IBM Support

Creating a new empty menu group and associating menu items

Question & Answer


How to create a new empty menu group through user interface in IBM Sterling Selling and Fulfillment Suite?


Using the application management console, provision is provided to make a copy of an existing menu group, however there is no provision through user interface to create a new empty menu group,


By copying a menu group into a new group, user can only delete a menu item. However, a user does not have the provision to delete an application menu.
For example:
When the Default Menu group is copied into a new group called Sample Group, the administrator can only delete the menu items such as Home_Menu_SBC but not the application menu such as the Default_Bus_Center_Menu.

Steps to create a new Menu group and associating:

  1. Call manageCommonCode API with following input:
    <CommonCode CodeType="MENU_IDENTIFIER" CodeValue="MY_MENU" CodeShortDescription="My Menu" CodeLongDescription="My Menu" OrganizationCode="DEFAULT" />

    (Change the text in italic as required). This will create a new MenuID.

  2. Open Application Manager and navigate to Application_Platform - Presentation - Menu. The new menu ID will not be visible here yet. Expand Default Menu and right click on any application menu items (For example Default_SIC_Menu) to copy to custom menu. You will find the newly created MenuID (MY_MENU) in the custom menu group drop down list.

  3. Add as many menu items as required following step 2. Do note that the new menu will not be visible yet on the menu hierarchy view since it will not refresh automatically.

  4. Close the menu hierarchy view and open it again. Now you can see the new Application menu (MY_MENU) along with the menu items added previously.

  5. Associate this new menu to the menu items as required.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS6PEW","label":"IBM Sterling Order Management"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
16 June 2018

