APAR status
Closed as new function.
Error description
DRF V3 support for Index Builder and DFSPREC0
Local fix
Problem summary
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: IMS Database Recovery Facility Version 3 * * Release 1 users who wish to have Index * * Builder or DFSPREC0 utilities invoked as * * a post processing step to recovery. * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: The DRF recovery tool lacks an * * integrated interface to the IMS Index * * Builder and HALDB Index Rebuild * * utilities. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: INSTALL CORRECTIVE SERVICE FOR APAR/PTF * **************************************************************** IMS and DRF customers require an IBM product to provide the capability to build primary and secondary index data sets for HIDAM, HISAM, PHIDAM and PHISAM organized databases while recovering the database. Customers also require the ability to produce HALDB Index List data sets while recovering the database.
Problem conclusion
Temporary fix
DRF is enhanced to provide customers with the capability to invoke the IBM IMS Index Builder and HALDB Index Rebuild (ILDS) utilities under the same recovery job. These utilities will be driven by DRF after recovery of the database data sets are complete. The following maintenance is required to support this function: Index Builder Version 2 Release 3: PK11688 (UK17185) If running with HPIC Version 4 Release 1: PK30631 (UK17699) If running with HPIC Version 3 Release 2: PK30633 (UK17702) If running with IMS Version 9 Release 1: PK28526 (UK17506) If running with IMS Version 8 Release 1: PK28520 (UK17505) ------------ The following Doc changes are required in: IBM IMS Database Recovery Facility for z/OS, User's Guide and Reference, Version 3 Release 1 (SC18-9407-00) Chapter 3. Defining and tailoring the IMS Database Recovery Facility enviornment At the end of the section that describes "DISP(OLD|NEW)" and "NEW" at about page 30, add the following: ... NOTE: The following is a list of attribute/field names that will be retrieved from an existing data set: - DEVTYP - VOLSER - STORCLAS - DATACLAS - MGMTCLAS - NVSMATTR - VSAMTYPE - VSAMREUS - ATTR2 - PRIMSPAC - SCONSPAC - SPACOPTN - LRECL - AMDKEY - AMDCIREC - PHYBLKSZ - NOBLKTRK - VSAMSTAT - NOBYTTRK -------- In section "Specifying UTILGBL() global control statement parameters" at about page 37, change the third paragraph to remove "IB()" from the first sentence. -------- In section "Secifying UTILGBL() global control statement parameters", insert the following after the third paragraph: While the use of UTILGBL is allowed for IB() control statements, it is important to remember that these parameters will be effective for every DBDS that is recovered and could result in unwanted side effects if the user is recovering multiple DBDS consisting of mixed database types (HALDB, HDAM, HIDAM, Primary Index). Some examples of this are; x Specifying HALDB=BOTH on the UTILGBL statement when recovering a mix of HALDB, HDAM and HIDAM would result in the DFSPREC0 IMS utility being initiated to rebuild the Index and ILE data sets not only for HALDB databases, but also for HDAM and HIDAM. These would end with non-zero return codes, which be reflected in the final result for the recovery of those DBDS. x Specifying BLD_PRIMARY on the UTILGBL statements when recovering a mix of HIDAM, HDAM and Primary Index would result in Index Builder being called not only for the HIDAM DBDS, but also for the HDAM and Primary Index. Since Index Builder cannot build a Primary Index for HDAM or a recovered Primary Index, Index Builder would terminate with a non-zero return code for these requests. x Specifying HALDB=BOTH,BLD_PRIMARY on the UTILGBL statement when recovering a mix of HALDB, HDAM and HIDAM would result in the DFSPREC0 utility being initiated for recovered HDAM and HIDAM. It would also result in having the Primary Index for the HALDB DBDS rebuilt twice. Once by the DFSPREC0 utility and a second time by Index Builder. x Specifying HALDB on the UTILGBL statement will cause DFSPREC0 to run even if IB() is not specified on the ADD() statement. x Specifying BLD_SECONDARY or BLD_PRIMARY on the UTILGBL statement will cause IB to run even if IB() is not specified on the ADD() statement. Because of this, it is recommended the judicious use of the IB() parms on the UTILGBL statement when the Integrated Auxiliary Processing utilities are to be invoked from DRF. -------- After the section "Updating the MVS program properties table" at about page 41, add the following new section: ... Tailoring for Integrated Auxiliary Processing When Index