Build Your Connector

Build Your Connector

  • Development of a new connector begins with forking the STIX-shifter project( creating a working branch. The working branch will contain any code changes required by the new connector.
  • When a new connector is ready for review, a pull request (PR) is submitted. The PR is a request to merge the working branch from the forked project into the main branch of the stix-shifter project. When the PR is submitted, a code review is conducted on the proposed changes. The working branch is also cloned and tested in a local development environment using stix-shifter’s CLI commands.
  • To develop a STIX-shifter connector for a data source:
    • Fork the opencybersecurityalliance/stix-shifter repository from to work on your own copy of the library.
    • Create a Translation module.
    • Create a Transmission module.
    • Test you connector
    • Create a pull request to merge your changes in the opencybersecurityalliance/stix-shifter repository.
  • To include your solution with IBM CloudPak for Security, submit your validation request for your connector to be tested and published in the IBM Security App Exchange

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