IBM Support

[Db2] How to collect db2support (for UNIX/Linux platforms)

Question & Answer


How can I collect our Db2's general information by using db2support command?


Db2support command collects environment data about either a client or server machine and places the files that contain system data into a compressed file archive.

Please follow the steps below.
  1. Login to database server machine with instance owner user ID.
  2. Run following command from command line processor (CLP)
    $ db2support [outputdir] -s -d [database] -c -f > db2support.log 2>&1
    • Replace [outputdir] with the path name where generated files should be placed (for example /tmp/workdir/db2support. Refer technote).
    • Replace [database] with the target database name.
    • In V10.5 or later, you can specify multiple database name, delimited by comma. If you want to collect information for all databases listed in the database directory, you can specify '-alldbs' option instead of '-d' followed by specific database name.
    • In V10.1 or before, you can specify only one database name for each execution of db2support utility. You need to run db2support utility multi-times for each database, if you need to gather information about multiple databases.
  3. Please provide following files to IBM technical support., db2support.log, db2diag.log

Please read through the following notes BEFORE running db2support.
  • If you are partitioned database environment with multiple node, run the db2support utility in catalog node and the node where the problem has happened.
  • When db2support utility does not complete for long time (for example 5 minutes), terminate the utility by pressing Ctrl+C.
  • If you cannot connect to the database, specify -nco option instead of -c. But if you are V9.7 GA or FP1, do not specify any of -c or -nco in such situation.
  • If the target database is on zSeries (S/390) or iSeries (AS/400), or you want to collect client environment information, please remove "-d [database] -c" option.

In DB2 V11.1 Mod 3 Fix Pack 3, there is known problem which can cause critical impact on Db2. If you are running with this level, please refer following technote and follow the workaround.
Running db2support on Db2 V 11.1 Mod 3 Fix Pack 3 can remove critical database files with potential result of corruption / database outage
Some known problems are reported as below. Please verify whether you are applicable or note.
  • IC80746
    Applicable level: V9.7 Fix pack 5 only.
    Problem: db2support may take long time due to db2dart.
    Workaround: Add -st "values 1" option like as follows.
    $ db2support . -d [database] -c -st "values 1" -f
  • IC76948
    Applicable level: V9.7 Fix pack 4 Data Server Client only
    Problem: db2support process may abnormally terminate.
    Workaround: None. Avoid running db2support utility when you encountered the problem. Only solution is applying FP5 or later.
  • IT07419
    Applicable level: FP6 of before in V10.5
    Problem: db2support utility may hang due to LIST TABLESPACE SHOW DETAIL command does not complete, which was issued as part of db2support utility.
    Workaround: None. Only solution is applying FP7 or later.
  • IC91469 (V9.7) / IC91488 (V10.1) / IC95240 (V10.5)
    Applicable level: FP8 or before in V9.7 / FP2 or before in V10.1 / FP2 of before in V10.5
    Problem: db2support may hang when database was specified in -d option, due to lock contention while collecting catalog information.
    Workaround: specify -nco option instead of -c option.
  • IT18240
    Applicable level: FP8 of before in V10.5 (Linux only)
    Problem: db2support utility may terminate abnormally.
    Workaround: None. Only solution is to apply FP9 or later.


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"Component":"DB2 Tools - db2support","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"9.8;9.7;10.1;10.5;11.1;11.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
01 May 2022

