IBM Support

Browser connect to DWC fails if protocol not TLSv1.2

Flashes (Alerts)


Later browser versions require that a web server offer SSL protocol TLSv1.2 or it will not connect. Dynamic Workload Console (DWC) version 9.4.x is configured to offer protocol TLSv1 by default.


If the Dynamic Workload Console does not offer ssl protocol TLSv1.2, then Chrome 98 will return the following upon browsing to the DWC URL:


To allow DWC to offer protocol TLSv1.2, the sslProtocol parameter within JazzSM's security.xml needs to be changed from SSL_TLS to SSL_TLSv2. 

Steps on the server hosting DWC involve adding two characters to security.xml and restarting JazzSM:

1.) Login as root (or an Administrator if Windows)

2.) Change directory to: <InstallDir>/JazzSM/profile/config/cells/JazzSMNode01Cell

3.) Create a copy of security.xml:

# cp -p security.xml security.xml.SSL_TLS
4.) Modify security.xml:

CHANGE the line with sslProtocol="SSL_TLS":

<setting xmi:id="SecureSocketLayer_JazzSMNode01_1" clientAuthentication="false" securityLevel="HIGH" enabledCiphers="" jsseProvider="IBMJSSE2" sslProtocol="SSL_TLS" keyStore="KeyStore_JazzSMNode01_1" trustStore="KeyStore_JazzSMNode01_2" trustManager="TrustManager_JazzSMNode01_2" keyManager="KeyManager_JazzSMNode01_1">

<setting xmi:id="SecureSocketLayer_JazzSMNode01_1" clientAuthentication="false" securityLevel="HIGH" enabledCiphers="" jsseProvider="IBMJSSE2" sslProtocol="SSL_TLSv2" keyStore="KeyStore_JazzSMNode01_1" trustStore="KeyStore_JazzSMNode01_2" trustManager="TrustManager_JazzSMNode01_2" keyManager="KeyManager_JazzSMNode01_1">
5.) Restart JazzSM as root:

# cd <InstallDir>/JazzSM/profile/bin
# ./ server1
# ./ server1

sslProtocol="SSL_TLS" offers only one protocol: TLSv1. 
sslProtocol="SSL_TLSv2" offers three protocols: TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2. 
Offering the TLSv1.2 protocol will satisfy the browser requirements.
Offering the TLSv1 protocol will allow connection to the Engine to remain the same.
There is not need to modify the Master's sslProtocol setting.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSGSPN","label":"IBM Workload Scheduler"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m50000000KzAMAA0","label":"Components-\u003EDWC"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"9.4.0"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
10 February 2022

