IBM Support

Data Source Support Matrix of Federation Bundled in Db2 LUW V11.5

Product Documentation


This page lists the remote data sources that can be accessed by using the built-in federation capability of Db2 LUW V11.5.


When configuring a wrapper, a software layer (driver, SDK, or stand-alone program) is required that handles the vendor-specific communication with the data source. This layer can be built in to Federation, provided by IBM on the media with Db2 for Linux, Unix and Windows, or in some cases, provided by the vendor of the data source or other third party.

Table 1-5 shows which data sources require vendor-supplied software to complete the wrapper. This software must be acquired separately and installed on the same system as Federation for the data sources that you want to access. Some data sources are supported by more than one wrapper. In most case, the main differences among them are the communication method to access data source and the required software layer. Usually the native wrappers have fewer limitations and support more functions. For more details about configuring access to data sources through certain wrappers, refer to the following pages in IBM Documentation.

Table 6 shows the availability of wrappers on 64-bit operating systems. Certain wrappers are not available on all operating systems due to the availability of dependent data source software.

1. Although different types of wrappers are provided to connect to the same type of data source, the recommended order will normally be Native Wrapper > ODBC Wrapper > JDBC Wrapper.
2. Most wrappers and data sources of Federation are available in all three Db2 product editions (Db2 Advanced Edition, Db2 Standard Edition, and Db2 Community Edition) without any separate license. But Federation with Db2 for IBM i and Db2 for z data sources require appropriate Db2 Connect license. Reference: Functionality in Db2 product editions and Db2 offerings

Table 1. Data sources supported by native wrappers, versions, and software requirements.

Data Source Supported Versions Dependent Data Source Software or Service Quick Start
IBM Big SQL 3.0 and later None1 The example for Db2 family
IBM® Db2® Warehouse on Cloud (formerly dashDB for Analytics) (not applicable)2 None1 The example for Db2 family
IBM Db2 on Cloud (formerly dashDB for Transactions) (not applicable)2 None1 The example for Db2 family
IBM Db2 Warehouse (formerly dashDB Local) (not applicable)2 None1 The example for Db2 family
IBM Db2 for LUW (9.7, 9.8, 10.1, 10.5, 11.1, 11.5)9 None1 The example for Db2 family
IBM Db2 for IBM i® 6.1, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.48 None1 The example for Db2 family
IBM Db2 for z/OS® 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 13.110 None1 The example for Db2 family
IBM Db2 Hosted (formerly DB2 on Cloud) (not applicable)2 None1 The example for Db2 family
IBM Db2 Server for VSE and VM 7.4, 7.5 None1 The example for Db2 family
IBM Integrated Analytics System (not applicable)2 None1 The example for Db2 family
IBM MQ® 7, 7.01, 8.x None3 -7
IBM PureData System for Operational Analytics 1.1 None1 -7
IBM PureData System for Transactions 10.x None1 -7
Informix® 11.5, 11.7, 12.10 Informix Client SDK version 3.0 or higher6 The example for Informix
Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, 20174, 20194 ODBC driver manager and SQL Server ODBC driver5 The example for SQL Server
Oracle 11gR2, 12cR1, 12cR2, 18c, 19c4

Oracle Database Client Software6

The example for Oracle
SAP Sybase ASE 15.5, 15.7, 16.0 Sybase Open Client6 The example for SAP Sybase
Teradata 13, 14, 15, 16
Shared Common Components for Internationalization for Teradata (tdicu), Teradata Generic Security Services (TeraGSS)
And Teradata API library CLIv26

1 Db2 Connect is included as a supporting program for accessing this data source.

2 This data source is a managed service that is always at its most current version.

3 Required MQ software is included as a supporting program.

4 This version is supported from Db2 11.5.4.

5 Required ODBC driver manager and SQL Server ODBC driver are included in Db2 LUW on x86_64 Linux, AIX64, PPCLEx64, and zLinux64. Customers on Windows servers are recommended to download and install them from Microsoft.

6 You are recommended to keep the server and client software at the same release number to ensure the maximum compatibility, and you also need to get the support from the data source provider to find the support matrix for different versions of the client and server software.

7 This section is being written.

8 This version is supported from Db2 11.5.7.

9 Federation doesn’t support seamless ACR.
10 This version is supported from Db2 11.5.8.

Table 2. Data sources supported by ODBC wrapper, versions, and software requirements.

