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Closed as new function.
Error description
This APAR enables FABHURG1 and FABHFSU unload utilities to support a secondary index by which to retrieve root segments of HIDAM and HDAM databases.
Local fix
Problem summary
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: All users of IBM IMS High Performance * * Unload for OS/390 Release 1 (FMID=H1IN110) * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: This APAR enables the HSSR Engine to * * retrieve HDAM or HIDAM root segments * * in a secondary index seaquence. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: Apply the maintenance for this APAR. * **************************************************************** This APAR enables the HSSR Engine to retrieve HDAM or HIDAM root segments in a secondary index seaquence. In the ULU region, you can specify the name of the secondary index by the DBD control statement for FABHFSU or by the BYINDEX control statement for others. In the DLI or the DBB region, the index name on these control statements is ignored. HSSR Engine uses the secondary index which is coded by the PROCSEQ= parameter in the specified PCB. For the details, see the documentation change below.
Problem conclusion
Temporary fix
Documentation Change -------------------- IMS High Performance Unload for OS/390 User's Guide (SC27093603) should be changed as follows: ================================================================ 1.0 Using High Performance Unload 1.2 Job Control Language 1.2.1 JCL Requirements : ddname DD : For an HIDAM database, to DD statements must also exist for the data sets that represent the index. The DD statements that specify the index must contain ddnames specified in the DBD for the index database. No DD statements are required |for the secondary indexes are associated with this database |unless it is used. ================================================================ |1.3 Using the Unload Utilities |1.3.5 Considerations | For using a secondary index | | A secondary index can be used to retrieve HIDAM or HDAM | root segments. The target segment of the secondary index | must be root segment. | | In the ULU region, you can specify the name of the secondary | index by "DBD Control Statement" for FABHFSU or | by "BYINDEX Control Statement" for others. | | In the DLI or the DBB region, the index name on these control | statement is ignored. HSSR Engine uses the secondary index | which is coded by the PROCSEQ= parameter in the specified PCB. | | When the secondary index is used, the value of the search | field of the index segment is set to the key feedback area | of the HSSR PCB, instead of the root key. User exits can | specify a next root segment by the value of the seach | field. | | Restriction: The following secondary indexes are not | supported: | - Secondary index whose target is not root segment | - Secondary index with symbolic pointing | - Secondary index containing index pointer segments | with nonunique keys | - Secondary index for databases other than HIDAM or HDAM ================================================================ 1.5 Using FABHFSU to Unload IMS Databases 1.5.7 Input CARDIN Data Set DBD Control Statement : 0........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.. 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890.. |DBDdbname index sednnn b Position Description : | 12 Index Name | | The 8-character entry is optional and valid only for running | in the ULU region. This entry specifies the name of index | DBD that is either the primary index of the HIDAM database | or a secondary index of the HIDAM or HDAM database | if you want the root segments to be retrieved in the index | sequence. | For details, see " For using secondary index" ================================================================ BLM/ELM Control Statements : Note: 1. If you are using a Data Conversion exit for the database ... : |2. If a secondary index is used to retrieve root segments | of HIDAM or HDAM, you can specify the limits | by the value of search field of the index with a limit | value type of C or X. ================================================================ 1.5.9 User Exit Information Passed to the Exit Routine Using the Key Area The key area is used for the following purposes: - If Y is specified for the concatenated key option on the PSB control statement, the fully concatenated key of each segment is built and passed to the exit routine in this area. | If a secondary index is used, the value in the search field | of the index segment is considered as the key of | the root segment. : - To skip the scan to a new root key value, the exit routine uses the concatenated key area to pass the new key back to FABHFSU. A generic key can be specified by returning a key length less than that required for a root key. | If a secondary index is used, specify the value in | the search field of the index segment for the next root. : ================================================================ 1.6 Application Programming Interface 1.6.5 Restrictions The following restrictions apply to an HSSR application program: - Logical DBD is not supported. - A sensitive virtual logical child (LCHILD) is not supported. (delete the following line) - Secondary index processing is not supported. (up to here) - Field sensitivity for an HSSR PCB is not supported. |- For the restrictions of secondary index processing, | see " For using secondary index" ================================================================ 1.8 Specifying Options for HSSR Engine 1.8.2 HSSROPT Data Set Description of Control Statements BYINDEX Control Statement The BYINDEX control statement instructs HSSR Engine... : |A secondary index also can be used for HIDAM or HDAM root |segments. 0........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6.. 