IBM Support



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APAR status

  • Closed as documentation error.

Error description

  • Setting Environment Variables for SSL tasks needs explanation
    within the Knowledge Center
    When using MQ with an elliptic curve key exchange cipher, the
    GSK_CLIENT_ECURVE_LIST value determines which elliptic curve is
    used for the key exchange. This ENVAR could not be modified
    using the standard means (CEEOPTS DD statement).

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED: All users of IBM MQ for z/OS Version 9       *
    *                 Release 1 Modification 0 and Release 2       *
    *                 Modification 0.                              *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When using MQ with an elliptic curve    *
    *                      key exchange cipher, and a system       *
    *                      restriction on the key size used, a     *
    *                      CSQX620E error message can occur        *
    *                      during handshaking if the key size      *
    *                      selected from GSK_CLIENT_ECURVE_LIST    *
    *                      is too small.                           *
    There exists no documentation providing instructions to
    modify GSK_CLIENT_ECURVE_LIST to apply to all
    SSLTASKS defined for a QMGR.
    If using the CEEOPTS DD statement with in-stream data,
    it was found that the new value for environment variables
    was not propagated across all SSL tasks.

Problem conclusion

  • A new page has been added to the Knowledge Center
    to provide instructions for modifying GSK_CLIENT_ECURVE_LIST,
    and ensuring it is set for all SSL tasks.
    ========== DOC Change for V910 Knowledge Center ===============
    The page "Modifying Elliptic Curve Key Length on z/OS" for
    v9.1.0 will be added to the Knowledge Center:
    > IBM MQ 9.1.x
      > IBM MQ
        > Securing
          > Setting up security
            > Working with SSL/TLS
              > Working with SSL/TLS on z/OS
                > Modifying Elliptic Curve Key Length on z/OS:
    (with the following content):
    Modify the GSK_CLIENT_ECURVE_LIST environment variable to set
    the list of elliptic curves or supported groups that are
    specified by the client as a string consisting of 1 or more
    4-character values in order of preference for use.
    This SSL environment variable can be set in the CHINIT startup
    JCL via the CEEOPTS DD statement:
    CEEOPTS DD DSN=<dataset-name>,DISP=SHR
    In the dataset referenced above, specify the list that you wish
    to use, for example:
    NOTE: Do not use this CEEOPTS statement with in-stream data, as
    this will prevent the environment variable from being set for
    all SSL tasks using it. Make sure to reference a sequential
    dataset, or partitioned dataset member to allow this to work
    when using an SSLTASKS value greater than 1.
    See Table 5 (link:
    for a list of valid 4-character elliptic curve and supported
    groups specifications.
    The default specification is 00210023002400250019. If TLS V1.3
    is enabled, 0029 (x25519) is appended to the end of the default
    ========== DOC Change for V920 Knowledge Center ===============
    The page "Modifying Elliptic Curve Key Length on z/OS" for
    v9.2.0 will be added to the Knowledge Center:
    > IBM MQ 9.2.x
      > IBM MQ
        > Securing
          > Setting up security
            > Working with SSL/TLS
              > