IBM Support

DSNX881I Messages (ID 20) Returned by IBM Integrated Synchronization

General Page

The following message compendium lists all replication-specific messages that might be issued by or in connection with the IBM Integrated Synchronization function. An explanation is offered for each message. The aim of the document is to help IBM Integrated Synchronization users troubleshoot replication issues.
IBM Integrated Synchronization messages:

Message ID: 1001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E1001/ Row is not in BRF format
While parsing a log record, an unexpected row format was detected.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 1002 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1002/ Db2 on z/OS log reader unexpectedly returned HTTP code: <HTTP Code>, JSON response: <Details in JSON format>
The Db2 log reader interface on z/OS returned an unexpected response code. Observe the replication status.
If the process does not recover, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 1003 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1003/ The Db2 log reader on z/OS did not provide a buffer. Log Reader getDiagnostics returned status: <additionalDiagnostics>
The Db2 log reader on z/OS provided diagnostical information, but no log records.
If the situation does not improve, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 1004 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E1004/ The Db2 log reader on z/OS returned an error code and saved diagnostical information before the shutdown. Error: <jsonRenderedErrorMessage>
The Db2 log reader on z/OS returned an error and shut down. All components will be restarted automatically.
If the situation does not improve, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 1005 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1005/ The Db2 log reader on z/OS returned an unexpected response code from a log fetch call: <HTTP return code>
The Db2 log reader on z/OS returned an unknown response code.
Observe the situation. Replication should continue normally. If not, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 1006 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E1006/ Db2 log reader reported log records not available for requested LRSN/RBA: <LRSN/RBA>. Reason Code: <ReasonCode>. Replication will restart and attempt to recover.
The Db2 log reader on z/OS does not find any log records. Replication has been terminated,
but will be restarted.
If the situation does not improve, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 1007 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1007/ Setting table state to ERROR for table <table> due to an error while processing the log record with lrsn=0x<lrsn>
An error has occurred during log record processing. The actual error was reported already in a dedicated event message.
Fix the error if possible, or just reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 1008 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1008/ Tables with mixed BRF / RRF records are not allowed! Setting table state to ERROR for table <table>
Tables with mixed BRF or RRF records are not supported. Therefore, the table is suspended from replication.

Message ID: 1009 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1009/ Setting table state to ERROR for table <table> due to dbidobid mismatch with table <table> in update log record pair.
The log record for an UPDATE is in an incosistent format. The affected tables are suspended from replication. Replication for the other tables continues afterwards.
Contact IBM support to clarify the issue.

Message ID: 1010 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1010/ Setting table state to ERROR for table <table> due to unsupported update log record. Variation: <variation>
The log record for an UPDATE has an unsupported format. The affected tables are suspended from replication. Replication for the other tables continues afterwards.
Contact IBM support to clarify the issue.

Message ID: 1011 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1011/ Table <table> not replicated. Ignoring it.
The Db2 log reader on z/OS provided log records for a table that is not replicated (anymore).
If this warning occurs repeatedly, stop and restart replication to suppress it.

Message ID: 1012 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1012/ Db2 returned an error for log record with LRSN=0x<LRSN>, RDLHRETC=0x<returnCode>.
The Db2 log reader on z/OS reader had to read the same log record repeatedly. The affected table is suspended from replication. Replication continues for all other tables.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 1013 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1013/ Db2 for z/OS returned a permanent log decompression error for log record with LRSN=0x<LRSN>, RDLHDIAG=0x<diagCode>.
Removing the corresponding object from replication.
The Db2 log reader on z/OS reported a permanent decompression error. The affected table is suspended from replication.
Reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 1014 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1014/ Db2 for z/OS returned a log decompression error for log record
with LRSN=0x<LRSN>, RDLHDIAG=0x<diagCode>. Removing the corresponding object from replication.
For a longer period of time, the Db2 log reader on z/OS has been reporting decompression errors for the given log record seequence number (LRSN). Retries did not help. The affected table is  suspended from replication.
Reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 1015 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1015/ Transient log decompression error for log record with LRSN=0x<LRSN> and table <table> detected. Retry decompression for
<retryTimeout> seconds.
The Db2 log reader on z/OS reported a decompression error for the given log record sequence number (LRSN), which will probably not resurface. The log reader will attempt to read the log record again.
You need not take any action.

Message ID: 1016 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1016/ Certificate has expired.
While connecting to the log reader, IBM Integrated Synchronization detected an expired certificate.
Renew the certificate.

Message ID: 1017 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W1017/ SSL handshake exception occurred. Message: <exception message>
During the connection to the log reader, an SSL handshake error occurred.
Check the exception message and take corrective actions as suggested by the message.

Message ID: 2001 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2001/ Utility actions like REORG are not supported on the deprecated non-UTS table spaces.
Replicated tables can be stored in table spaces that are not Universal Table Spaces (non-UTS).
However, non-UTS table spaces are deprecated, and utility actions like REORG are not supported. The affected tables are suspended from replication.

Message ID: 2002 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2002/ Failed to store intermediate log position. No data is lost. 
Continue to monitor the process for 5 more minutes. No need for action if the message does not reoccur.
Recent log positions are stored even if there is no data to be applied. This is to avoid having to parse the log again after a crash or a similar incident. This time, the log position could not be stored, which does not matter because there is no data to replicate. If this happens during a regular data replication process, recovery processes are started automatically.

