IBM Support

Enabling the IBM Content Navigator Edit Service on desktop clients that host multiple users

How To


This document describes the additional configuration settings that are required to use the IBM Content Navigator Edit Service on client desktops that are used by multiple users. Specific settings are required in the IBM Content Navigator administration page and in the Edit Client configuration file on the Windows desktop to enable this capability.

This feature is for use with FileNet P8 repositories, but is not applicable to Mac desktop environments.

If issues occur when using Citrix, ensure the issue also occurs in a non-Citrix environment before opening any support tickets.


This feature requires a minimum IBM Content Navigator level of 3.0.5 IF003.


To use the IBM Content Navigator Edit Service on multi-user desktop environments

  • The Edit Service client must be installed on the Windows client by using the "all users" option.
  • Additional settings are required in both the IBM Content Navigator administration desktop and in the Edit Client configuration file on each Windows desktop.

Without the new settings, if more than one user attempts to use the Edit service, the document is opened in the first user's session. If more than three users try to edit a document, an error occurs.

By implementing the changes documented in this technote, up to 20 user sessions can be hosted on a single desktop. When a user opens a document, if Kerberos/SPNEGO Single Sign On (SSO) is not configured, then before the document opens, the user is prompted to provide their Windows user name.

To enable multi-user mode and set the quantity in the IBM Content Navigator administration desktop, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the ICN administrator desktop with an ICN administration account.
  2. Go to Settings->General->Additional settings.
  3. Click New and type in the following setting name: appEnableEditServiceMultiUserMode
  4. Type True in the Value field.
  5. Click Create.
  6. To take the default of 20 for appEnableEditServiceMultiUserQuantity, then skip to Step 10. To set a value for appEnableEditServiceMultiUserQuantity, continue.
  7. Click New and type in the following setting name: appEnableEditServiceMultiUserQuantity.
  8. Enter a value, 3-50, in the Value field. 
  9. Click Create
  10. Save the desktop settings.

To enable the multi-user mode on a client desktop, complete the following steps:

  1. If it is running, exit the Edit Client.
  2. Go to the Edit Client installation folder.
  3. Open and edit the file IBM Content Navigator Edit.exe.config.
  4. Add the settings for appEnableEditServiceMultiUserMode settings under <applicationSettings>. The range of values for appEnableEditServiceMultiUserQuantity is 3 - 50. If you want to use the default setting of 20, do not add a setting for appEnableEditServiceMultiUserQuantity.
         <setting name="appEnableEditServiceMultiUserMode" serializeAs="String">
         <setting name="appEnableEditServiceMultiUserQuantity" serializeAs="String"> 
  5. Save the changes.
  6. Start the Edit Client and verify things are working as expected.

Note: (V3.0.10 and later) The parameter name, on the IBM Content Navigator administrator desktop setting and in the Windows Edit client setting, changed from enableEditServiceMultiUserMode to appEnableEditServiceMultiUserMode. The change is not apparent to the user. During the upgrade, the original setting name is automatically updated to the new name. If you manually replace the setting file, you also need to update the setting name.

The enableEditServiceMultiUserQuantity parameter is new.

Additional Information

If issues occur when using Citrix, ensure the issue also occurs in a non-Citrix environment before opening any support tickets.

Document Location


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSEUEX","label":"IBM Content Navigator"},"Component":"Edit Service","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.0.5 IF003 and above","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB18","label":"Miscellaneous LOB"}}]

Product Synonym


Document Information

Modified date:
02 December 2021

