IBM Support

Configuring a *LAN IPDS Device Description for E-Mail Function of Infoprint Server



This document describes how to create a device description and a PSF configuration object for converting spooled files to PDF files.

Diagnosing The Problem

This document contains information on configuring a *LAN *IPDS device description for the email function of the Infoprint Server (product 5722IP1). Infoprint Server is a separate program that can be purchased and installed on the IBM i5/OS. The email function is one of the capabilities of this program.

Although some tips are included here, for complete instructions and examples, refer to the following manuals: In the text of this document, these manuals are referred to as the User's Guide or the Printing VI Redbooks.

Configuring Infoprint Server to Email Spooled Files

This video shows how to configure Infoprint Server to email spooled files.

Resolving The Problem

There is some preparation that must be done before configuring the device description and PSF configuration object. A general checklist follows; it is recommended to follow the User's Guide for complete instructions on some of these steps.

  • Install the Infoprint Server product. This is a licensed product. Therefore, you will also have to add your license key that you received with the product.

    After IBM Infoprint Server for iSeries, product 5722IP1, has been installed it is recommended that the latest recommended fixes for both Print and Infoprint Server be downloaded and applied before attempting to configure a PSF Configuration (PSFCFG) object and *LAN IPDS device description to use Infoprint Server, particularly if testing Infoprint Server during the initial 70-day grace period.

    The latest recommended fixes help avoid known problems that have long since been fixed by the latest PTFs, which will give you more time to test Infoprint Server before being required to purchase a license.

    For a list of the recommended fixes for both Print and Infoprint Server, refer to the IBM i Support: Recommended Fixes document.
  • Verify that the operating system is enabled to send email. Refer to Chapter 8 of the Version 5 Release 2 User's Guide for setting the system up to send outgoing email. If the email should have the sender's name included, verify that the email sender's name has an entry in the system directory (ADDDIRE). A test to ensure the user is set up correctly is to issue the Send Distribution (SNDDST *DOC) command.

    For more information on configuring SMTP on the IBM i system, refer to the Configuring MSF/SMTP on the IBM i document.
  • A data queue can be created to log the IPDS to PDF conversion messages. The size of the data queue is recommended to be 752. This data queue must be created before creating the PSF configuration object and device description, if this will be used. Using this parameter is optional, though it can be a helpful debugging tool. For each spooled file that is processed by Infoprint Server, a data queue entry is created to track if the conversion was successful. It can be created with the Create Data Queue (CRTDTAQ) command. Then, specify the name of the data queue in the PDF Data Queue (PDFDTAQ) parameter of the PSF configuration object. More information on this field layout for the data queue can be found in Appendix E of the Printing VI Redbooks publication.
  • Change the POP Server Attributes (CHGPOPA) to have the Message Split Size set to *NOMAX. If a value other than *NOMAX is specified, the file is sent as data transfer files of the size listed in this parameter rather than as one PDF file.
  • If a mail tag is used rather than specifying the email address in the printer file or DDS STRPAGGRP parameter, then an Email Exit Program must be created to map a mail tag to one or more email addresses.

    Note: The terms email exit program and email mapping program are terms that are used interchangeably. More information on these programs can be found in Appendixes B and C of the User's Guide; Appendix B has the parameters and Appendix C has an example. More information and samples can be found in Appendix E of the Printing VI Redbooks.
To configure a PSF Configuration (PSFCFG) object, use the Create PSF Configuration (CRTPSFCFG) command, and press F4. Parameters that are not mentioned here can be left to the defaults because they are used when printing to an actual printer. Additional parameters are shown when pressing the Enter key or F10. For more information on those parameters, refer to the Configuring a *LAN IPDS Device Description document.

The following parameters must be specified when using the email function of Infoprint Server:

PSF configuration (PSFCFG)
This is the name of the PSF Configuration (PSFCFG) object to be created.

Generate PDF output (PDFGEN)
This parameter should be set to *MAIL to have PDF output that is electronically mailed and then erased.

PDF device emulation type (PDFDEVTYPE)
This parameter specifies what type of device the virtual printer emulates for the IPDS to PDF transform. The options are:
  • *IP40240 - Emulates an IP40 printer device configured at 240 pel resolution
  • *IP40300 - Emulates an IP40 printer device configured at 300 pel resolution
  • *4028 - Emulates a 4028 printer device
  • *3812 - Emulates a 3812 printer device

PDF paper size drawer 1 (PDFPPRDWR1) and PDF paper size drawer 2 (PDFPPRDWR2)
The values in these parameters are used as the page size in the PDF output file to determine the printable area. This is valid only if PDFGEN is set to a value other than *NONE. The options are:
  • *LETTER (8.5 x 11 inches)
  • *LEGAL (8.5 x 14 inches)
  • *EXECUTIVE (7.25 x 10.5 inches)
  • *LEDGER (11 x 17 inches)
  • *A5 (148 x 210mm)
  • *A4 (210 x 297mm)
  • *A3 (297 x 420mm)
  • *B5 (182 x 257mm)
  • *B4 (257 x 364mm)

Multiple PDF files (PDFMULT)
This specifies whether PSF should tell the IPDS to PDF transform to split the PDF output into multiple PDF files. The value *NO creates one PDF file, which is the default for this parameter. The value *YES creates multiple PDF files, when applicable, based on what is specified in the spooled file using the DDS keyword STRPAGGRP and ENDPAGGRP boundaries.

