IBM Support

API Connect: Error while adding gateway server to gateway cluster




When adding a gateway server to a gateway cluster, it goes into "errored" state and the following message can be seen in the API Connect cmc.out log file:

  • GATEWAY ADDITION: Error while adding gateway server to gateway cluster in a background thread. Gateway server ID: <gw server ID>; gateway cluster ID: <gw cluster ID>


Diagnosing The Problem


Problem - Scenario 1:

API Connect cmc.out log shows the following errors when trying to add a gateway server to a cluster:

WARNING [T-134584] [] SOMA checkForOK failed
SEVERE [T-134584] [] Deploy: APIMgmt_0123456789F/gw1: failed: SomaException:set-system-var failed
Throwable occurred: set-system-var failed

[T-134584] [] Error deploying domain for <>
[T-134584] [] **** GATEWAY ADDITION: Error while adding gateway server to gateway cluster in a background thread. Gateway server ID: <gw server ID>; gateway cluster ID: <gw cluster ID>
2018-08-04 00:01:19.837 SEVERE [T-134584] [$Serializer.serialize] Error(5b64eccfe4b0d5b038bc2742), Http-Code(500), Message(An internal error occured when deploying the gateway named <gateway name> and identified by <endpoint url> on the server APIMgmt_0123456789/gw1. The exception message is: set-system-var failed. Please see the server log, or contact administrator for more details.), User(null/SYSTEM), Path(get:null)
Throwable occurred:
T-134584] [$Serializer.serialize] Error(5b64eccfe4b0d5b038bc2745), Http-Code(500), Message(Server is not added to cluster <gw cluster ID>. Reason null.), User(null/SYSTEM), Path(get:null)
Throwable occurred:



Problem - Scenario 2: 

A gateway sever was previously removed from a gateway cluster. Upon trying to add the gateway server back into the cluster, the following errors are seen because the domain for the original server was never deleted in DataPower:

API Connect cmc.out:

2018-08-20 18:32:58.639 SEVERE [T-2440453] [] Error deploying domain for <client gateway server mame>
2018-08-20 18:32:58.640 SEVERE [T-2440453] [] **** GATEWAY ADDITION: Error while adding gateway server to gateway cluster in a background thread. Gateway server ID: <gw server ID>; gateway cluster ID: <gw cluster ID>
2018-08-20 18:32:58.642 SEVERE [T-2440453] [$Serializer.serialize] Error(5b7b095ae4b0c380ac28b962), Http-Code(500), Message(Cannot add Gateway Server <client gateway server mame> as its information already matches a server that belongs to this same Gateway Cluster. Domain APIMgmt_0123456789 already exists in DataPower.), User(null/SYSTEM), Path(get:null)
Throwable occurred:


DataPower gateway error-report

20180820T182922.823Z [0x81000013][cli][error] : tid(4721): Cannot be deleted. In use by:  snmp(SNMP-Settings)
20180820T182922.823Z [0x81000013][mgmt][error] domain(APIMgmt_APIMgmt_0123456789): tid(4721): Cannot be deleted. In use by:  snmp(SNMP-Settings)



Resolving The Problem


Resolution - Scenario 1:
This problem is caused by SOAP not being enabled for the DataPower XML Management Interface. It can be resolved by:

  1. Within the default domain of DataPower webgui, navigate to Objects->Device Management-> XML Management Interface and enable the SOAP services by placing a check in each box. 
  2. Apply the change and save the configuration. 
  3. Within the API Connect Cloud Management Console, add the gateway server to the gateway cluster.

screen shot of DataPower webgui with checkboxes enabled on SOAP


Resolution - Scenario 2:

This problem can be caused by manual configuration performed after the gateway has been deployed and which references the APIMgmt_xxxxxxxxx domain.  In order to resolve the issue:
1. Use the DataPower cli or webgui to remove the any references to the domain as highlighted by the information in the error-report message that includes the string "Cannot be deleted. In use by:"
2. Manually delete the domain in DataPower
3. Within the API Connect Cloud Management Console, add the gateway server to the gateway cluster.


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSMNED","label":"IBM API Connect"},"Component":"Gateway","Platform":[{"code":"PF004","label":"Appliance"}],"Version":"All Versions","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 November 2018