Builder (IB) is running under DRF, the following IB input control statement are required and will be hardcoded in IB code (cannot be changed by the user): - SORTE35 YES - ALTER NO - STEPLIB TRAN - SORTE15 YES Currently DRF allows customers to specify SORTE35 and SORTID in the DRF input control statements for IB. The following will now be true: - If SORTE35 is specified, it will be ignored and SORTE35 YES will be used by IB. - SORTID can be specified by customer, but if not specified a SORTID value of T is set. The sort procedure requires two parameters in the JCL (&INDEX and &STEPLIB). The STEPLIB TRANS control statement is required in order to make sure the same libraries used in the main IB job get passed and used in the IIUBSRT procedrue. These restrictions and requirements only pertain to IB running under DRF. Standalone IB will continue to operate as it currently does. - The sample DRF IB and DFSPREC0 procedure is as follows: //x x //x Licensed Materials - Property of IBM x //x x //x 5655-N47 x //x x //x (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006 All Rights Reserved x //x x //x US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, Duplication x //x or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract x //x with IBM Corp. x //x x //x x //x PROCEDURE PROC FOR DRF IB/DFSPREC0 | NPHIDAM | x //DRFIAX PROC RGN=0M,SOUT='*', // RESLIB='DRF.SFRXRESL', // IBRES='IB.RESLIB', // BPECFG=FRXBPECF, //STEP1 EXEC PGM=FRXSDR10, // PARM='DRF,BPECFG=&BPECFG', // REGION=&RGN,TIME=1440 //STEPLIB DD DSN=&RESLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=&IBRES,DISP=SHR <-- IB RES // DD DSN=IMS.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=IMS.DYNALLOC,DISP=SHR //x DD STATEMENTS COMMON TO BOTH IB AND DFSPREC0 x //DFSRESLB DD DSN=IMS.SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR //IMS DD DSN=&IBRES,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=IMS.PSBLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=IMS.DBDLIB,DISP=SHR //IMSACBA DD UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=SHR, // DSN=IMS.DELTALIB // DD DSN=IMS.ACBLIB,DISP=SHR //IMSACBB DD UNIT=SYSDA,DISP=SHR, // DSN=IMS.DELTALIB // DD DSN=IMS.ACBLIB,DISP=SHR //MODSTAT DD DSN=IMS.MODSTAT,DISP=SHR //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=&SOUT //x DFSPREC0 DD STATEMENTS x //x INDEX BUILDER DD STATEMENTS x //DFSVSAMP DD DSN=IMS.DFSVSAMP.DATA(VSM885FP),DISP=SHR //PROCLIB DD DSN=IMS.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR //IEFRDER DD DSN=IMS.IMS02.OLDSP0,DISP=SHR, // DCB=(RECFM=VB,BLKSIZE=22528,LRECL=22524,BUFNO=5) //IEFRDER2 DD DSN=IMS.IMS02.OLDSP1,DISP=SHR, // DCB=(RECFM=VB,BLKSIZE=22528,LRECL=22524,BUFNO=5) //PRINTDD DD SYSOUT=&SOUT //FRXPRINT DD SYSOUT=&SOUT //WTSRPRT DD SYSOUT=&SOUT //IMSERR DD SYSOUT=&SOUT //IMSMON DD DUMMY // DD DSN=IMS.DBDLIB,DISP=SHR - The sample sort procedure for IB is as follows: //x COMPLIMENTARY SORT PROCEDURE FOR DRF V3 when calling x //x IB(), IC() and PC() x //IIUBSRTT PROC INDEX=,IIUSTEPL= //IEFPROC EXEC PGM=IIUBSCTL,REGION=0M,TIME=1439 33M //STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&IIUSTEPL //IEFRDER DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&INDEX, // AMP=('BUFND=128,BUFNI=128') //SRTO DD SYSOUT=* //SRTC DD DISP=(NEW,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(1,1)), // DCB=(RECFM=FBA,LRECL=121,BLKSIZE=24200) //IIUDKEYS DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* //SORTWK01 DD DISP=(NEW,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //SORTWK02 DD DISP=(NEW,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) //SORTWK03 DD DISP=(NEW,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)) - If you want DFSPREC0 to be driven, module DFSDAPL0 needs to be updated by inserting the following three statements: PGMR DC CL8'FRXSDR10' DRF IAP PROCESSING PROCOPTR DC CL4'A' MASKR DC X'0000' In addition, you need to assemble and link edit the updated DFSDAPL0 into the IMS runtime load library. -------- Chapter 5. Starting the IMS Database Recovery Facility In the section "Choosing SYSIN control statement input" at about page 62, add the following after "Considering batch recovery control statements": NOTE: Comments entered within DRF control statements must be enclosed within a "/x" and "x/" pair. -------- In the section that describes "IB" at about page 69, add the following: While it is normally permissible to define multiple DBD names on an ADD statement for recovery processing, it is recommended that care should be taken when doing this if there will also be integrated auxiliary processing with DFSPREC0 or Index Builder parms included with the ADD statement. The