PDF data queue (PDFDTAQ) and Library
This specifies the name of the data queue and library where PSF/400 will log the IPDS to PDF transformation completion notifications. This parameter is optional; however, if a data queue is specified, it must exist before the PSF configuration object is created. The default is *NONE.

Sender of electronic mail (PDFSENDER)
This specifies from whom the electronic mail is coming. The sender must have a valid user profile and be entered in the system distribution directory. The default is *SPLFOWN, where the owner of the spooled file sends the email. The other options are QSPLJOB, where QSPLJOB sends the email, or to specify the name or user profile that is the email sender. Use the DSPPSFCFG command to verify that this field is not blank. When changing the *PSFCFG object between PDFGEN(*STMF) and PDFGEN(*MAIL), this parameter can get blanked out. When this happens, the error messages in the job logs tell you what the problem is.

PDF user program (PDFMAPPGM) and Library
This specifies the name and library of a mapping program that PSF/400 will call to resolve a mail tag to one or more electronic mail addresses. The options are:

• *NONE. If a mapping program is not specified, PSF/400 assumes that the mail tag is a valid electronic mail address and will attempt to send the file by using the information in the User-Defined Data (USRDFNDTA) parameter of the printer file or in the DDS STRPAGGRP parameter. A sample printer file override that could be used to test this function is OVRPRTF FILE(QSYSPRT) USRDFNDTA('MAILTAG(')
MAILTAG should be in uppercase letters. With this override in effect, a print screen can be done to generate a spooled file with this mail tag value.

• User-mapping-program name. Specify the name of a valid user mapping program that will be used. When using a mapping program, the email addresses returned must have single quotes around each address.

For the Library parameter, the valid options are:

• *CURLIB. The current library is used to locate the user mapping program. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

• library-name. Specify the name of the library where the user mapping program is located.

Refer to Chapter 6 of the User's Guide, for additional information on these parameters. Also, refer to Appendixes B and C for the parameters and examples of an email mapping program. An RPG version of an email mapping program can be found in Appendix E of the Printing VI Redbooks.

This example is not a complete view of the Create PSF Configuration (CRTPSFCFG) command, and more functions might be added with subsequent releases. When upgrading the operating system release level, use the Change PSF Configuration (CHGPSFCFG) command to review the new function to see whether it pertains to your environment.

Type the CRTPSFCFG command on the operating system command line, and press the F4 key to prompt the command. The screens expand as you fill in the requested fields. Then, press the Enter key or F10. The completed Create PSF Configuration (CRTPSFCFG) screens resemble the entries in the example below:

Create PSF Configuration (CRTPSFCFG)
PSF configuration . . . . . . . > EMAIL Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . > QGPL Name, *CURLIB
User resource library list . . . *JOBLIBL *JOBLIBL, *CURLIB, *NONE
Device resource library list . . *DFT Name, *DFT
+ for more values
IPDS pass through . . . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES
Activate release timer . . . . . *NORDYF *NORDYF, *IMMED...
Release timer . . . . . . . . . *NOMAX 1-1440, *NOMAX, *SEC15...
Restart timer . . . . . . . . . *IMMED 1-1440, *IMMED
APPC and TCP/IP retry count . . > 15 1-99, *NOMAX
Delay between APPC retries . . . 90 0-999
Acknowledgment frequency . . . . 100 1-32767
Printer response timer . . . . . *NOMAX 5-3600, *NOMAX
Generate PDF output . . . . . . > *MAIL *NONE, *SPLF, *STMF, *MAIL
+ for more values
PDF device emulation type . . . > *IP40300 *IP40240, *IP40300, *P4028...
PDF paper size drawer 1 . . . . > *LETTER *LETTER, *LEGAL...
PDF paper size drawer 2 . . . . > *LETTER *LETTER, *LEGAL...
Multiple PDF files:
Acknowledge multiple groups . > *YES *NO, *YES
Process option . . . . . . . . > *SPLIT *SPLIT, *INDEX
PDF fonts inline . . . . . . . . > *YES *YES, *NO
PDF data queue . . . . . . . . . *NONE Name, *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name
PDF mail server name . . . . . . > *LOCAL

+ for more values

Sender of electronic mail . . . *SPLFOWN Name, *SPLFOWN, QSPLJOB
PDF administrator . . . . . . .

PDF user program . . . . . . . . *NONE Name, *NONE, *IBMPGM
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name
PDF mapping object . . . . . . . *NONE Name, *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name
PDF output queue . . . . . . . . Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name
PDF directory . . . . . . . . .

