APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
Error Message: java.lang.IllegalStateException: This method is not supported in GCM mode. . Stack Trace: .
Local fix
Below are a series of workarounds that can be used to resolve the exception. 1. Add IBMJCEHYBRID to the #1 position in the provider order If IBMJCEHYBRID is added to the top of the provider list followed by IBMJCECCA and then OpenJCEPlus, IBMJCEHYBRID will attempt to use IBMJCECCA first for all cryptographic operations. If IBMJCECCA encounters an exception during the operation, such as the "This method is not supported in GCM mode" exception, IBMJCEHYBRID will then recruit OpenJCEPlus to complete the AES/GCM cipher so that the Java application does not break and the IllegalStateException is no longer encountered. A sample provider order would look like this: # # List of providers and their preference order: # security.provider.1=IBMJCEHYBRID security.provider.2=IBMJCECCA security.provider.3=OpenJCEPlus . . <lines omitted> . 2. Use the OpenJCEPlus provider instead of IBMJCECCA The OpenJCEPlus provider uses native interfaces to IBM Z hardware, offering hardware-accelerated cryptographic algorithms where supported. OpenJCEPlus supports the update() method for AES/GCM ciphers. If possible, use the OpenJCEPlus provider when performing the update() method for AES/GCM ciphers. 3. Disable AES/GCM mode It is possible to disable AES/GCM ciphers as a workaround. In the java.security file, there is a property called "jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms" that lists algorithms that should be treated as disabled and not used. You can add "GCM" to this list of disabled algorithms and Java will no longer attempt to use AES/GCM ciphers for the time being. Here is an example of what your java.security file's jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms property might look like after you make the change... jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=GCM, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, RC4, DES, MD5withRSA, \ DH keySize < 1024, EC keySize < 224, 3DES_EDE_CBC, anon, NULL, \ include jdk.disabled.namedCurves
Problem summary
The IBMJCECCA provider in IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11 throws a "java.lang.IllegalStateException: This method is not supported in GCM mode" exception when attempting to run the update() method for a Cipher object configured to use AES/GCM
Problem conclusion
IBMJCEHYBRID has been updated so that the application can keep AES/GCM enabled and not encounter the exception if the following provider list is used: security.provider.1=IBMJCEHYBRID security.provider.2=IBMJCECCA security.provider.3=OpenJCEPlus . . <remainder of the provider list has been omitted> . The application will first attempt to use IBMJCECCA for the AES/GCM operation. If IBMJCECCA is requested to perform the Cipher.update() function for AES/GCM, IBMJCEHYBRID will be notified that IBMJCECCA can't perform the update() operation and IBMJCEHYBRID will have OpenJCEPlus do the operation instead - ultimately allowing the program to continue instead of failing. . This APAR will be fixed in the following Releases: . IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition 11 . Contact your IBM Product's Service Team for these Service Refreshes and Fix Packs. For those running stand-alone, information about the available maintenance can be found at: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/java-sdk
Temporary fix
APAR Information
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NoSpecatt / Xsystem
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Fix information
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[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SG19M","label":"Runtimes for Java Technology"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"B00"}]
Document Information
Modified date:
21 February 2023