Message ID: 2003 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2003/ Parallel apply queue did not terminate in time
During shutdown, a queue could not be closed in time.

Message ID: 2004 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2004/ Parallel apply queue did not terminate in time cancelling all remaining tasks
During shutdown, a queue could not be closed in time, and all remaining tasks were cancelled.
Make sure that the replication process was restarted properly.

Message ID: 2005 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2005/ Parallel UR queue did not terminate in time
During shutdown, a unit of recovery did not finish processing in time.
Make sure that the replication process was restarted properly.

Message ID: 2006 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2006/ Parallel UR queue did not terminate in time cancelling all remaining tasks
During shutdown, a unit of recovery did not finish processing in time.
Make sure that the replication process was restarted properly.

Message ID: 2007 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2007/Commit pool did not terminate in time
During shutdown, a thread pool did not finish processing in time.
Make sure that the replication process was restarted properly.

Message ID: 2008 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2008/ Commit pool did not terminate in time cancelling all remaining tasks
During shutdown, a thread pool did not finish processing in time.
Make sure that the replication process was restarted properly.

Message ID: 2009 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2009/ Parallel pipe writer queue did not terminate in time
During shutdown, a queue could not be closed in time.
Make sure that the replication process was restarted properly.

Message ID: 2010 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2010/ Parallel pipe writer queue did not terminate in time cancelling all remaining tasks
During shutdown, a queue could not be closed in time, and all remaining tasks were cancelled.
Make sure that the replication process was restarted properly.

Message ID: 2011 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2011/ Detected interrupted schema change processing by an outage. Automatic recovery is taking place.
The processing of a schema change was interrupted externally. A recovery process has been started.
No need for action.

Message ID: 2012 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2012/ Interrupted schema change processing has been recovered.
The externally interrupted processing of a schema change could be resumed. The recovery was successful.

Message ID: 2013 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2013/ Unsupported schema change detected. In case a replicated table is affected, it will be removed from replication. Affected Table: <table>

Message ID: 2014 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2014/ Schema change DROP COLUMN detected. In case a replicated table is affected, it will be removed from replication. Affected Table: <table>
DROP COLUMN is an unsupported schema change. This is why the table was suspended from replication.

Message ID: 2015 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2015/ Alter tablespace move table detected. In case a replicated table is affected, it will be removed from replication. Affected Table: <table>
An attempt to alter a table space and move a table has been been detected. This is not supported, so the table has been suspended from replication.

Message ID: 2016 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2016/ DROP TABLE detected, removing tables from accelerator: <table>

Message ID: 2017 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2017/ DML in a Schema change UR detected. In case a replicated table is affected, it will be removed from replication. Affected Table: <table>
Transactions containing data definition (DDL) and data manipulation (DML) statements cannot be replicated.

Message ID: 2018 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2018/ Schema change processing for table <table> failed with the following error: <error message>
A schema change led to a processing failure. The affected table is suspended from replication. Replication continues for the other tables.
Reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 2019 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2019/ Successfully processed schema change for tables <table>
This is an informational message labelled as a warning because schema changes are critical operations.

Message ID: 2020 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2020/ Schema change for tables <table1, table2, ...> failed due to the following problem: <error message>. In case a replicated table is affected, it is disabled for replication.
A schema change for multiple tables could not be processed. The affected tables are suspended from replication. Replication continues for all other tables.
Reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 2021 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2021/ The transaction with the URID <URID> from member ID <member> and authorization ID <transaction authorization ID> has been open for <minutes> minutes, which exceeds the current tolerance period of <minutes> minutes, after which a warning is issued.
All open transactions are tracked for some time because at some point, operations might occur that cause changes to replicated tables. If replication is stopped or a replication component crashes, replication has to restart from the log position corresponding to the time at which the transaction was opened. It can take a significant amount of time to reach that position again.

  1. Check the transaction to find out if it is expected to run for such a long time.
  2. Consider a rollback of this transaction.

Message ID: 2022 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2022/ Setting table state to ERROR due to invalid state of table <table>.
The reload of a replicated table ended in a state that does not allow replication to continue.
Remove the table from replication, re-enable replication for this table and reload it.

Message ID: 2023 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2023/ Table not mirrored, skipping changes for dbidobid <dbidobid>
Change records have been found for a table that is not replicated (anymore). The changes in these records are ignored.
You don't have to take action unless the table is expected to be replicated.

Message ID: 2024 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2024/ Drain thread for table <dbidobid> could not be cancelled!
A drain thread could not be cancelled in time. The thread is expected to fail soon. An adverse impact is unlikely.
You don't have to take action.

Message ID: 2025 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2025/ Setting table <table> to ERROR state because an unsupported utility operation <utility operation> was detected; resynchronization is required.
The affected table must be reloaded.

Message ID: 2026 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2026/ Setting table <table> to ERROR state because an utility operation <utility operation> was detected on <partitioning type> tablespace; resynchronization is required.
The affected table must be reloaded.
Reload the table.

Message ID: 2027 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2027/ Setting table <table> to ERROR due to utility handling error
The affected table must be reloaded.
Reload the table.