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890.. BYINDEX | BYINDEX index Position Description 1 Code the BYINDEX keyword to activate the BYINDEX option. |9 | Specifies a secondary index of the HIDAM or HDAM database | if you want the root segments to be retrieved | in the secondary index seaquence. The target segment | of the index must be the root segment. | For details, see " For using secondary index". Notes: 1. If APISET 3 is specified, this statement cannot be ... 2. If one or more partitions of PHDAM or PHIDAM are in ... |3. FABHFSU ignores this control statement. Specify the index | name in the DBD control statement in the CARDIN data set. ================================================================ 1.11 Using the Parallel Scan Facility of FABHFSU 1.11.5 FABHPSFM Program FABHPSFM CARDIN Data Set MAP Control Statement : 0........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6. 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 MAPdbdname dlidbd k oxxxxxxxxyy Position Description : 12 This 8-character entry dlidbd specifies the database name that describes the primary index of the HIDAM | database. This entry is required for HIDAM databases. | A secondary index which points to the HIDAM or the HDAM | root segments can be specified instead of the primary index. | In this case, the values of the search field of the index | are shown in the FABHFSU PSF Extent Mapping report. ================================================================ 1.11.6 FABHPSFC Program FABHPSFC CARDIN Data Set DBD Control Statement The DBD control statement is the same as described in ... : | A secondary index of the HIDAM or the HDAM database can be | specified in the ULU region. The DBD control statement specified in FABHPSFC CARDIN ... ================================================================ NPT Control Statement : 0........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6. 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 NPTtnodepointvalue NPTtllkeyvalue Position Description : 4 This required 1-character entry t identifies the node point value type. It indicates the format of the node point value field. Use one of the following keywords: Keyword Description : C Indicates that the node point value field | contains keys in character format. X Indicates the node point value field contains keys in hexadecimal display | format. | Note: C and X are valid for the HIDAM database or | the HDAM database that is associated with an index. | If the secondary index is used to retrieve the root segments, | specify the value in the search field of the secondary index | instead of the root key. ================================================================ 2.4 System Programming Interfaces Call Parameters Parameter 9: Key of Next Root -------- Product-Sensitive Programming Interface ----------- On entering the user routine, the content of this field is unpredictable. If the user routine sets a return code of 3, the routine must store the key value in this field. The key value is used to retrieve the next root segment. | If the secondary index is used to retrieve the root segments, | specify the value of the search field of the index segment | as the key value. With this key value, the common logic then issues a GU call with the "greater than or equal to" operator. : ------ End of Product-Sensitive Programming Interface ------- ================================================================ 4.0 Messages and Codes 4.4 Messages 4.4.2 Message Variables FABH Messages ( The FABH0384E message is modified and the FABH0405E,FABH0406E, and FABH0407E messages have been added.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- | FABH0384I PROCSEQ=indexdbd IS SPECIFIED IN PCB#=nnn | Explanation: The secondary index indexdbd is specified | by the PROCSEQ= parameter in the PCB. nnn shows the PCB | number. HSSR Engine uses the secondary index to retrieve | the root segments. | System Action: HSSR Engine continues the processing. | Programmer Response: None. ---------------------------------------------------------------- | FABH0405E INDEX DMB dbdname IS NOT FOUND | Explanation: The DMB for the primary or secondary index DBD | dbdname can not be found in the DMB directories. | System Action: HSSR Engine ends abnormally. | Programmer Response: Check whether the specified index DBD | has the index relationships with the database to be unloaded. ---------------------------------------------------------------- | FABH0406E INDEX DBD dbdname IS NOT SUPPORTED | Explanation: The specified secondary index dbdname is not | supported due to one of the following reasons: | - The DB organization is not INDEX. | - The target DB organization is not HIDAM or HDAM. | - The target segment is not the root segment. | - The key field is not defined as unique. | - The secondary index uses symbolic pointing. | System Action: HSSR Engine ends abnormally. | Programmer Response: Change or remove the index DBD name. ---------------------------------------------------------------- | FABH0407E DMB dbdname IS NOT CORRECT | Explanation: HSSR Engine detected an incorrect or | unexpected DL/I control block layout in the dbdname DMB. | System Action: HSSR Engine ends abnormally. | Programmer Response: Contact IBM Software Support. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ===================== End of Doc-Change ======================== ×**** PE06/01/23 FIX IN ERROR. SEE APAR PK13441 FOR DESCRIPTION
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APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:
APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:
SC27093603 |
Fix information
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R110 PSY UK05858
UP05/08/02 P F508
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[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU029","label":"Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSCX89K","label":"IMS Tools"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"110"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
20 October 2020