APAR status
Closed as new function.
Error description
This is a forward fit APAR that is originated by FPB V12 APAR's PK08370, PK08371, PK10442, PK11040, and PK14071. 1. FABCUR1 to support the same LRECL value of BMC Trimar's unloaded FP segment records file. 2. FABCUR3 to support area information record suppression. 3. When running DEDB RELOAD FABCUR3 with IGVINITGETMAIN enabled, it fails with FABC3723E and ABENDU3723. 4. FABCUR1 / FABCUR3 is to support an empty area when an AREC=NO option is specified.
Local fix
Problem summary
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: All DEDB Unload/Reload users of High * * Performance Fast Path Utilities FP Basic * * Tools Version 2 Release 1 (FMID: H31A210). * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 1.FABCUR1 (Unload) enhancement to * * support LRECL=SEGTFMT new parameter of * * LRECL= control statement. * * * * 2.FPB Unload FABCUR1 supports area * * information record suppression with * * the optional AREC=N EXEC parameter, but * * FPB Reload FABCUR3 doesn't support it. * * For migration from OEM tools, FPB * * Reload should support area information * * record suppression. * * * * 3.UNLOAD/RELOAD gets ABEND0C4 when it * * refers the storage obtained by * * GETMAIN macro. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: Apply the maintenance for this APAR. * **************************************************************** This enhancement is for Fits MR0505055637 and Fits MR0620055247. 1.When AREC=N is specified, FABCUR1 generates an unloaded segment record data set which does not include an area information record. This is a current specification but does not exposed officially. FPB RELOAD (FABCUR3) was not able to be process the unloaded segment record data set which was created by FABCUR1 with AREC=N. FPB Reload provides a new AREC parameter on EXEC statement to be process the unloaded segment record data set which was created by FABCUR1 with AREC=N. When AREC=N is specified, FABCUR3 can reload from unloaded segment file which do not have area information record. 2.This enhancement generates the unloaded segment file of the Trimar's format with the same LRECL value as OEM tools. A new internal special record for an empty AREA is introduced. The special record has X'FFFFFFFF' in the RBA field (USRRAP) to be recognized as special one. FABCUR1 (Unload) generates it for an empty AREA in the unloaded segment file when the following conditions are specified. Conditions: 1. AREC=N is specified on EXEC parameter. 2. Both FORMAT=TFMT and LRECL=SEGTFMT are specified on SYSIN DD statement. FABCUR3 with AREC=N option initializes an empty AREA when the special record is found. The new module FABCSREC has been introduced to scan OCT table, and generate the special record for an empty area. 3.GETMAIN macro may return the storage with non-null value if the size of the storage is less than 8K bytes. But UNLOAD/RELOAD refers the storage without initializing the storage and gets ABEND. Symptom is UNLOAD: S0C4 RELOAD: S0C4 S206 U3723
Problem conclusion
Temporary fix
This enhancement solves Fits MR0505055637 and Fits MR0620055247. A AREC parameter on FPB Unload (FABCUR1) EXEC statement is added to the User's Guide. FPB Reload (FABCUR3) has been enhanced to add a new AREC parameter on the EXEC statement to be process the unloaded segment record data set which was created by FABCUR1 with AREC=N. AREC=Y|N is allowed. When FABCUR3 with AREC=Y finds no area information record in the unloaded segment record file, the Reload process gets abend with a following FABC3769E message. FABC3769E INPUT DATA SEQUENCE ERROR (REC# zzz,zzz,zz9) When FABCUR3 with AREC=N finds an area information record in the unloaded segment record file, the Reload process gets abend with a following new FABC3958E message. FABC3958E - AREA INFORMATION RECORD FOUND WHEN AREC=N WAS SPECIFIED FABCUR1 Exec parameter AREC=N is not allowed for SDEP=PHYSICAL with SDEP relocation mode. When AREC=N is specified SDEP=PHYSICAL with SDEP relocation mode in Unload process, FABCUR1 gets abend with a following new FABC3959E message. FABC3959E - AREC=N IS NOT ALLOWED