IBM Support

DFSORT Symbol definitions for SMF Type 16 records and generate reports on DFSORT Use of Z Sort Accelerator

General Page

This page has information on DFSORT Symbols for SMF record type 16. It also contains sample jobs to analyze the usage of Z Sort Accelerator.
The attachment consists of .XMI and plain text files of DFSORT symbols.  You need a utility to unzip (decompress) the .zip files
It has 2 folders
  • Text files  - Contains the plain text files of DFSORT symbols for each section.
  • Xmit format - Contains Xmit format that you can xmit to the mainframe and transform it back to usable PDS.

File suffixed as .XMI is in XMIT format, so you need to
  • Create a sequential fixed block (FB) file on the mainframe with LRECL=80, RECFM=FB, BLKSIZE=3120 and DSORG=PS
  • Upload the .XMI file as binary
  • Issue the command TSO RECEIVE INDATASET(???) where ??? is the file name you uploaded to transform it back to usable PDS.
Once uploaded you can use these symbols in DFSORT or ICETOOL processing. A SYMNAMES DD statement indicates DFSORT or ICETOOL to perform symbol processing. It specifies the SYMNAMES data set (SYMNAMES for short), which can consist of one DFSORT symbol data set or many concatenated symbol data sets.

A symbol data set can be a sequential data set, a partitioned member, or a DD * data set; all three types can be concatenated together for the SYMNAMES DD. Each symbol data set must contain SYMNAMES statements describing the symbols for fields and constants to be used for the DFSORT or ICETOOL application. Each symbol data set must have the following attributes: RECFM=F or RECFM=FB and LRECL=80.
The attachment zSORT consists of sample DFSORT jobs to format the SMF-16 records that use the symbols to create reports on the usage, non-usage, and a summary of IBM Integrated Accelerator for Z Sort.
Thanks to Frank Kyne and Cheryl Watson for sharing the reprint of the Cheryl Watson Tuning Letter. The article "Optimizing DFSORT Use of Z Sort Accelerator" answers your questions to optimize your use of Z Sort.


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB56","label":"Z HW"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG90","label":"z\/OS"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m0z0000000AGAAA2","label":"DFSMS-\u003EDFSORT"}],"Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 August 2022