Data Source Supported Versions Dependent Data Source Software or Service Quick Start
Apache Hive
Hive with CDH 5.7, 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.13
Hive with HDP 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.01, 3.11
ODBC driver manager3 and Hive ODBC driver4
The sample for Hive
Apache Spark SQL 1.6.2, 1.6.3, 2.0.0, 2.1.1
ODBC driver manager3 and Spark ODBC driver4
The sample for Spark SQL
Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 14.x11, 15.x11 ODBC driver manager3 and PostgreSQL ODBC driver4 The sample for PostgreSQL
Cloudera Impala 2.7.0
ODBC driver manager3 and Impala ODBC driver4
The sample for Impala
Greenplum 5.x, 6.x
ODBC driver manager3 and Greenplum ODBC driver4
The sample for Greenplum
IBM PureData System for Analytics (formerly Netezza) 6.x, 7.x
ODBC driver manager3 and Netezza ODBC driver4
The sample for PureData System
MariaDB 10.x
ODBC driver manager3 and MariaDB ODBC driver5
The sample for MariaDB
Microsoft Azure SQL Database (not applicable)2
ODBC driver manager3 and SQL Server ODBC driver4
Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, 20171, 20191
ODBC driver manager3 and SQL Server ODBC driver4
The sample for SQL Server
Oracle MySQL Community Edition7 8.0 ODBC driver manager3 and MariaDB ODBC driver5 The sample for MySQL CE
Oracle MySQL Enterprise Edition 5.7, 8.010
ODBC driver manager3 and MySQL ODBC driver4
The sample for MySQL EE
Oracle 11gR2, 12cR1, 12cR2, 18c, 19c1
ODBC driver manager3 and Oracle ODBC driver4
The sample for Oracle
PostgreSQL 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x9, 13.x10, 11, 14.x10, 11, 15.x10, 11
ODBC driver manager3 and PostgreSQL ODBC driver4
The sample for PostgreSQL
ODBC driver manager3 and HANA ODBC Driver6
The sample for SAP Hana
Snowflake7 (not applicable)2 ODBC driver manager3 and Snowflake ODBC Driver6 The sample for Snowflake

1 This version is supported from Db2 11.5.4.

2 This data source is a managed service that is always at its most current version.

3 IBM branded DataDirect ODBC driver manager is included in Db2 LUW on x86_64 Linux, AIX64, PPCLEx64, and zLinux64. Customers on Windows servers are recommended to download and install the ODBC driver manager from Microsoft.

4 Required specified ODBC driver is included in Db2 LUW on x86_64 Linux, AIX64, PPCLEx64, and zLinux64. Customers on Windows servers are recommended to download the specified ODBC driver from data source vendor.

5 Required MariaDB ODBC driver is included in Db2 LUW on x86_64 Linux. Customers on other platforms are recommended to download it from data source vendor.

6 The specified ODBC driver is required but not included. Customers are recommended to download it from data source vendor.

7 This version is supported from Db2 11.5.5.

8 This section is being written.

9 This version is supported from Db2 11.5.6.

10 This version is supported from Db2 11.5.8.  Db2 federation is tolerant support for PostgreSQL v13, V14, V15, including connection, basic data types and functions pushdown.

11 This version is fully supported from Db2 11.5.9.


  • For other data sources not listed in Table 2, customer can also use federation server to access them and perform basic operations like querying remote data via ODBC wrapper, as long as the required ODBC driver comply with ODBC 3.0 standard. But they are not optimized so there might be some data types and functions not supported well and the performance is not expected to be as good as the optimized data sources.
  • For all ODBC data sources, federation server needs an ODBC driver manager and specified ODBC drivers to access them.
  • For Linux and Unix platforms, customers are recommended to use IBM-branded DataDirect ODBC driver manager and specified ODBC drivers included in IBM branded ODBC driver package(see annotation #2 above for details). And for data sources not supported by DataDirect ODBC drivers, customers can also download and install specified ODBC drivers from data source vendors to work with IBM-branded DataDirect ODBC driver manager.

Table 3. Data sources supported by NoSQL wrapper, versions, and software requirements.

Data Source Supported Versions Dependent Data Source Software or Service
CouchDB 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0 None1
MongoDB 3.0, 3.2, 3.4, 3.6, 4.0, 4.2, 4.42 Eve RESTful service deployed with MongoDB
Parquet on Hadoop 2.9.0 None1

1 Required libraries for connection and data parsing are included as a supporting program.

2 MongoDB version 4.x version is supported from Db2 11.5.8.

Table 4. Data sources supported by JDBC wrapper, versions, and software requirements.

