IBM Support

Collecting Data: Configuring ODM Logging in WAS standalone server

Question & Answer


You are having a problem with Operational Decision Manager, and you have deployed it on a Websphere Appication Server, standalone. You would like to collect detailed logs so that the IBM Operation Decision Manager Support team can diagnose your problem. If you gather this documentation before contacting support it will expedite the troubleshooting process, and save you time.


ODM L2 and L3 support team may ask you to enable a more detailed log level in order to troubleshoot your issue.
Logging for ODM is handled through the Java Common Logging facilities (java.util.logging package). You can enable log level at a general level for the ODM application, or specify specific logging level for certain ODM packages.

The easiest way to enable more detailed logging for ODM is to go and configure the log level in the WAS Administration Console.

Under Troubleshooting > Logs and Trace select your [ODMServerName], for instance SampleServer.

On the SampleServer page, under General Properties, select Diagnostic trace, then under Additional Properties, select Change Log detail levels

By default, the log level is set to *=info, that is, it is set to INFO level for all components.
You need to know that the possible log levels are: SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, FINE, FINER, FINEST, OFF or ALL. The level OFF is used to turn off logging. Level ALL is used to enable logging of all messages.

Unfold the Components and Groups and scroll down to the ilog.rules.* packages to select which ODM module you want to set a specific trace level for.
Then once you have selected a given package, use the right click menu Message and Trace Levels to select the trace level you want.
For instance, as illustrated in the below screenshot, if you select the ilog.rules.teamserver.* package and set the trace level FINE with the right click menu, this will automatically add "ilog.rules.teamserver.*=fine" in the ':' separated list of log detail levels.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSQP76","label":"IBM Operational Decision Manager"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"8.8;8.7;8.6;8.5;8.0.1;8.0;7.5","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