Message ID: 2028 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2028/ Error during <action> transaction.
Unexpected error. Replication will stop, restart, and recover automatically.

Message ID: 2029 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2029/ Error while draining spilled table changes for table <dbobid>:
<exception text>
Unexpected error. Replication will stop, restart, and recover automatically.

Message ID: 2030 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2030/ SQL exception during parallel apply process: <exception message>
<exception stack trace>
Data could not be applied to the target. Replication will stop, restart, and recover automatically.

Message ID: 2031 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2031/ I/O exception during parallel apply process: <exception message>
<exception stack trace>
Data could not be applied to the target. Replication will stop, restart, and recover automatically.

Message ID: 2032 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2032/ Interrupt exception during parallel apply process: <exception message>
<exception stack trace>
Data could not be applied to the target. Replication will stop, restart, and recover automatically.

Message ID: 2033 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2033/ Unknown exception during parallel apply process: <exception message>
<exception stack trace>
Data could not be applied to the target. Replication will stop, restart, and recover automatically.

Message ID: 2034 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2034/ Schema change processing failed when trying to parse json <json>
During schema change detection, an error occurred while the meta data provided by Db2 for z/OS was parsed.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 2035 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2035/ Schema change processing failed while detecting changes for json <json>
During schema change detection, an error occurred while the meta data provided by Db2 for z/OS was parsed.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 2036 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2036/ Db2z utility operation(<utilityType>) detected for table <table> while the table was being loaded. The table must be reloaded again after the utility action has finished.
During the load or reload of the given table, a utility operation was detected.
The replication of utility operations is not possible during a load.
Reload the table after the utility operation.

Message ID: 2037 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2037/ There was a general problem while trying to process schema changes. In case a replicated table is affected, it will be removed from replication. Affected Tables: <table1, table2, ...>
The tables must be reloaded.
Reload the tables to add these to the replication process again.

Message ID: 2038 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2038/ There was a general problem while trying to process schema changes for table: <table>. In case a replicated table is affected, it will be removed from replication. Encountered problems: <error1, error2>
The table must be reloaded.
Reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 2039 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2039/ Global transaction contains DDL or Utility operation is not supported. Affected replicated tables for URID <URID> will be removed from replication.
The tables must be reloaded.
Reload the tables to add these to the replication process again.

Message ID: 2040 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2040/ Setting table state to ERROR for table <table> due to the number of updated rows, which exceeds the threshold of <configuredUpdateRowCountThreshold> rows.
Replication was configured to suspend tables from replication if the number of updated rows exceeds a defined threshold. The table must be reloaded.
Reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 2041 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2041/ Setting table state to ERROR for table <table> due to the number of compensate update rows exceeding the threshold of <configuredCompensateUpdateRowCountThreshold> rows.
Replication was configured to suspend tables from replication if  the number of compensate update rows exceeds a defined threshold. The table must be reloaded.
Reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 2042 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2042/ The current version <currentTableVersion> of table <table> is higher than the new table version <newTableVersion>.
The metadata of the table schema contains an inconsistency. The table is therefore suspended from
replication and must be reloaded to make the meta data consistent again.
Reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 2043 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2043/ Restore query offload after schema change was successful for the following tables: <table1, table2, ... >
Query offload to the accelerator is disabled after schema modifications. After receiving this message query offload for the mentioned tables has been restored successfully.

Message ID: 2044 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2044/ Restore query offload after schema change was successful for the following tables: <table1, table2, ... >. Note that modifications contained tolerated data types such as XML, TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE or LOB columns which are still tolerated but not usable on the accelerator!
Query offload to the accelerator is disabled after schema modifications. After receiving this message query offload for the mentioned tables has been restored successfully. This messages is only issued for tables that contained modifications affecting unsupported columns.

Message ID: 2045 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2045/ During the processing of a utility action the look up of partitioning information meta data failed for the following reason: <internal reason for lookup failure>!
For the processing of utility actions it is needed to look up detailed partitioning information from another component. This look up failed for internal reasons. Please investigate replication events for a root cause and reload the affected tables. Reach out to IBM support if in doubt.

Message ID: 2046 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2046/ Adding row to transaction failed for <table> with table version <table version>. Removing it from replication.
Replication requires to decode rows based on the given column length information. If this process fails the affected table is removed from replication. Reach out to IBM support for root cause analysis.  

Message ID: 2047 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2047/ DROP TABLE detected and ignored for tables <table>

Message ID: 2048 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2048/ The added or modified VARCHAR column of the table is truncated to the max VARCHAR length of the backend database:
The maximum length of values in a recently added or changed VARCHAR column has been reduced to fit the allowed maximum length for columns of this type in the backend database.

Message ID: 2049 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2049/ Schema information for table version (row format ) was not present.

Crucial schema information about a table version could not be found. Without information about the type of a table, log records cannot be parsed. The inability to find the required information is usually caused by schema changes.
Reload the affected table. For more information, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 2050 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2050/ Table contained both BRF and RRF log record format which is not supported. Explanation:
While log records were being parsed, records in different formats (RRF and BRF format were found.
Make sure that one and the same table uses only a single row format, that is, the reordered row format (RRF) or the basic row format (BRF). For more information, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 2051 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W2051/ Setting table <table> to ERROR state because an unsupported utility operation <utilityType> was detected after REORG REBALANCE; resynchronization is required
Reload the affected table.

