A fix is available
APAR status
Closed as new function.
Error description
FABHURG1 provides an IBM-provided exit routine to distribute the unload records to multiple unload files. This exit is used for migration to HALDB.
Local fix
Problem summary
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: All users of IBM IMS High Performance * * Unload for OS/390 Release 1 (FMID=H1IN110) * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: This APAR provides a new exit * * (FABHKEYX) for FABHURG1 unload utility. * * This exit routine distributes * * the unload records for migration to * * HALDB into multiple unload files * * by the root key values. * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: Apply the maintenance for this APAR. * **************************************************************** This APAR provides a new IBM-provided exit routine FABHKEYX. For the detail of this routine, see the below documentation change.
Problem conclusion
Temporary fix
======================== = DOCUMENTATION CHANGE = ======================== IMS High Performance Unload for OS/390 User's Guide (SC27093603) should be added the following description of this new function. ================================================================ 1.7 Processing High Availability Large Databases 1.7.5 Migration Unload and Fallback Unload Migration Unload Exit Routine FABHKEYX for Distributing Unload Records In the migration unload, you can use the IBM-provided exit routine FABHKEYX to distribute the unload records to multiple unload files according to the root key values. The multiple unload files enable the Reload and the optional PSSR SORT for two or more HALDB partitions to run in parallel processes, which will reduce the elapsed time for migration. To use this exit, you must specify FABHKEYX as a exit routine name on the EXIT control statement in the SYSIN data set and prepare a list of the DD names and the high key values for the unload files in the FABHKEYX data set. In each unload file, the correct header and trailer records are added. Note: The control statement 'EXIT FABHKEYX' cannot be specified with the 'DECN' control statement. ================================================================ FABHKEYX Data Set The FABHKEYX data set contains 80-byte fixed-length records. The FABHKEYX exit routine reads this data set that contains a list of the DD names and the high key values to distribute the unload records. The entries of the list must be in the format that is shown in below and be listed in ascending order of the high key values. 0........1.........2.........3.........4.........5.........6... 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890... DDname KeyString Position Description 1-8 Output DD Name This 8-character entry specifies the name of the DD statement for each unload files. The format of each data set must be same as the SYSUT2 DD. 10- Key String This variable-length string specifies a high key value. The key values must be enclosed by single quotes and preceded by the letter C or X: C indicates the character values and X indicates the hexadecimal values. When the key string is long, you can specify it on multiple lines as below: DDNAME01 C'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA C'AAAAAAAAAAAA' Hexadecimal values must be even-length. If the high key is longer than the root key, the later extra will be ignored. If the high key is shorter, the high key value is padded with X'FF's up to the defined root key length. ================================================================ Example of Migration Unload with FABHKEYX Exit The following is an example JCL to distribute the unload records for migraion to HALDB to three unload files by using the FABHKEYX exit routine. // EXEC FABHULU,MBR=FABHURG1,DBD=HDAMDBD //HDAMDD1 DD DSN=TESTDS.HDAMDS1,DISP=SHR //HDAMDD2 DD DSN=TESTDS.HDAMDS2,DISP=SHR //HDAMDD3 DD DSN=TESTDS.HDAMDS3,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * MIGRATE EXIT FABHKEYX //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A //SYSUT2 DD DUMMY //FABHKEYX DD * ULFPART1 C'2999999' ULFPART2 C'5999999' ULFPART3 C'9999999' ULFPART4 X'FF' //ULFPART1 DD DSN=MIGDS1.MIGULDS.ULFPART1, ... //ULFPART2 DD DSN=MIGDS2.MIGULDS.ULFPART2, ... //ULFPART3 DD DSN=MIGDS3.MIGULDS.ULFPART3, ... //ULFPART4 DD DSN=MIGDS3.MIGULDS.ULFPART4, ... Note: 1. You can define the SYSUT2 DD as DUMMY to reduce the elapsed time for the I/O operations. 2. It is recommended that you specify X'FF' for the last DD name in the FABHKEYX data set not to throw segments away. ================================================================ 4.0 Messages and Codes 4.4 Messages 4.4.2 Message Variables FABH Messages FABH0684I DD=ddname01 HIGHKEY=KeyString SEGMENT=segname1 n,nnn,nnn,nnn OCCURRENCES *TOTAL n,nnn,nnn,nnn OCCURRENCES Explanation: The FABHKEYX exit routine used the specified DD name ddname01 and the high key value KeyString. The indicated number of segment records were written to this unload file. System Action: FABHURG1 continues processing. Programmer Response: None. FABH0685E INCORRECT STATEMENT IS FOUND IN FABHKEYX DATA SET Explanation: The FABHKEYX exit routine detected an incorrect statement that is specified in the FABHKEYX data set. System Action: FABHURG1 ends abnormally. Programmer Response: Correct the statement. FABH0686E HIGH KEY VALUES ARE NOT SPECIFIED IN ASCENDING ORDER Explanation: The FABHKEYX exit routine detected the high key values that are specified in the FABHKEYX data set are not in ascending order. System Action: FABHURG1 ends abnormally. Programmer Response: Correct the statements. FABH0687E OPEN FAILED FOR DDNAME: ddname Explanation: An attempt to open the data set that is identified by ddname failed. System Action: FABHURG1 ends abnormally. Programmer Response: Make sure that the DD statement associated with ddname is the correct data set. FABH0688E BLKSIZE OR LRECL OF ddname IS TOO SMALL Explanation: The block size or record size of the ddname data set is too small. The block size is always the maximum device capacity. System Action: FABHURG1 ends abnormally. Programmer Response: - If the utility uses the maximum device capacity, check whether ddname can be allocated on a device with more track capacity. - If the utility uses the block size specified on the JCL statement, check whether the block size or the record size can be increased or use the default maximum device capacity. - Record size can not be specified. FABH0689E MIGRATE CONTROL STATEMENT IS NOT SPECIFIED Explanation: For a non-HALDB, the FABHKEYX exit routine requires to specify the MIGRATE control statement together. System Action: FABHURG1 ends abnormally. Programmer Response: Add the MIGRATE control statement. FABH0690E ROOT SEGMENT HAS NO SEQUENCE-FIELD Explanation: The FABHKEYX exit routine cannot process this HDAM database because no sequence field is deined in the root segment of the HDAM database. System Action: FABHURG1 ends abnormally. Programmer Response: Remove the FABHKEYX exit routine from the EXIT control statement. ===================== End of Doc-Change ========================
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Fix information
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R110 PSY UK01769
UP05/03/25 P F503
Fix is available
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[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU029","label":"Software"},"Product":{"code":"SSCX89K","label":"IMS Tools"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"110"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
20 October 2020