A fix is available
APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
The DB2 Administration Tool for z/OS' documentation does not list restictions for the Catalog Copy function. . The DB2 Administration Tool for z/OS' documentation does not list message ADB5184E.
Local fix
Problem summary
**************************************************************** * USERS AFFECTED: Users of the DB2 Administration Tool for * * z/OS who use the Catalog Copy (CC) * * function. * **************************************************************** * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When specifying DB2 UNLOAD to use the * * last image copy which resides on the * * tape, the DB2 UNLOAD fails with error * * messages DSNU1036I, DSNU012I and * * ADB5184E / msgadb5184e in the copy * * job: * * * * DSNU1036I csect - UNABLE TO * * ESTIMATE SPACE * * REQUIREMENTS FOR * * INDDN/UNLDDN * * DSNU012I csect - UTILITY EXECUTION * * TERMINATED, HIGHEST * * RETURN CODE=8 * * * * ADB5184E The run is ending due * * to an error with a non-SQL * * command. * * Additional messages may * * have been sent to the DD * * SYSTSPRT * * Additional diagnostics * * NNNINNN.... * * commit_all_req=N * * asw_req =N * * asw_app =N * * asw_stmt_app =I * * chk_rec_found =N * * SQLCODE -626? =N * **************************************************************** * RECOMMENDATION: * **************************************************************** When specifying DB2 UNLOAD to use the last image copy which resides on the tape, the DB2 UNLOAD fails with error messages DSNU1036I, DSNU012I, and ADB5184E / msgadb5184e in the copy job.
Problem conclusion
The following has been resolved by this APAR: 1. The message ADB5184E /msgadb5184e has been changed and documented in the DB2 Administration User's Guide: Before: ADB5184E The run is ending due to an error with a non-SQL command. Additional messages may have been sent to the DD SYSTSPRT System action: Processing stops. User response: Examine the error messages and resolve. After: ADB5184E The run is ending due to an error with a non-SQL command. Additional messages may have been sent to the DD SYSTSPRT Explanation: The program is terminated because a non-SQL command such as DB2 utility, DB2 command and etc. fails due to an error. System action: Processing stops. User response: Check the return codes for non-SQL commands from the job log and examine the error messages, then resolve the error. 2. A restriction has been added under the 'Chapter 24. Using copies of the DB2 catalog' in the DB2 Administration User's Guide: Version 11, Release 1: http://ibm.biz/BdH6Ub Version 11, Release 2: http://ibm.biz/BdH6ms The title of new section: DB2 Admin restrictions on using copies of the DB2 catalog The content under this section: You can manually estimate the space on the DB2 UNLOAD utilities template, INDDN/UNLDDN, using the last image copy on the tape. To estimate the size of the unload data set, use the information from COPYPAGESF or NPAGESF in the SYSCOPY catalog. Manually add the SPACE option in the UNLOAD steps of your JCL for the DB2 UNLOAD utility for the TEMPLATEs associated with the INDDN and UNLDDN. The following example shows a DB2 ULOAD utility template with the space parameters specified: TEMPLATE ADBCDATA DSN '>dsnprefix<.ADBCCPJ1.DSNXSR.SYSXSR' UNIT SYSDA SPACE(10,50) CYL; The example shows the required options if the image copy is on tape. See the DB2 for z/OS manual for more information on syntax.
Temporary fix
APAR Information
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Special Attention
NoSpecatt / Xsystem
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UI35449 UI35450
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[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSCVQTD","label":"IBM Db2 Administration Tool for z\/OS"},"Component":"","ARM Category":[],"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"11.2.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]
Document Information
Modified date:
02 March 2016