Message ID: 2052 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2052/ SQL error during preapply rollback
An SQL error occurred while a preapply rollback was taking place.
When in doubt, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 2053 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2053/ Exception during commit
An exception occurred while a commit was taking place.
When in doubt, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 2054 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2054/ SQL error during abort
An SQL error occurred shortly after a commit.
When in doubt, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 2055 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2055/ IO error
An I/O error occurred.

Message ID: 2056 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2056/ Error during batch commit
An error occurred while a batch commit was taking place.

Message ID: 2057 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2057/ SQL error during batch rollback
An SQL error occurred while a batch rollback was taking place.

Message ID: 2058 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2058/ SQL error during utility transaction commit
An error occurred while a utility transaction commit was taking place.

Message ID: 2059 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2059/ SQL error during utility rollback
An error occurred while a utility rollback was taking place.

Message ID: 2060 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2060/ SQL error during commit rollback
An SQL error occurred while a commit rollback was taking place.

Message ID: 2061 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E2061/ NPE
Null-pointer exception.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 3001 Severity: WARNING
/W3001/ Currently changes cannot be replicated to the target database because of a temporary application heap shortage in the database itself. The shortage is likely caused by concurrent query activities. Replication will be retried in the hope that  the temporary application heap shortage can be resolved at some time.

Message ID: 3002 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W3002/ The temporary replication heap shortage has been resolved.
Retries have been successful. Replication continues.

Message ID: 3003 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E3003/ Error while deleting pipe <pipeLocation>
For some reason, a named pipe that is being used to write data to the target database could not be removed No need for action.
Observe the situation to make sure that operation continues normally.

Message ID: 3004 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
<expectedNumberOfRows> rows parsed, but the apply process
changed <numberOfRowsReportedFromDatabase> rows. Table <table> is inconsistent.
Set table state to ERROR.
The actual number of changed rows deviates from the expected number of changed rows. This indicates an inconsistency. Therefore, the table is suspended from replication.
Contact IBM support and provide a trace file.
Reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 3005 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W3005/ Memtab SQL returned no rows: <query>
Descriptor: 0x<row data>
Row: 0x<descriptor>
The memory table interface of the database reported a number of changed rows that is different from the expected number of changed rows. This indicates an inconsistency. Therefore, the table is suspended from replication.
Contact IBM support and provide a trace file.
Reload the table to add it to the replication process again.

Message ID: 3006 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W3006/ Max number of retries exceeded, setting table state to ERROR.
Table: <table> Columns: <column specification>
The target database rejected a repeatable operation and issued an error code several times. The table was suspended from replication. Replication continues for all other tables.

Message ID: 3007 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W3007/ There was an SQL error during apply, setting table state to ERROR. Table: <table> Columns: <column specification>
The target database rejected an SQL operation. The table was suspended from replication.
Replication continues for all other tables.

Message ID: 3008 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W3008/ Replication stalled. Retries have been attempted for <minutes> minutes.

Message ID: 3009 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W3009/ The target database is consistently lacking application heap space. Retried <number of executed retries> times. Contact IBM support to fix the target database configuration. Failed SQL was: <sql>.Exception was <exception>
IBM support can increase the time frame for retries, and hence give the system more time to resolve the memory shortage.

Message ID: 3010 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E3010/ The entire TX was implicitly rolled back, an attempt for full recovery will be performed now! SQL= <sql>
The target database rejected an SQL operation. The entire transaction was rolled back. The system tries to recover the transaction. No need for action on your part.

Message ID: 3011 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W3011/ Giving up on apply attempts after <number of executed attempts> attempts because preparation for next retry failed, SQL= <sql>. Explanation:
The Preparation for a retry of the apply operation failed. A retry will not be started. The table has been suspended from replication. Replication continues for all other tables.

Message ID: 3012 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W3012/ Apply operation failed <number of executed attempts> times. A retry will be started. SQL= <sql> Explanation:
The target database rejected an SQL operation. The error is not related to the out-of-application-heap in the target database. A retry will be started. No need for action on your part.

Message ID: 3013 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W3013/ Apply operation failed <number of executed attempts> times. The maximum number of retries has been reached. SQL= <sql> Explanation:
The target database rejected an SQL operation. The error is not related to out-of-application-heap on the target database. The maximum number of retries has been reached. The table will be suspended from replication. Replication continues for all other tables.

Message ID: 3014 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W3014/ SQL error occurred while applying data to target. Db2 SQL diagnostics: SqlCode: <sqlcode> - SqlState: <sqlstate>
While applying data to the target database, an SQL exception occurred. The SQL code is provided. The SQL state provided if it is available.

Message ID: 3015 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E3015/ Error during pipe write
The instance has been restarted. An error occurred while a pipe was being written.

