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Display PTF Apply Information (DSPPTFAPYI) command



Display PTF Apply Information (DSPPTFAPYI) command


You are in: IBM i Technology Updates > General IBM i Operating System > Display PTF Apply Information (DSPPTFAPYI) command
Have you ever wondered if the PTFs or PTF groups you just downloaded can be applied without an IPL? The new Display PTF Apply Information (DSPPTFAPYI) command answer these and other important questions.

Software Pre-requisite for IBM i 7.1:
The DSPPTFAPI command is delivered with PTF SI52034, which is included in TR8 (Technology Refresh PTF group SF99707 level 8).

You can select a list of PTFs for a product, a PTF group, or all Not-applied PTFs for selected products.  The output shows your input selection, a list of all selected PTFs that are not applied (including requisites), and an "Apply immediate" field that Indicates if the selected PTFs can be applied immediately from *SERVICE.

The possible values for "Apply immediate" are:  

  •  *YES - The selected PTFs can be installed immediately.
  • *NO -   An IPL is required to install the selected PTFs.
  • *PRECND -  The selected PTFs can be installed immediately if all of the preconditions are met.  Note the F20 function key will show a list of all preconditions that must be met to immediately apply all of the selected PTFs.

The DSPPTFAPYI command requires that the PTFs and requisites that are not applied exist in save files in *SERVICE on the partition.  If you've downloaded your PTFs as save files, you can immediately run the command.  If you've downloaded your PTFs as an image, you need to copy the PTFs into *SERVICE before running the DSPPTFAPYI command.  You can use the Copy PTF Save Files (QPZCPYSV) API to copy the PTFs and PTF groups from the optical image to *SERVICE.

This command displays the PTF apply information for all PTFs in the latest level of the HIPER PTF group SF99709 that are not applied.

This command produces a printout of the PTF apply information for all PTFs in *SERVICE that are not currently applied.

This command directs the PTF apply information for PTF SI12345 to database file MYOUTFILE in library MYLIB.  If the output file does not already exist, a new file is created using system file QSYS/QADSPAPY with a format QPZDSAPY as a model.


An SQL alternative approach can be used to answer questions about PTFs.  Refer to the IBM i Knowledge Center for more details.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
09 January 2020

