IBM Support

Fan removal - IBM eServer xSeries 350, Netfinity 6000R

Product Documentation


1. Release latches 2. Fan housing Removing the four fan housing Power-off the server. Disconnect the server from the power supply. Remove the top cover and bezel. Remove the four fan assemblies.


removing 4 fan housing

1. Release latches
2. Fan housing

Removing the four fan housing
  1. Power-off the server.
  2. Disconnect the server from the power supply.
  3. Remove the top cover and bezel.
  4. Remove the four fan assemblies.
  5. Remove all adapters from the Active PCI adapter slots.
  6. Remove the plastic dividers between the PCI adapter slots.
  7. Press the fan assembly release latches on both sides of the fan assembly; then, remove the fan assembly from the server.

removing dual fan mount assembly

1. Holding screws
2. Dual fan mount assembly

Removing the dual fan mount assembly with cable
  1. Power-off the server.
  2. Disconnect the server from the power supply.
  3. Remove the top cover and bezel.
  4. Disconnect the dual fan mount cable.
  5. Remove the two holding screws.
  6. Gently lift the fan mount assembly out of the server.

Document Location


Operating System

Older System x:Operating system independent / None

[{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU016","label":"Multiple Vendor Support"},"Product":{"code":"HW18V","label":"Older System x->xSeries 350"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU016","label":"Multiple Vendor Support"},"Product":{"code":"HWN12","label":"Older System x->Netfinity 6000R"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
24 January 2019

