IBM Support

Find the version of JRules/WODM components

Question & Answer


How do I determine the version and fix pack level of the JRules/WebSphere Operational Decision Management (WODM) components and libraries I am using?


It is important to know the version of all JRules or WODM/ODM components you use to ensure they are of the same version and all up-to-date with the latest fix pack. The same goes for the product libraries used by your client applications.

Versions of modules are given in the standard IBM format V.R.M.F which stands for Version.Release.Modification.Fixpack. See the V.R.M.F Maintenance Stream Delivery Vehicle terminology explanation for more details.

Not using the exact same version is not supported as it can cause unexpected behaviors.

This means that support will assist with problems on such non-supported configurations by testing with all modules at the same version/fix pack:

  • If the issue happens to be caused by the mix of versions/fix packs, the solution will be to put all modules at the same version/fix pack.
  • If the issue is fixed in a latest fix pack, the solution will be to apply it on all your modules.


JRules or ODM are made of several modules which components versions can be obtained in different ways. The below tables explain how to get the version information of each deployed product components, depending on whether you are using JRules or ODM.

You will also need to consider any of your applications using the JRules/ODM libraries, including any Monitored Transparent Decision Service (MTDS) or web service generated through the Rule Studio or Rule Designer "Client for RuleApp" wizards.

For those, you will need to find the product JARs you packaged in your WARs and/or EARs deployed to the server, or present in the classpath of your stand-alone Java applications. Those JARs are typically named jrules-xyz.jar.

The product version information of those libraries is specified at the "Implementation-Version: ..." line of the MANIFEST.MF file found under the META-INF folder of each JARs. 

  • For WODM/ODM modules:

Component Where to find the version
Rule & Event DesignerIn "Help > About Eclipse SDK ", click the "IBM" button.
Decision CenterIn the console, click "About" on the top-right of any page.
Rule Solutions for OfficeIn the "Rules" tab of MS Word or Excel, do "Options > About".
Rule Execution ServerIn the console, click "About" on the top-right of any page to see the console version and go to tab "Server Info" to see the version of the available eXecution Units (XUs).
Decision Validation ServicesTo find the version of the SSP (jrules-ssp-<APP>.ear or testing.war), log with the Rule Execution Server admin credentials at http://<hostname>:<port>/testing
Hosted Transparent Decision ServiceStarting in V8.5, open the page http://<hostname>:<port>/DecisionService.

For previous versions, review the server logs to look for the following entry at the server start:
"IlrDecisionServiceInitializer - Logging started. Decision Service version: ..."

Event RuntimeGo to the Event admin console at http://<hostname>:<port>/wbe/administrator/console.jsp. If prompted for credentials, use wbe admin user and select "Administration". Then click the icon "Console".

  • For JRules modules:

Component Where to find the version
Rule StudioIn "Help > About Eclipse SDK ", click the "ILOG Rule Studio" button.
Rule Team ServerIn the console, click "About" on the top-right of any page.
Rule Solutions for OfficeIn the "Rules" tab of MS Word or Excel, do "Options > About".
Rule Execution ServerIn the console, click "About" on the top-right of any page to see the console version and go to tab "Server Info" to see the version of the available eXecution Units (XUs).
Decision Validation ServicesTo find the version of the SSP (jrules-ssp-<APP>.ear or testing.war), log with the Rule Execution Server admin credentials at http://<hostname>:<port>/testing
Hosted Transparent Decision ServiceReview the server logs to look for the following entry at the server start:
"IlrDecisionServiceInitializer - Logging started. Decision Service version: ..."

Notes: There is an exception to V.R.M.F versioning, for Rules Solutions for Office (RSO) which version is given in the following format:

      V.R.M[40|35].F[build number]

    Where 40 stands for the .NET framework 4.0 and 35 for 3.5.

    So, for example, RSO "V7.5.40.2152" is "V7.5.0.2 for .NET 4.0".

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6MTS","label":"WebSphere ILOG JRules"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.1;7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}},{"Product":{"code":"SSQP76","label":"IBM Operational Decision Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"General","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.5;8.0;7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

