IBM Support

Error when creating a Link by Attribute in DOORS



You can follow instructions for creating a link by an attribute in IBM Rational DOORS to create multiple DOORS links using the attribute, but errors can occur.


You might receive error message like this example using "object 7932":

Could not find object 7932 in target module.        

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The error happens because object 7932 is not a valid object ID in the target module. It is the text for object 8. The biggest object ID in this case is object 40 and the valid object ID for 7932 is 8, as shown in the picture below.



Diagnosing The Problem

In the source module, the attribute that is used for linking must be of type Text. If it contains more than one absolute number, each number must be on a separate line, and this absolute MUST be a valid unique object ID in the target module.

Resolving The Problem

Follow these steps to set up the link-by-attribute

  1. In the source module, click Link > Advanced > Link by Attribute.
  2. Select the target module, link module, attribute, and link direction.
  3. In the Objects to be linked in target module, select the range of objects to be Only objects visible in default View or All objects. If the target module is closed, all the objects or objects in default view are linked based on your selection. If the target module is open, all the objects or objects in standard view are linked based on your selection.
  4. Click OK. (Click Help for more information about the options on the window.)

    See this picture of an example for more detail:

Note: Make sure the absolute value entered in the new column created for Link by attribute is a valid unique object ID from the target module. In this example, the new attribute created is called "Relates to" and the 3, 7, 40 are the unique object IDs from the target module, which is Module B.

The DOORS Information Center instructions are linked below, in Related Information

Related Information

[{"Product":{"code":"SSKR2T","label":"IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Documentation","Platform":[{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"9.3","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 May 2020

