IBM Support


A fix is available


You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • Users of DB2 Object Compare Tool report compare fails cc08 with
    error messages and warning messages for LOB objects when LOB
    objects that appear in the target are not present in the source
    for the compare, and option Suppress drop of objects = YES .
    Warning and error messages are similar to:
    1. LOB Tablespace schema.tsname not found on source
      Tablespace schema.tsname will be dropped
      Warning: Tablespace schema.tsname is a LOB tablespace. It can
      only be dropped after auxiliary table has been dropped
    OC wants to drop LOB TS but needs to wait for AUX table to be
    dropped, hence the warning message.
    2.  Table schema.tablename not found on source
       Table kept because KEEPTGT option was specified
    Base table is not dropped hence AUX table is not dropped.
    3.  LOB Index schema.indexname not found on source
      Index schema.indexname will be dropped
    LOB index can and will be dropped regardless of AUX table and
    table space.
    4. (E) The explicit LOB table space schema.tsname is still
       associated with auxiliary table schema.AUXtablename and
       therefore can not be dropped.
    Before generating DROP statement for LOB table space OC checks
    the status of the AUX table. Since AUX table was not dropped,
    its LOB table space can not be dropped (DB2 restriction),
    and Error message (E) is generated.

Local fix

  • Include LOB objects in Source (to keep them).
    DROP objects on Target (if no longer required).

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: Users of the DB2 Object Comparison Tool      *
    *                 for z/OS who compare a set of explicit       *
    *                 LOB objects whose base table only exists     *
    *                 on the target with the compare option        *
    *                 'Suppress DROP of objects' set to 'YES'      *
    *                 on panel GOC5 'Generate Compare Jobs'.       *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: In DB2 Object Comparison Tool for z/OS, *
    *                      Compare will fail with RC8 and display  *
    *                      an error message for LOB table space    *
    *                      when the LOB objects and their base     *
    *                      table are on target but not on source,  *
    *                      and option 'Suppress DROP of objects'   *
    *                      is set to 'YES':                        *
    *                                                              *
    *                      The Comparison report displays          *
    *                      the following error messages:           *
    *                                                              *
    *                      LOB Tablespace                          *
    *                      >schema.tsname< not found on            *
    *                      source                                  *
    *                      Tablespace >schema.tsname<              *
    *                      will be dropped                         *
    *                      Warning: Tablespace                     *
    *                      >schema.tsname< is a LOB                *
    *                      tablespace. It can only be              *
    *                      dropped after auxiliary table has       *
    *                      been dropped                            *
    *                                                              *
    *                      Table >schema.tablename< not            *
    *                      found on source                         *
    *                      Table kept because KEEPTGT              *
    *                      option was specified                    *
    *                                                              *
    *                      LOB Index >schema.indexname<            *
    *                      not found on source                     *
    *                      Index >schema.indexname<                *
    *                      will be dropped                         *
    *                                                              *
    *                      (E) The explicit LOB table space        *
    *                      >schema.tsname< is still                *
    *                      associated with auxiliary table         *
    *                      >schema.auxtablename< and               *
    *                      therefore can not be dropped.           *
    * RECOMMENDATION:                                              *
    In DB2 Object Comparison Tool for z/OS, Compare will fail with
    RC8 and display an error message for a LOB table space when the
    LOB objects and their base table are on target but not on
    source, and option 'Suppress DROP of objects' is set to 'YES'.
    The following error message is displayed:
    (E) The explicit LOB table space >schema.tsname< is still
    associated with auxiliary table >schema.auxtablename< and
    therefore can not be dropped.
    This error happens because according to Compare,
    'Suppress DROP of objects' option does not apply to
    explicit LOB objects. Therefore, Compare will try to
    drop the explicit LOB table space even though
    'Suppress DROP of objects' is set to 'YES'. When the
    base table is on target but not on source, the base
    table will be kept. The auxiliary table can be dropped by
    dropping the base table. Since the base table is kept,
    the auxiliary table will be kept as well. When trying to
    drop the LOB table space, Compare detects that it is
    still associated with an auxiliary table, and therefore can
    not be dropped according to DB2's restriction. Compare
    issues the error message above and terminates with a RC8
    to prevent an error during APPLY.
    Compare should be able to detect that the base table
    and LOB objects are on target but not on source. All
    the objects should be kept when 'Suppress DROP of
    objects' is set to 'YES'.

Problem conclusion

  • Problem has been resolved.  Compare will, regardless of the
    setting for 'Suppress DROP of objects' option, attempt to drop
    all the explicit LOB objects from the target if they are not
    specified on the source. However, if the base table the LOB
    objects are associated with is kept because 'Suppress DROP of
    objects' option is set to 'YES', then all the LOB objects will
    be kept instead of being dropped.
    The DB2 Object Comparison Tool User's Guide Version 10.1 will
    be updated to reflect this approach.
    The following message will be displayed for the index
    on the auxiliary table which is kept:
    ADB7107I Index >schema<.>Ixname< is an index on auxiliary
    table. It will be kept because the base table
    >schema<.>tbname< is kept.
    The following message will be displayed for the LOB table
    space which is kept:
    ADB7109I The explicit LOB table space >schema<.>tsname<
    is supposed to be dropped but is kept because the base table
    >schema<.>tbname< is kept.
    In the DB2 Object Comparison Tool User's Guide Version 10.1,
    Chapter 4.  - 'Creating DB2 Object Comparison Tool batch jobs'
    describes the usage and approach for compare option 'Suppress
    DROP of objects'.  The description needs to be updated to
    reflect the improved approach.
    Content in the User's Guide before the change:  Suppress DROP of
    objects Specify whether the compare process will suppress
    dropping target objects that are in the target but that are not
    in the source.
    Regardless of the value that you set for this option, Object
    Comparison Tool replaces all relationships between a parent and
    a child if a foreign key is specified in the source.  To delete
    a foreign key, both the parent and the child must be present in
    the source (without a foreign key).  If DROP statements are part
    of the source DDL, objects are dropped regardless of the value
    specified for this option.
    Regardless of the value that you set for this option, Object
    Comparison Tool drops all explicit LOB objects from the target
    if they are not specified on the source.
    Content in the User's Guide after the change:
    Suppress DROP of objects
    Specify whether the compare process will suppress dropping
    target objects that are in the target but that are not in the
    Regardless of the value that you set for this option, Object
    Comparison Tool replaces all relationships between a parent and
    a child if a foreign key is specified in the source.  To delete
    a foreign key, both the parent and the child must be present in
    the source (without a foreign key).  If DROP statements are part
    of the source DDL, objects are dropped regardless of the value
    specified for this option.
    Regardless of the value that you set for this option, Object
    Comparison Tool drops all explicit LOB objects from the target
    if they are not specified on the source.  However, if the base
    table associated with the LOB objects is kept because 'Suppress
    DROP of objects' is set to 'YES', then all of the LOB objects
    are kept.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention


  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:



  •    GOC5H

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • RA10 PSY UK78298

       UP12/04/28 P F204

Fix is available

  • Select the PTF appropriate for your component level. You will be required to sign in. Distribution on physical media is not available in all countries.

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSAUVH","label":"IBM Db2 Object Comparison Tool for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"10.1.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 February 2021