IBM Support

Error Initializing MicService:BMXAA7733E after applying fix pack



MIC service will not start after applying the fix pack or later.


Error Initializing MicService:BMXAA7733E - Failed to load the null
object structure cache when the server was starting up.
psdi.util.MXSystemException: BMXAA7733E - Failed to load the null
object structure cache when the server was starting up.

The following stack trace can be seen in the systemout.log:

[ERROR] [maximo_mif] []
at psdi.iface.mos.MosDetailInfo.setAltKeys( at psdi.iface.mos.ObjectStructureCache.loadMosDetails(
at psdi.iface.mos.ObjectStructureCache.loadIntegrationDictionary(
at psdi.iface.mos.ObjectStructureCache.init(
at psdi.iface.mos.ObjectStructureCache.<init>(
at psdi.iface.mos.ObjectStructureCache.getInstance(ObjectStruct
at psdi.iface.mic.MicService.init(


An alternate key is defined in maxtable.altixname or maxobjdetail.altkey however the index is not defined in Maximo.

Resolving The Problem

Run the following SQL statements from the backend using a SQL tool:

1. maxtable

select tablename, altixname from maxtable where altixname not in (select name from maxsysindexes);

If the query returns any rows, the index does not exist in maxsysindexes.

Go to Database Configuration - Select Action - Refresh Index tables

If the query still retrieves rows, determine if altixname is valid. If it is not, delete the value in altixname. Replace 'xxx' with the tablename selected above:

update maxtable set altixname=null where tablename='xxx;
update maxtablecfg set altixname=null where tablename='xxx';

2. maxintobjdetail

select intobjectname, objectname, altkey from maxintobjdetail where altkey not in (select name from maxsysindexes);

If the query returns any rows, remove the alternate key.

Go to - Integration - Object Structures application. Query the object structure and update the alternate key as needed for each MBO.

If that is not possible, you can delete or replace the value in altkey. Replace 'xxx' with the altkey selected above:

update maxintobjdetail set altkey =null where intobjectname='yyy' and objectname='zzz' and altkey ='xxx';

3. Restart the server.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"IBM Maximo Asset Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"MEA: Generic","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