Message ID: 3016 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E3016/ The thread bookmark value is inconsistent because the size not a multiple of 4: <length>
The bookmark recovery information is inconsistent.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 3017 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E3017/ Number of thread bookmark entries still > 0 after recovery. Shutting down, this needs manual fixing!
The bookmark recovery information is inconsistent.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 3018 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E3018/ Number of thread bookmark entries still > 0. Recovery was not conducted. Shutting down, this needs manual fixing!
The bookmark recovery information is inconsistent.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 3019 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E3019/ The target database is not responsive. An attempt for full recovery will be performed now! SQL= <sql>
The target database rejected an SQL operation. The Integrated Synchronization instance will be stopped and then restarted when the database is back online. No need for action.

Message ID: 4001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4001/ No execution context was found for a replication management request.
Necessary context information is missing so that the request could not be processed.  This might happen if the request was submitted during the restart of a replication component.
Retry. If the problem persists, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4002 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4002/ Interface violation. Failed to parse a replication management request. The installation is broken.  Contact IBM support.
Different components of the product use a request response protocol to communicate. This message hints at a  protocol inconsistency, which indicates a broken installation.

Message ID: 4003 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4003/ An unexpected exception occurred while dispatching a request.
Different components of the product use a request response protocol to communicate. During the dispatch of a request, an unexpected exception occurred.

  1. Try to submit the request again.
  2. If the problem persists, contact  IBM support.

Message ID: 4004 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4004/ No command implementation found for replication management request.
Different components of the product use a request response protocol to communicate. This message indicates an inconsistency in the communication protocol, which only occurs if the installation is broken.
Contact  IBM support.

Message ID: 4005 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4005/ Failed to start replication.
Replication could not be started. The failure could have been caused by an authorization issue.

  1. Read the full message text.
  2. It should give you the reason for the failure. Fix the error and retry. 

Message ID: 4006 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4006/ Failed to stop replication.
Replication could not be stopped.

  1. Check the list of replication events and the overall replication state.
  2. Try to isolate the cause and fix the issue.
  3. Retry.

Message ID: 4007 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4007/ Failed to collect the replication status
Replication status information is collected regularly, but this has failed last time.

  1. To find the cause, see the stack trace in this message.
  2. If you cannot solve the problem and if it reoccurs, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4008 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4008/ Failed to enable database system.
Replication could not be enabled.
Read the full message text, which should give you the reason. Also check the installation guide to make sure that all prerequisites have been met.

Message ID: 4009 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4009/ Authorization check failed.
The Db2 user that was selected for replication tasks on your IBM Z lacks permissions.
Read the full message text, and check the installation guide to make sure the required permissions have been granted to this user.

Message ID: 4010 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4010/ Failed to look up apply server instance during disable database system.
This message might be issued during an attempt to disable incremental updates. It should not have an impact.
Consider reporting this message to IBM support along with a trace file for a post mortem analysis.

Message ID: 4011 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4011/ Failed to shut down the apply server instance during disable database system.
This message might be issued during an attempt to disable incremental updates. It should not have an impact.
Consider reporting this message to IBM support along with a trace file for a post mortem analysis.

Message ID: 4012 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4012/ Failed to remove metadata during disable database system.
This message might be issued during an attempt to disable incremental updates. It should not have an impact.
Consider reporting this message to IBM support along with a trace file for a post mortem analysis.

Message ID: 4013 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4013/ Failed to enable replication for table.
A table could not be enabled for replication.

  1. Read the full message text, which should give you the reason for the failure.
  2. Fix the problem.
  3. Try to enable replication.
  4. If you cannot solve the problem on your own,  contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4014 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4014/ Failed to disable replication for table.
Replication could not be disabled for a table. 

  1. Read the full message text, which should give you the reason for the failure.
  2. Fix the problem.
  3. Try to disable replication.
  4. If you cannot solve the problem on your own,  contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4015 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4015/ Finishing external refresh failed.
A reloaded table could not be added to the replication process again.

  1. See the details at the end of the message.
  2. Fix the problem.
  3. Try to reload the table.
  4. If you cannot solve the problem on your own,  contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4016 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4016/ Failed to collect replication events
Replication events are regularly reported and can be viewed in the event viewer of your administration client.
If replication event information could not be collected repeatedly, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4017 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4017/ A failure occurred while waiting for a log position to be reached.
An unexpected error occurred while a WAITFORDATA query was being held back.
If the error persists, contact  IBM support.

Message ID: 4018 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4018/ Protocol was violated and request does not meet corresponding requirements. Reach out to IBM Support.
Different components of the product use a request response protocol to communicate. This message indicates an inconsistency in the communication protocol, which only happens in a broken installation.

Message ID: 4019 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4019/ Failed to set log level. Reach out to IBM Support.
The log level for diagnostics could not be set.
Contact IBM support.


Message ID: 4020 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4020/ No logging properties file configured. Reach out to IBM Support.
The log level for diagnostics could not be set.
Contact IBM support.


Message ID: 4021 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W4021/ Setting table state to ERROR for all tables to be enabled due to occurred exception.
During an attempt to load one or more tables, a problem occurred and all tables were suspended from the replication process.

  1. See the details in this message and the recent replication events to find the cause.
  2. Fix the error and retry.

Message ID: 4022 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4022/ Failed to clean up directories during disable database system.
This message might be issued during an attempt to disable incremental updates. It should not have an impact.
Consider reporting this message to IBM support along with a trace file for a post mortem analysis.