Data Source Supported Versions Dependent Data Source Software or Service Quick Start
Amazon Athena1 (not applicable)5 Athena JDBC driver2 The sample for Athena
Amazon RedShift1 (not applicable)5 RedShift JDBC driver3 The sample for RedShift
Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL 14.x9, 15.x9 PostgreSQL JDBC driver3 The sample for PostgreSQL
Apache Derby1 10.8 Derby JDBC driver2 The sample for Apache Derby
Apache Hive1 Hive with HDP 2.6, 3.0, 3.1 Hive JDBC driver3 The sample for Apache Hive
Apache Spark SQL7 1.6.2, 1.6.3, 2.0.0, 2.1.1 Spark JDBC driver3 The sample for Apache Spark
Autonomous RESTful Services (not applicable)5 Restful JDBC driver3 The sample for RESTful Services
Cloudera Impala8 2.5.0 Impala JDBC driver3
DVM server1 1.1.0 DVM JDBC driver3 The sample for DVM server
Google BigQuery1 (not applicable)5 BigQuery JDBC driver3 The sample for BigQuery
IBM Db2 for LUW1 11.1, 11.5 None4 The sample for Db2 for LUW
IBM Db2 for z/OS®1 11.x, 12.x, 13.18 None4 The sample for Db2 for z/OS
IBM PureData® System for Analytics (formerly Netezza®)1 7.x Netezza JDBC driver2 The sample for Netezza
IBM 1.0.19 Presto JDBC driver9 The sample for
MariaDB1 10.x MariaDB JDBC driver2 The sample for MariaDB
Microsoft SQL Server1 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 SQL Server JDBC driver3 The sample for SQL Server
Oracle1 12cR2, 18c, 19c Oracle JDBC driver3 The sample for Oracle
Oracle MySQL Community Edition1 8.0 MariaDB JDBC driver2 The sample for MySQL CE
Oracle MySQL Enterprise Edition1 5.7, 8.08 MySQL JDBC driver3 The sample for MySQL EE
Pivotal Greenplum1 5.x, 6.x Greenplum JDBC driver3 The sample for Greenplum
PostgreSQL1 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x8,9, 13.x8,9, 14.x8,9, 15.x8,9 PostgreSQL JDBC driver3 The sample for PostgreSQL
Salesforce1 (not applicable)5 Salesforce JDBC driver3 The sample for Salesforce
SAP HANA1 2.0 HANA JDBC driver2 The sample for SAP Hana
Snowflake6 (not applicable)5 Snowflake JDBC driver2 The sample for Snowflake
Teradata 14, 15, 16 Teradata JDBC driver2 The sample for Teradata

1 This data source is supported from Db2 11.5.4.

2 The specified JDBC driver is required but not included. Customers are recommended to download it from data source vendor.

3 The required JDBC driver is included in Db2 LUW on x86_64 Linux and AIX64. Customers on other platforms are recommended to download it from data source vendor.

4 Db2 Connect is included as a supporting program for accessing this data source.

5 This data source is a managed service that is always at its most current version.

6 This data source is supported from Db2 11.5.5.

7 This data source is supported from Db2 11.5.6.

8 This data source is supported from Db2 11.5.8.  Db2 federation is tolerant support for PostgreSQL v12, v13, V14, V15, including connection, basic data types and functions pushdown.

9 This data source is fully supported from Db2 11.5.9. The Presto JDBC driver presto-jdbc-0.282.jar is bunlded into Db2 v11.5.9.


  • For other data sources not listed in Table 4, customer can also use federation server to access them and perform basic operations like querying remote data via JDBC wrapper, as long as the required JDBC driver comply with 6.0 standard. But they are not optimized so there might be some data types and functions not supported well and the performance is not expected to be as good as the optimized data sources.

Table 5. Data sources supported by other data sources, versions, and software requirement

Data Source Supported Versions Dependent Data Source Software or Service
BioRS 5.2, 5.3 None1
Web Services
WSDL 1.0, 1.1
SOAP 1.0, 1.1
XML XML 1.0, XML 1.1 None1

1 Required libraries for connection and data parsing are included as a supporting program, no additional action required for customer.

Table 6. Availability of wrapper support on 64-bit operating systems.

This table shows whether or not a wrapper support is available on a certain operating system. It does not imply anything about the availability of data server or client software on that platform. To access the data source, the wrapper must be available on the operating system where Federation Server runs.

Hardware Architecture
Little Endian
Operating system
CTLIB(for Sybase)
MSSQLODBC3(for SQL Server)
NET8(for Oracle)

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[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSEPGG","label":"Db2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m500000008PkvAAE","label":"Federation"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF055","label":"zLinux"}],"Version":"11.5.0;11.5.4;11.5.5;11.5.6;11.5.7;11.5.8"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
06 May 2024

