A fix is available
APAR status
Closed as new function.
Error description
This APAR provides new function that enables HDPC HASH check under the Concurrent Image Copy function. If you use this function, you should apply APAR PQ97234 for IMS High Performance Pointer Checker for z/OS Version 2.
Local fix
Problem summary
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: All IMS High Performance Image Copy * * for z/OS Version 3 Release 2 users * * (FMID=H1J0320) * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: HPIC provides following new functions: * * 1. The HPIC CIC function supports the * * Single-Step HASH Check for the full- * * function database. * * 2. The HPIC CIC function supports the * * primary part of HISAM and SHISAM. * * * * This APAR fixes the following problems: * * 1. In the Create Image Copy function, * * HPIC abends S0C1 ( ABEND0C1 ) when * * ICERPRT DD is not specified in the * * JCL. * * 2. The HPIC issues the message * * FABJ3966E ( MSGFABJ3966E ) and * * terminates with ABEND U3966 * * ( ABENDU3966 ) if DBRC=N is * * specified with the HPIC CIC * * function. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: Apply the maintenance for this APAR. * **************************************************************** HPIC provides following new functions: 1. The HPIC Concurrent Image Copy (CIC) function supports the Single-Step HASH Check for the full-function database. The maintenance PQ97234 for IMS High Performance Pointer Checker for z/OS Version 2 is required for using the HASH check in CIC. Multiple-Step HASH Check for FF DB in CIC is still restricted. 2. The HPIC Concurrent Image Copy (CIC) function supports the primary part of HISAM and SHISAM database. HPIC issues the message FABJ0180I, because the output image copy data set might not be able to use the recovery process as the input image copy data set. 3. The ICERPRT DD is changed to the optional report of HPIC Create Image Copy function. This maintenance fixes the following problems: 1. In the Create Image Copy function, HPIC abends S0C1 ( ABEND0C1 ) when ICERPRT DD is not specified in the JCL. 2. When the CIC process is requested without DBRC environment, the current HPIC issues DFS2817A message and terminates with ABEND U3933 in the image copy task. After applying this maintenance, HPIC issues the message FABJ3966E ( MSGFABJ3966E ) and terminates ABEND U3933 ( ABENDU3933 ).
Problem conclusion
Temporary fix
FABJMAIN has been modified not to ignore HDPC=Y in the CIC/AIC process. FABJSTMD has been modified to be enable to specify HDPC= keyword on the CIC/ACIC statement. The module FABJCRC0, FABJCRC1 have been modified to bypass the logic that calls the module FABJRPT0, when the ICERPRT DD is not specified in the JCL. FABJDMPN has been modified following things: - To be enable to process HDPC=Y, when HDPC=Y is specified on the CIC/ACIC statement. - To check the maintenance level of HPPC. If the APAR PQ97234 is not applied to the HPPC library, HDPC=Y is ignored in CIC process. - To issue the message FABJ3966E message and terminates with an abend code of 3966 if DBRC=N is specified with the CIC/ACIC function. FASBJDMP7, FABJDMP8, and FABJDMP9 have been reassembled. FABJDPSN has been modified following thing: - To process the HISAM and SHISAM DB in the Concurrent image copy process. - To enable the Single-Step HASH Check in CIC process. FASBJDPS7, FABJDPS8, and FABJDPS9 have been reassembled. ======================== = DOCUMENTATION CHANGE = ======================== IMS High Performance Image Copy for z/OS Version 3 Release 2 User's Guide: Document Number: SC18-7617-01 ( SC18761701 ) should be changed as follows: -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 Operating Instructions 2.2 JCL Requirements 2.2.1 FABJMAIN JCL Function-Unique DD Statement for HPIC Create Image Copy Function ICERPRT DD |This statement specifies the optional output message data set. This data set contains the Create Image Copy report. It can reside on a tape, a direct-access volume, or a printer, or it can be routed through the output stream (SYSOUT). -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 Operating Instructions 2.2 JCL Requirements 2.2.1 FABJMAIN JCL +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | Table 6. DD statements for the Create Image Copy function | | of the FABJMAIN JCL | +-----------+---------+-----------+-------------------------+ | DDNAME | Use | Format | Required or Optional | +-----------+---------+-----------+-------------------------+ ||ICERPRT |Output |LRECL=133 |Optional | +-----------+---------+-----------+-------------------------+ |ICEDLIST |Output |LRECL=133 |Optional | +-----------+---------+-----------+-------------------------+ -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 Operating Instructions 2.3 Input 2.3.4 HPIC Control Statements CIC/ACIC Statement The following description is removed: Note: You cannot perform a pointer check in the Concurrent Image Copy process. -------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 Operating Instructions 2.3 Input 2.3.5 ICEIN Keywords HDPC= The HDPC keyword specifies whether the HPIC Image Copy function invokes the pointer check of the HD Pointer Checker utility, or not. This keyword is valid when |the executing function is a batch image copy or a concurrent |image copy. This keyword can be used in the following control statements: | GLOBAL, GROUP, IC, AIC, CIC, ACIC -------------------------------------------------------------- A.0Appendix A. Return Codes, Abend Codes, and Messages A.3 Messages The message FABJ3965E is added. | FABJ3965E LOAD/DELETE FAILED FOR MODULE: mmmmmmmm | Explanation: | The requested module mmmmmmmm was not found in the loadable | library, or the requested module mmmmmmmm was not successfully | deleted. | System Action: | The image copy function terminates with an abend code of 3965. | Programmer Response: | Ensure that the execution library correctly concatenated to | the STEPLIB or the JOBLIB DD statement. Rerun the job. The message FABJ3966E is added. | FABJ3966E DBRC=Y REQUIRED FOR THE HPIC CONCURRENT IMAGE COPY | FUNCTION. | Explanation: | DBRC=Y is required when processing the HPIC Concurrent Image | Copy function. | System Action: | Program DFSUDMP0 terminates with an abend code of 3966. | Programmer Response: | Rerun the job with DBRC=Y.
APAR Information
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APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
SC18761701 |
Fix information
Fixed component name
Fixed component ID
Applicable component levels
R320 PSY UQ95855
UP04/12/13 P F412
Fix is available
Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.
[{"Line of Business":{"code":null,"label":null},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSCX89E","label":"IMS HP Image Copy"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"320"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
14 December 2020