FOR SDEP=PHYSICAL WITH RELOCATION MODE When AREC=N is specified SDEP=PHYSICAL with SDEP relocation mode in Reload process, FABCUR3 ignores SDEPRELOCATE option with a following new message FABC0327I - "SDEPRELOCATE=YES" IS IGNORED DUE TO AREC=N Following new module has been introduced: FABCDFMT: This module determines format type of unloaded segment record based on the data of the record prefix when AREC=N is specified on the EXEC statement of FABCUR3. Basically format information is put on the area information record, but AREC=N process can not get the record, so that this new module is called to determine record format when first record is read. A new internal special SDEP=PHYSICAL record is introduced. For SDEP=PHYSICAL, SDEP part start/end, LB/LE and logical begin timestamp are stored in the area information record. Such SDEP control information is essential for DEDB Reload (FABCUR3) to process SDEP=PHYSICAL records. As AREC=N option of FABCUR1 doesn't generate an area information record, a new special SDEP=PHYSICAL record is introduced to have such SDEP control information instead of an area information record. FABCUR1 generates it when AREC=N and SDEP=PHYSICAL option are specified. FABCUR3 gets SDEP control information from the special SDEP=PHYSICAL record when AREC=N option is specified. This APAR introduces a new SEGTFMT parameter of LRECL= control statement in FABCUR1 SYSIN DD statement. The FORMAT=TFMT and LRECL=SEGTFMT indicates that FABCUR1 generates the unloaded segment file of the Trimar's format with the same LRECL value as OEM tools. LRECL= SEGTFMT Generates the unloaded segment file of the TFMT format that applies the minimum LRECL value based on the maximum number of segment levels defined in DBD. This parameter becomes effective by specifying together FORMAT=TFMT control statement. Restriction: The number 3 is used as the maximum number of segment levels when SDEP=PHYSICAL option is specified and the maximum number of segment levels is less than 3. The following modules are changed to initialize the storage correctly before they refer to the storage: FABCDFNG FABCDFNP FABCMMIF FABCUR1U FABCUR3 FABC1INI FABC1SBM FABC3INI FABC3KEY FABC3SBM ======================== = DOCUMENTATION CHANGE = ======================== The IMS High Performance Fast Path Utilities for z/OS User's Guide Volume 2: Fast Path Basic Tools Version 2 Release 1 (SC18-9238-00) should be changed as follows: PART 4. DEDB Unload/Reload Utilities Chapter 13. Using the DEDB Unload Utility-FABCUR1 JCL EXEC *The following description should be changed as follows, This statement must be in the form: // EXEC PGM=FABCUR1,PARM='DBRC=x,AREC=x',REGION=rrrrK *The following description should be added to the EXEC statement explanation. AREC= Determines whether or not to include an area information record in an unloaded segment record data set. Y FABCUR1 puts an unloaded segment record data set that includes an area information record. N FABCUR1 puts an unloaded segment record data set that does not include an area information record. Default: Y Note: With AREC=N option, an empty area is not supported for reload purpose. Both FORMAT=TFMT and LRECL=SEGTFMT options must be specified with unload process AREC=N option to take care of the empty area for reload process. FABCUR1 generates a special record for an empty area to be recognized by FABCUR3 as an empty area. An application program which accesses the unloaded segment record file must be sensitive of the special record which has X'FFFFFFFF' value in the USRRAP field. Part 4. DEDB Unload/Reload Utilities Chapter 13. Using the DEDB Unload Utility - FABCUR1 FABCUR1 Control Statements LRECL Control Statement should be changed as follows: | +--------------------------------------+ | | LRECL=SEGMENT|SEGTFMT|BLOCK|nnnnn | | | ------- | | +--------------------------------------+ LRECL= The LRECL statement is composed of: SEGMENT LRECL is determined based on the maximum length of segments defined in DBD. This is the default. | SEGTFMT | LRECL is determined based on the maximum length of | segments and the maximum number of segment levels | defined in