on a restricted repository. With this fix, the error message states that the user is not authorized to access the repository.
IO28131 (IBM Content Navigator users) Some documents viewed or previewed using HTML Conversion viewer display with contents reversed as in a mirror. This does not happen when the Daeja viewer is used. With this fix, the contents are displayed correctly.
IO28138 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) Users may get OOM errors and Java core dumps generated when attempting to convert large line data documents to UTF-8. With this fix, performance is improved and this symptom does not occur.
IO28143 (IBM Content Navigator users) When external users attempt to open or view documents shared (using the Share feature) from a desktop having the Classic them, the window that opens is very small and not resizeable. With this fix the documents open up in a normal sized window as expected.
IO28149 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) In IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, after running a search, and opening the details/security tab on one of the search results items, you cannot run another search.  Clicking on the search button does not do anything and the search is not executed. With this fix, you can run another search after opening the security tab of a search result item from a previous search.
IO28170 (IBM FileNet Content Manager users) After opening a document using the step processor, if the document is modified in Merge & Split mode, then the Checkin and Cancel buttons are displayed. With this fix, these buttons are enabled.
IO28171 (IBM Content Manager users) Attribute value not displayed in viewer properties when using EDS choice List with CHARACTER attribute. With this fix, users will see the attribute value selected in the combo box.
IO28172 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) An error occurs when updating the properties of a document if the folder criteria definitions include language mappings. With this fix, the properties are updated successfully.
IO28173 (IBM Content Navigator users) When modifying properties of multiple documents, hang may occur if one or more read-only properties are in the document class.
IO28177 (IBM Content Navigator users) From the work item window, the Complete button is translated incorrectly in Hebrew. With this fix, the issue is resolved.
IO28178 (IBM Content Navigator users) The user's display name is not shown in the desktop's global banner, even when IBM Content Navigator is configured to display it. Instead the user ID is displayed. With this fix, this issue is resolved.
IO28195 (IBM FileNet Content Manager users) An error 'To open a teamspace, you must be a member of that teamspace' occurs when running a saved search stored inside a teamspace, where the saved search is stored in a repository different than the authenticating repository of the desktop, but executes against the authenticating repository. The search however runs successfully. With this fix, this error does not occur.
IO28198 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) OnDemand HTML viewer and Line2PDF viewer fail to launch if using reverse proxy that maps requests to localhost. With this fix, the viewers launch successfully.
IO28202 (IBM Content Navigator users) IBM Content Navigator Installer throws an error stating it is unable to locate the 32 bit IA registry file
IO28203 (IBM Content Navigator users) When making a change to a document property in Doc Info pane and clicking on 'Next' without saving the changes, a confirmation dialog appears to confirm the changes made. When the changes are confirmed and the dialog is closed, the Doc Info pane shows the updated value for the property, but it is not reflected in the content list of Browse or Search View. With this fix, this issue does not occur and the updated property value displays in the content list.
IO28210 (IBM Content Navigator users) After IBM Case Manager plugins are deployed, all plugins' configurations are set to blank. With the fix, the existing plugins' configurations will be kept.
IO28211 (IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Attempt to add a document to a folder containing a large number of documents or to display folder properties hangs. With this fix, the Add Document action succeeds and the Properties can be displayed successfully.
IO28223 (IBM Content Navigator users) Custom applications using the Itempropertiesdisplaypane.js run into an Uncaught TypeError when setting an item as a workitem. With this fix, this error does not occur.
IO28226 (IBM FileNet Content Manager users) A user who has no permissions on Document class will see that class selected by default on an attempt to add a document. If the add action is cancelled and done again, then the first class that the user has access to add a document to, is selected. With this fix, the class on which the user has add access is selected instead of the Document class.
IO28227 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users may experience a situation in which they are unable to see the context menu when right-clicking on a content item, if the Document Title has a NULL value. With this fix, items with NULL value for Document Title will still show the Context Menu.
IO28228 (IBM Content Manager users) If 'Worklist workpackage count' setting is enabled in the Configuration Parameters tab of an IBM Content Manager (CM8) repository definition and the CM8 repository is set as the Default repository for the Work feature, in the Layout tab of a desktop, when the Work feature is then opened from the desktop, the Refresh link in the left pane that displays above the worklists (below the repository selector dropdown) is missing. With this fix, the Refresh link will be displayed.
IO28230 (IBM FileNet Content Manager users) Workflow Group properties are always set as required in the IBM Content Navigator Step Processor. With this fix, a new "p8WorkAllowEmptyWorkflowGroups" system setting will be available that, when set to True, will override the default behavior where user-defined Workflow Group properties are required.
IO28234 (IBM Datacap users) When opening a document in a new window, with IBM Datacap plugin, the viewer window is blank if using a custom context root. With this fix, the document displays correctly.
IO28237 (IBM Content Manager users) When editing the value of an extended alphanumeric property, the Euro and other symbols are not accepted. With this fix, the set of symbols that are accepted can be configured using the new cmExtendedAlphanumericSymbols setting under the Additional Settings section in Admin Settings.
IO28238 (IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When using ImagIO engine to download TIFF images as PDFs, the converted PDF has different dimensions than that of the source TIFF document. With this fix, the converted PDF has the same dimensions as that of the source TIFF document.
IO28239 (IBM Content Navigator users) In IBM content navigator, the print menu option is disabled for documents with the mime type application/x-filenet-filetype-msg when the HTML print service is enabled. With this fix, the print menu option is enabled for for documents with the mime type application/x-filenet-filetype-msg when the HTML print service is enabled.