Save AFP data . . . . . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES
Text 'description' . . . . . . . > 'Infoprint Server for email'

The completed Create PSF Configuration (CRTPSFCFG) command is similar to the following:

('Infoprint Server for email')

Create the device description with the Create Device Description (Printer) (CRTDEVPRT) command. Parameters that are not mentioned here can be left to the defaults because they are used when printing to an actual printer. For more information on those parameters, please refer to the Configuring a *LAN IPDS Device Description document.

The following parameters must be specified when using the email function of Infoprint Server:

Device description (DEVD)
This is the name of the printer device description to be created.

Device Class (DEVCLS)
This must be set to *LAN.

Device Type (TYPE)
This must be set to *IPDS.

Device Model (MODEL)
This must be set to 0.

LAN Attachment (LANATTACH)
This must be set to *IP.

Advanced Function Printing (AFP)
This must be set to *YES.

Port number (PORT)
This specifies the port number that the Infoprint Server will use. The value to be specified is for a port number that is not in use by anything else. To determine a free port number, type NETSTAT and select Option 3. Look for a port number that is not in the list. The Local Port column should be used to determine if the port number is currently in use.

Font (FONT) = 011
This is typically set to 011, which is the default 10 CPI font. A font ID is required to create the device description. Unless special requirements in your operation dictates something different, this should suffice.

Form Feed (FORMFEED)
This defaults to *TYPE, but should be set to *AUTOCUT to indicate cut sheet paper. Leaving this set at *TYPE, or setting it to *CONT or *CUT, can cause problems with paper size.

Remote Location (RMTLOCNAME)
This should be set to the Loopback address,, and typed without leading zeros.

User-Defined Object (USRDFNOBJ)
This defaults to *NONE, but it should be set to the name of the PSF Configuration (PSFCFG) object that was created for the Infoprint Server. The Object type portion of this parameter must be set to *PSFCFG.

Type CRTDEVPRT (Create Device Description (Printer)) at the command line, and press the F4 key to prompt the command. The screens expand as you fill in the requested fields. Then, press the Enter key or F10. The completed Create Device Description (Printer) (CRTDEVPRT) screen is similar to the entries in the example below:

Create Device Desc (Printer) (CRTDEVPRT)

Type choices, press Enter.

Device description . . . . . . . > EMAIL Name
Device class . . . . . . . . . . > *LAN *LCL, *RMT, *VRT, *SNPT, *LAN
Device type . . . . . . . . . . > *IPDS 3287, 3812, 4019, 4201...
Device model . . . . . . . . . . > 0 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 200...
LAN attachment . . . . . . . . . *IP *LEXLINK, *IP, *USRDFN
Advanced function printing . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Port number . . . . . . . . . . > 5055 0-65535
Online at IPL . . . . . . . . . *YES *YES, *NO
Identifier . . . . . . . . . . > 011 3, 5, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19...
Point size . . . . . . . . . . *NONE 000.1-999.9, *NONE
Form feed . . . . . . . . . . . > *AUTOCUT *TYPE, *CONT, *CONT2, *CUT...
Separator drawer . . . . . . . . *FILE 1-255, *FILE
Separator program . . . . . . . *NONE Name, *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Printer error message . . . . . *INQ *INQ, *INFO
Message queue . . . . . . . . . *CTLD Name, QSYSOPR
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Activation timer . . . . . . . . 170 1-2550, *NOMAX
Image configuration . . . . . . *NONE *NONE, *IMGA01, *IMGA02...
Maximum pending requests . . . . 6 1-31
Print while converting . . . . . *YES *NO, *YES
Form definition . . . . . . . . F1C10110 Name
Library . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Remote location:
Name or address . . . . . . . > ''

User-defined options . . . . . . *NONE Character value, *NONE
+ for more values
User-defined object:
Object . . . . . . . . . . . . > EMAIL Name, *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . > QGPL Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Object type . . . . . . . . . > *PSFCFG *DTAARA, *DTAQ, *FILE...
Data transform program . . . . . *NONE Name, *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
User-defined driver program . . *NONE Name, *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Secure connection . . . . . . . *NO *NO, *YES
Validation list . . . . . . . . *NONE Name, *NONE
Library . . . . . . . . . . . Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB
Publishing information:
Support duplex . . . . . . . . *UNKNOWN *UNKNOWN, *SIMPLEX, *DUPLEX
Support color . . . . . . . . *UNKNOWN *UNKNOWN, *NOCOLOR, *COLOR
Pages per minute black . . . . *UNKNOWN 1-32767, *UNKNOWN
Pages per minute color . . . . *UNKNOWN 1-32767, *UNKNOWN
Location . . . . . . . . . . . *BLANK
Data streams supported . . . . *UNKNOWN *UNKNOWN, *PCL, *PS, *PDF...
+ for more values
Text 'description' . . . . . . . > 'Infoprint Server for email'

The completed Create Device Description (Printer) (CRTDEVPRT) command is similar to the following:


[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB57","label":"Power"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SWG60","label":"IBM i"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF012","label":"IBM i"}],"Version":"6.1.0"}]

Historical Number


Document Information

Modified date:
20 June 2022