Message ID: 4023 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4023/ Disable query acceleration: The authorization to call the ACCEL_SET_TABLES_ACCELERATION SP is not granted or cannot be verified.
The Db2 user that was selected for replication tasks on your IBM Z lacks the permission to call the SYSPROC.ACCEL_SET_TABLES_ACCELERATION stored procedure.
Grant this permission to the user and retry.

Message ID: 4024 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4024/ Remove table from accelerator when the Db2 for z/OS table is dropped: The authorization to call the ACCEL_REMOVE_TABLES SP is not granted or cannot be verified.
The Db2 user that was selected for replication tasks on your IBM Z lacks the permission to call the SYSPROC.ACCEL_REMOVE_TABLES stored procedure.
Grant this permission to the user and retry.

Message ID: 4025 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4025/ Schema Change: The SELECT privileges on SYSIBM.SYSTABLES is not granted or cannot be verified.
The Db2 user that was selected for replication tasks on your IBM Z lacks the SELECT privilege on the table SYSIBM.SYSTABLES.
Grant this privilege to the user and retry.

Message ID: 4026 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4026/ Schema Change: The SELECT privileges on SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS is not granted or cannot be verified.
The Db2 user that was selected for replication tasks on your IBM Z lacks the SELECT privilege on the table SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS.
Grant this privilege to the user and retry.

Message ID: 4027 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4027/ Schema Change: The SELECT privileges on SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1 is not granted or cannot be verified.
The Db2 user that was selected for replication tasks on your IBM Z lacks the SELECT privilege on the table SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1.
Grant this privilege to the user and retry.

Message ID: 4028 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4028/ Schema Change: The UPDATE and/or SELECT privileges on SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES is not granted or cannot be verified.
The Db2 user that was selected for replication tasks on your IBM Z lacks the UPDATE and SELECT privileges on the table SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES.
Grant these privileges to the user and retry.

Message ID: 4029 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4029/ Replication can only be stopped if it is in state started. It is currently in state <replicationState>.
Replication might be in a temporarily paused state, due to a log reader restart.

  1. Retry the command.
  2. If the error persists, contact  IBM support.

Message ID: 4030 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4030/ No request implementation found for request type ID <requestTypeID>
Necessary context information is missing so that the request could not be processed.  This might happen if the request was submitted during the restart of a replication component.

  1. Retry.
  2. If the problem persists, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4031 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4031/ Unexpected internal execution exception during provisioning of the status of <requestID>.
This is an internal error that occurred while status information was being retrieved.

  1. Restart incremental updates if the error occurs repeatedly.
  2. If this does not help, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4032 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4032/ Interrupted exception during provisioning of the status of <requestID>.
An unexpected error occurred during the execution of a replication management request. Errors of this type occur if, for example, an ongoing operation is interrupted by a restart of the incremental update process.
If this problem occurs repeatedly although no processes have been restarted, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4033 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4033/ Processing of replication management request <requestID> failed.
A replication management request, such as starting replication or adding a table to the process, failed.

  1. Check the replication status and the recent replication events in your administration client.
  2. Try to fix the error, then retry.
  3. If the error persists, restart incremental updates and try again.

Message ID: 4034 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W4034/ Replication status will be set to UNKNOWN, because an unknown state <replicationState> was retrieved.
This message indicates a programming error.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4035 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W4035/ Table status will be set to UNKNOWN, because an unknown state <tableState> was retrieved.
This message indicates a programming error.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4036 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W4036/ Collection of statistics data failed on <Db2 location>. IGNORED
During a statistics collection, an unexpected error occurred.
You can ignore this message unless it occurs regularly. In the latter case, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4037 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W4037/ An error occurred while filtering the events <events>. IGNORED
An unexpected error occurred while filtering events.
You can ignore this message unless it occurs regularly. In the latter case, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 4038 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W4038/ Failed to finish external load for table <table> (<dbidobid>)
After a reload, a table could not be added to the replication process again. The table is suspended from replication.
See the details in the message text and try to solve the problem. If this is not possible, contact IBM support.


Message ID: 4039 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4039/ Replication must be started when enabling/loading tables for/into replication. Current state is <replicationState>.
Start replication before you enable and load tables.

Message ID: 4040 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4040/ The following tables have invalid column ordinal positions from an earlier version of the Accelerator. These tables need to be removed and re-added in order to be able to replicate: <table>
The column metadata of the tables is inconsistent with the column metadata of the original Db2 for z/OS tables.

  1. Remove the affected tables from the accelerator.
  2. Add these tables again.
  3. Re-enable replication for these tables.
  4. Reload the tables.

Message ID: 4041 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4041/ The following tables have invalid type information from an earlier version of the db2 for z/OS. These tables need to be dropped and re-created in order to be able to replicate: <table>
The tables have been created with an unsupported version of Db2 on z/OS.

  1. Re-create the original table with a supported version of Db2 for z/OS.
  2. Add the re-created tables to the accelerator.
  3. Enable replication for these tables.
  4. Reload the tables.
Message ID: 4045 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E4045/ Different Db2 for z/OS source table versions detected: <tables>. Run REORG on these tables, then restart load.
Some target tables could not be loaded because different versions of the 
corresponding Db2 for z/OS source tables exist.
  1. Run a REORG operation on the affected source tables.
  2. Restart the load process.

