IBM Support

'deployments.extensions already exists' error during helm chart deployment



When you deploy a custom Helm chart, the UI returns the following error:

Internal service error : rpc error: code = Unknown desc = release <release_name> failed: deployments.extensions "<release_name>-<chart_name>" already exists


Even though the UI displays this action as failed, the deployment and service resources are created successfully and the application is reachable via the Proxy Ingress and NodePort. There are also no logs created.


Resolving The Problem

Check below points to resolve this issue:

  • If this is a custom Helm chart, check the chart and its files. There should not be any duplicate files. Also check the syntax and structure of the folder, then repackage it and run the deployment again.
  • Check the Helm client and server version via the
helm version -tls

    command. Depending on your ICP version, you need specific Helm client and server versions.

    See the IBM Knowledge Center for IBM Cloud Private to verify and solve incorrect versions:

    ICP 3.1.1:

    ICP 3.1.0:


  • Normally, you see the above error message if a previous deployment of the chart was not completely uninstalled. In such cases, run the following steps to resolve the problem:
    1. Delete the previous chart release:
      helm delete --purge <old_release_name> --tls
    2. Delete the deployment for the previous release (deletion of the deployment and associated pod takes up to 2 minutes):
      kubectl delete deploy -n <namespace> <deployment-name>
    3. Verify that the deployment has been deleted. The deployment should not appear in the list.
      kubectl get deployments -n <namespace>
    4. Re-install the Helm chart with a new release name via the ICP UI or the helm install command.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSBS6K","label":"IBM Cloud Private"},"Component":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
27 November 2018