IO28265 (IBM Content Navigator users) Teamspace users are unable to edit search templates that search in "This Teamspace". With this fix, search templates can be edited.
IO28298 (IBM Content Navigator users) In some situations, changes made to a file will not be checked in to the repository by Edit Service client. With the fix, the modified file will be checked in to the repository always.
IO28302 (IBM Content Navigator users) Dojo's Umm al-Qura calendar is not accurate in ICN. With this fix, the Umm Al-Qura will display the correct date.
IO28303 Workflow shortcut URL fails to resolve when using the Classic layout. With this fix, the work selector tree and work list will be displayed correctly.
IO28304 (IBM FileNet Content Manger users) The Export All action fails for fewer than 200 search results, when using Chrome or Firefox. With this fix, the results are exported successfully.
IO28308 (IBM Content Navigator users) Open-source Dojo is does not support many number/currency local files. With this fix, missing number/currency locals that were in IBM Dojo 1.10 will be ported to our own Open-Source Dojo.
IO28311 (IBM Content Navigator users) The placeholder value's font size is different than the inputted value's font size on a property editor when using the Entry Template layout editor. With this fix, the issue is resolved.
IO28327 (IBM Content Navigator users) When opening the /navigator/viewers/verify.jsp page, an error page is displayed. With this fix, the verify.jsp page is displayed.
IO28335 (IBM Content Navigator users) Users can see some special characters are shown in escaped format in Select editor of entry template layout. With this fix, the issue is resolved.
IO28340 (IBM Content Manager users) When clicking on work baskets one after the other, the work basket names change and get duplicated. However, the contents of a duplicated work basket are still the expected contents, i.e original contents and if the duplicate work basket is clicked after a brief pause, the correct name is displayed. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
IO28347 (IBM Content Navigator users) When desktop layout default feature is set to 'cases', clicking on 'New' from the toolbar actions menu and selecting any Microsoft Office document, does not work. An error 'Cannot read property 'id' of null', is seen in the browser console. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
IO28348 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) In IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, when adding a document to a folder with entry templates associated with it, the default entry template is not selected initially.  With this fix, the default entry template will be selected.
IO28353 Cannot scroll between multiple documents in Daeja viewer when language is Hebrew or Arabic. With this fix this issue is resolved.
IO28364 (IBM Business Automation Content Services on Cloud users) When downloading all parts of a TIFF document as PDF, an error occurs. With this fix, all parts are downloaded as PDF without an error.
IO28371 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using EDS plugin, after multiple documents having an EDS property are selected, if an EDS property value for one of them is modified and changes are saved, them the values of the hidden properties of all  selected documents to be overwritten by the values of the first selected document.
IO28372 (IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When adding a document to a shared folder, external users cannot use an entry template defined on a parent folder that they don't have access to. With this fix, external users can use the entry template provided they have permission to view the content of the Folder Preferences annotation attached to the parent folder.
IO28377 (IBM Content Manager users) A saved search containing child component attribute as search property cannot be run as no value can be entered for the child component attribute. With this fix, a value can be provided for the child component attribute and the search can be executed.
IO28379 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users)  In IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office, a PowerPoint file with spaces in the file name that is saved to a OneDrive enabled folder cannot be added to ICN, the add fails with an error message. With this fix, a PowerPoint file with spaces in the file name that is saved to a OneDrive enabled folder can be successfully added to ICN.
IO28382 (IBM Content Navigator users) Adding an annotation in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer in one pane in a split pane layout refreshes the document in the other pane. This resets the other pane to the first page which requires the user to scroll back to the current page. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
IO28394 (IBM Content Manager users) When an annotation is added using the Daeja Virtual viewer to a document that has its item type version policy set to Always Create, the viewer refreshes the document and displays the first page instead of keeping the annotated page displayed. With this fix, the annotated page remains in focus.
IO28395 (IBM FileNet Content Manager users) When a user selects a document in the search results list that has a property without a value and uses a hierarchical choice list that includes a category without choices, the list shows a value for that property. With this fix, properties without a value remain empty after selecting a document in the search results list.
IO28396 (IBM Content Navigator for MS Office users)  Using IBM Content Navigator for MS Office, adding a document is not always saving all the property values changed when the class has EDS enabled. With this fix, adding a document using EDS will save all the property values that are entered.
IO28404 (IBM Content Navigator users) Printing a document using HTML print service hangs when the document contains a text annotation with Hebrew or other extended characters. The print status dialog remains open and doesn't go away. With this fix printing a document that contains a text annotation with Hebrew or extended characters will succeed.
IO28408 (IBM Datacap users) Documents fail to open in Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer with 'Unable to Display Document: Annotation Failed to load: Bad Request' error, if annotation or role-based annotation setting is enabled in Datacap administration settings. With this fix, documents can be opened successfully.
IO28427 (IBM Content Navigator users) An incorrect translation in Hebrew for the word 'To' is seen for all send email dialogs. With this fix, this issue does not occur.
Security Issue Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in desktop Help URL field fixed.
Security Issue Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in desktop Name field fixed.
Security Issue Security Issue: Failure to check data in server layer for admin configurations fixed.
Security Issue Security Issue: CSRF vulnerability in External Share feature fixed.
Security Issue Security Issue: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Teamspace Name fixed.
Security Issue Security Issue: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in ContentDialog Title fixed.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB18","label":"Miscellaneous LOB"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSEUEX","label":"IBM Content Navigator"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000ChuAAAS","label":"Content Navigator"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"3.0.10"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
30 June 2021