Message ID: 5001 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W5001/ No table state listener was registered! This may happen during startup.
This message is issued when a table is suspended from replication during the startup of the replication component, that is, before the component could be fully initialized. It should not have an impact.
If this message appears although the replication component is up, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 5002 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W5002/ Failed to read events files.
This message might appear if replication events have not been reported before.
You can ignore this message, even if it comes up repeatedly.

Message ID: 5003 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W5003/ table <table> was requested to be removed from replication, but is not replicated. Ignored. 
This message might be shown when a table is removed from replication. It should only appear if several concurrent conditions trigger the removal of the table.
Check if the table is replicated, and make sure that the table state is as expected. If this is the case, there is no need for action. If not, then re-enable replication for  the table.

Message ID: 5004 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E5004/ Table <table> has been removed from replication concurrently!

This message is reported when a table has been removed from the replication process during a reload. As a consequence, it cannot be not found in the list of replicated tables. The removal might have happened because  another error occurred.
  1. Check the replication events in your administration client to identify the cause.
  2. After removing the cause, re-enable replication for the table and reload it again.

Message ID: 5005 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W5005/ Error reading replication events file <filename>.
This message is shown if the list of replication events could not be retrieved.
Contact IBM support if the message occurs repeatedly.  

Message ID: 5006 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W5006/ Earliest opened transaction (<urid>) starting at <lsn> lies before load position <lsn> for table <table>. Data might be inconsistent!
This message is issued if there is a chance that a table load job did not capture all the replicated data that should have been included.

Message ID: 6001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E6001/ User does not have the required privileges for querying catalog tables.
The Db2 for z/OS user ID selected for replication jobs does not have the privilege to query Db2 for z/OS catalog tables.
Action: Check the required authorizations in the 'IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Installation Guide', and make sure that the listed authorizations have been assigned.

Message ID: 6002 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E6002/ Connection could not be established: <exception message>.
A connection to Db2 on z/OS could not be established.
Action: Check the exception message to determine the cause. Contact IBM support if you cannot determine or eliminate the cause.

Message ID: 6003 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W6003/ User does not have the required privileges for calling SP <SP name > SP.
The Db2 for z/OS user ID selected for replication jobs does not have the privilege to call this stored procedure.
Action: Check the required authorizations in the 'IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Installation Guide', and make sure that the listed authorizations have been assigned.


Message ID: 6004 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W6004/ User does not have the following privileges: <table privilege>.
The Db2 for z/OS user ID selected for replication jobs does not have the listed table privileges.
Action: Check the required authorizations in the 'IBM Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z/OS Installation Guide', and make sure that all listed authorizations have been assigned.

Message ID: 6005 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W6005/ Failed to restore the query offload after schema change for the following table: <table>, because a table with this dbid/obid was not be found for the transaction
The query offload capability could not be restored after schema change processing. As a result, queries on columns that were changed or added by the schema change cannot be routed to the accelerator.

  1. Remove the table from the accelerator.
  2. Re-add the table to the accelerator.
  3. Re-enable replication for the table.
  4. Reload the table.

Message ID: 7001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E7001/ Failed to restore query offload after schema change for the following tables: <table(s)>. That is, failed to set the ALTEREDTS value in SYSACCEL.SYSACCELERATEDTABLES for these tables. You can restore query acceleration by executing the following statement(s): <statements to execute>
The query offloading capability could not be restored after the schema change. Queries on columns that were changed or added by the schema change can therefore not be routed to the acclerator.
Action: Run the SQL statements listed in the error message.

Message ID: 7002 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W7002/ Looked up table metadata information for table <table> is more current than the change processed. Integrated Synchronization metadata might be out of sync with server
During schema change processing, a table version was detected that is newer than the version created by the schema change operation. This can happen if an additional ALTER TABLE statement was run that has not yet been processed by IBM Integrated Synchronization.
Action: To avoid inconsistencies, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the table from the accelerator.
  2. Re-add the table to the accelerator.
  3. Re-enable replication for the table.
  4. Reload the table.

Message ID: 8001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E8001/ IO error when parsing log records Explanation:
An error occurred while parsing log records. The instance will be restarted, and replication continues.

Message ID: 8002 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W8002/ Replication is running but can't connect to Db2. Retrying after wait time.
Db2 cannot be connected to.
Action: Check your network and the Db2 status.

Message ID: 8003 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W8003/ Could not initialize log reader session. Restarting replication. Explanation:
The log reader session could not be started. The instance will be restarted and replication continues.

Message ID: 8004 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W8004/ Disable query acceleration was successful for tables: <tables> Explanation:
Query acceleration was disabled for the listed tables. Queries against these tables are no longer routed to an accelerator.

Message ID: 8005 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W8005/ Disable query acceleration FAILED for tables: <tables> Explanation:
Query acceleration could not be disabled for the listed tables.
Check whether the tables are in the ERROR state. If this is the case, turn off query acceleration manually or reload the tables.

Message ID: 8006 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W8006/ Remove tables from accelerator was successful for tables: <tables> Explanation:
The listed tables were removed from the accelerator automatically after they were removed from Db2 for z/OS.