combination can be susceptible to the same type of errors described in the "Specifying UTILGBL() global control statement parameters" section in Chapter 3. If multiple DBD names are specified in a single ADD statement and IB parms are also included: x Insure that the database type (HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, PHIDAM) for the databases are all the same. x When multiple DBD names are included on the ADD statement only BLD_SECONDARY=ALL should be specified. BLD_SECONDARY=SELECTED will return inconsistent results. Only ADD statements with a single DBD name specified should have the BLD_SECONDARY=SELECTED. x ADD statements for the recovery of a Primary Index DBDS should not specify any IB parms. x DRF supports the recovery of a recoverable Index database data set. It also support the generation of an image copy and execution of pointer checking of that index with the use of the IC() and PC() keywords. DRF, however, currently does not support the above combination with the addition of an index rebuild as a post process. -------- In the section that describes "HALDB(ILE|INDEX|BOTH)" at about page 69, add: This parameter should be specified on the ADD statements for PHIDAM only. -------- In the section that describes "BLD_PRIMARY" at about page 70, add: When DFSPREC0 is needed for HALDB Primary Index and ILE processing, DFSDAPL0 must be modified (See "Tailoring for Integrated Auxiliary Processing" in Chapter 3). This parameter is relevant for a HIDAM database only and if specified on an ADD statement for a HDAM database, will result in Index Builder being called and ending with a non-zero return code. -------- In the section that describes "BLD_SECONDARY" at about page 70, add: BLD_SECONDARY(secixdbname1,...) should only be used with an ADD statement which specifies a single recovered DBDS. -------- In the section that describes "ICNDX(NO|YES)" at about page 72, change the first paragraph to say: This option does not apply to HALDB primary index and ILE data sets because they are not recoverable. This also does not apply to secondary index that are not recoverable. However, if you specify ICNDX(YES), both secondary indexes for non- HALDB and HALDB databases are image copied. For non-HALDB, recoverable primary indexes will be image copied. -------- In the section that describes "PC" at about page 74, add: NOTE: For HALDB, neither the primary index or secondary index are checkd by the pointer checker through Index Builder. -------- Chapter 7. Messages and Codes of IMS Database Recovery Facility Add the new reason description for the following message: FRD6124A INVALID DATA ENCOUNTERED. KEYWORD: keyword RSN=rsn ... rsn UNIQUE VOLUMES REQUIRED ON VOLSER AND VOLSER2 If generating dual IC outputs on tape, VOLSER and VOLSER2 can be specified optionally to provide a list of tape volumes for each set. The volumes in one list cannot be provided in the second list, otherwise the image copies being generated may overlay one another. -------- Modify the following message message text: FRD9002A utiltype ENCOUNTERED RETURN CODE rtn REASON CODE rsn PROCESSING change it to: FRD9002A utiltype ENCOUNTERED RC=rtn RSN=rsn PROCESSING -------- For the following message, add another utiltype: FRD9003A utiltype DYNAMIC ALLOCATION rtn RESON CODE rsn FOR dsname ... * WT - WTO capture services ... Module: ... FRXVSTA0 -------- Add the following new message: FRD9006W INDEX DATA SETS WILL NOT BE IMAGE COPIED AFTER A REBUILD IF STACK SPECIFIED Explaination: IMS Database Recovery Facility is invoked to generate image copies of the recovered database stacked on tape. It is also invoked to perform an index rebuild. Following the index rebuild, an image copy will not be generated for the index data set if stacking is being performed. System programmer response: To generate an image copy of your index data sets, run a seperate image copy utility after recovery. Alternately, DRF will allow IB to have image copies generated if STACK is not specified. Module: FRXVASD0 ×**** PE06/10/02 FIX IN ERROR. SEE APAR PK32290 FOR DESCRIPTION
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APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
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SC18940700 |
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R310 PSY UK18259
UP06/09/26 P F609
[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU048","label":"IBM Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSCX88Z","label":"IMS Database Recovery Facility"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"3.1.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
27 October 2006