DBD by specifying together FORMAT=TFMT | control statement. | | Restriction: | The number 3 is used as the muaximum number of segment | levels | when SDEP=PHYSICAL option is specified and the maximum | number of segment levels is less than 3, even though | LRECL=SEGTFMT is specified. BLOCK LRECL is determined as BLKSIZE - 4. nnnnn Value of LRECL. The value can be up to 32760. Chapter 14. Using the DEDB Unload Utility-FABCUR3 JCL EXEC *The following description should be changed as follows, This statement must be in the form: // EXEC PGM=FABCUR3,REGION=rrrrK, // PARM='DBRC=x,GSGNAME=gsgname,IMSPLEX=imsplex,AREC=x' *The following description should be added to the EXEC statement explanation. AREC= Determines whether or not to include an area information record in an unloaded segment record data set. Y The input unloaded segment record files are created by FABCUR1 with AREC=Y option. N The input unloaded segment record files are created by FABCUR1 with AREC=N option. Default: Y Appendix N. FPB - Messages and Codes FABC messages *The following description should be added after FABC0326E explanation. FABC0327I - "SDEPRELOCATE=YES" IS IGNORED DUE TO AREC=N Explanation: FABCUR3 found SDEPRELOCATE=YES in SYSIN DD statement when AREC=N was specified on EXEC parameter. System Action: FABCUR3 ignores this keyword, and will not relocate SDEP pointers. And then reload process continues. Programmer Response: Check the condition for SDEP relocation. If necessary, correct the condition and rerun the job. *The FABC3957E, FABC3958E, FABC3959E, and FABC3961E message descriptions should be added as follows: FABC3957E - UNLOADED SEGMENT RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS LRECL FOR DDNAME: ddname - USR LL: nnnnn - LRECL: mmmmm Explanation: The length of the unloaded segment record is greater than LRECL of the output file indicated by the ddname. A segment might be expanded by compression operation of the edit/compression routine and exceeded the maximum length of the defined in DBD. System Action: FABCUR1/FABCUR6 abends with user code of 3957. Programmer Response: Increase the LRECL of the output data set indicated by the ddname at least 10 byte long, and do same for another output data set if specified, and rerun the job. FABC3958E - AREA INFORMATION RECORD FOUND WHEN AREC=N WAS SPECIFIED. Explanation: FABCUR3 found the Area Information Record in Unloaded file when AREC=N was specified on EXEC parameter. System Action: FABCUR3 abends with user code of 3958. Programmer Response: Specify correct unloaded file or specify AREC=Y on EXEC parameter, and rerun the job. FABC3959E - AREC=N IS NOT ALLOWED FOR SDEP=PHYSICAL WITH RELOCATION MODE Explanation: AREC=N was specified with SDEP=PHYSICAL and RMODTYPE=S when both OLDACB DD and NEWACB DD were specified. As it intends to relocate the SDEP segments at reload, AREC=N is not allowed. An area information record is essential to relocate SDEP segments at reload. System Action: FABCUR1 abends with an abend code of 3959. Programmer Response: Correct the combination of EXEC parameter, control statements and ACB DD statements, and rerun the job. The FABC3961E message descriptions should be added as follows: FABC3961E - SPECIAL RECORD FOUND WHEN AREC=Y WAS SPECIFIED Explanation: FABCUR3 found the special record in unloaded segment file when AREC=Y was specified on EXEC parameter. System Action: FABCUR3 abends with user code of 3961. Programmer Response: Specify correct unloaded file or specify AREC=N on EXEC parameter, and rerun the job.
APAR Information
APAR number
Reported component name
Reported component ID
Reported release
Special Attention
NoSpecatt / Xsystem
Submitted date
Closed date
Last modified date
APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
PK14867 UK09470
SC18923800 |
Fix information
Fixed component name
Fixed component ID
Applicable component levels
R210 PSY UK09470
UP05/11/30 P F511
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSCX89D","label":"IMS HP Fast Path Utilities"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"210","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
07 December 2005