Message ID: 8007 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E8007/ Remove tables from accelerator FAILED for tables: <tables> Explanation:
The listed tables could not be removed automatically from the accelerator.
Remove the tables manually.

Message ID: 8008 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W8008/ Tables are in invalid state when the instance starts. Setting table state to ERROR for tables: <tables> Explanation:
When the instance shuts down while table changes are being applied, the consistency of the affected tables cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, the state of these tables is set to ERROR when the instance restarts.

Message ID: 8009 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W8009/ Log reader could not be started due to network issues! Check your network! Retrying for <number of retries> times. Explanation:
The log reader could not be started. To rule out temporary issues, the operation will be retried several times. You can see the remaining number of retries in the message.
Check your network.

Message ID: 8010 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W8010/ Bookmark table can't be accessed
The Bookmark table cannot be accessed.

Message ID: 8011 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W8011/ Exception during log reader termination
An exception occurred while a log reader termination was taking place.
If the issue persists, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 8012 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E8012/ There was an error trying to delete bookmark recovery information. Please retry to start replication.
Replication could not be started because an error occurred during the clean-up of bookmark recovery information.

  1. Try to start replication once again.
  2. If the problem persists, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 9001 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W9001/ Db2 Warehouse unreachable! Shutting down!
A connection to Db2 Warehouse cannot be established. The instance is shutting down. A restart is attempted when Db2 Warehouse is available again.

Message ID: 9002 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W9002/ Rejected execution handler was interrupted
The rejected execution handler was interrupted.

Message ID: 9003 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E9003/ IO error when initializing configuration file
During the initialization of the configuration file, an I/O error occurred.

Message ID: 9004 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E9004/ Error loading JDBC driver
An error occurred while loading a JDBC driver.

Message ID: 9005 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E9005/ Thread <threadname> threw an exception. Triggering instance restart.
The current thread has thrown an exception. An instance restart has been triggered.

Message ID: 11001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E11001/ Server loop terminated by exception
An exception (error) has terminated the server loop.
The server has terminated and will be restarted automatically.
If the problem reoccurs, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 11002 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E11002/ Server shutdown with exception
An exception (error) caused the server to shut down.
If the problem reoccurs, report this message to IBM support. Add a trace file for a post-mortem analysis.

Message ID: 12001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E12001/ An IO exception has occurred while creating apply instance properties files
An I/O exception has occurred while creating the apply instance properties file.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 12002 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E12002/ The given folder could not be created. No configuration created for apply instance path: <unknown>
The specified folder could not be created. As a result, a configuration could not be created for the apply instance path stated in the message.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 13001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E13001/ Cannot instantiate the DES encrypter
An encryption failure prevented the creation of the PassTicket. The DES encrypter cannot be instantiated.

Message ID: 13002 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E13002/ Error during encryption!
An encryption failure prevented the creation of the PassTicket. An encryption error occurred.

Message ID: 13003 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E13003/ The chosen character encoding is not supported.
An encryption failure prevented the creation of the PassTicket because the chosen character encoding is not supported.

Message ID: 13004 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E13004/ There was an error encrypting userId!
An encryption failure prevented the creation of the PassTicket. An error occurred during the encryption of a user ID.

Message ID: 13005 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E13005/ There was an error encrypting applicationName!
An encryption failure prevented the creation of the PassTicket. An error occurred during the encryption of an application name.

Message ID: 13006 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E13006/ SecretKey cannot be generated!
An encryption failure prevented the creation of the PassTicket. The secret key cannot be generated.

Message ID: 14001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E14001/ Table data could not be stored because a file could not be opened or an error occurred while writing to the file. This might result in data loss.
Table data could not be stored because a file could not be opened or an error occurred while writing to the file. This might result in data loss.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 14002 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E14002/ Table data could not be stored because a file could not be closed.
There was an error closing a file after writing table data to the file.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 14003 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E14003/ JSON syntax invalid!.
The JSON syntax is invalid.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 14004 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E14004/ The table states of replicated tables could not be loaded.
Persistent table states of replicated tables could not be loaded.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 15001 Severity: WARNING
Message text:
/W15001/ There was an error adding log configuration. Not all loggers may work as expected! Restarting the replication processes may help.
The log reader configuration could not be changed. Not all log readers may work as expected.
Restart the replication processes.
If the issue persists, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 15002 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E15002/ Failed to load logging properties <propertiesresourcename>
Logging properties could not be loaded.
If the issue persists, contact IBM support.

Message ID: 16001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E16001/ PassTicket could not be generated.
The PassTicket could not be generated.
Contact IBM support.

Message ID: 17001 Severity: SEVERE
Message text:
/E17001/  The processing results could not be converted into a valid representation (de-serialization error). 
The processing results could not be converted into a valid representation (de-serialization error). 
If the issue persists, contact IBM support.


Hi Frank,
I made changes to messages:
2051,2052, 9002, 15001
Message 11001 was changed because the developer provided incorrect data.
For the messages in issue
I made a proposal in the issue.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SS4LQ8","label":"Db2 Analytics Accelerator for z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000775AAA","label":"Db2 related products and functions-\u003EDb2 Analytics Accelerator for z\/OS"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"7.5.0;and future releases"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
22 March 2024

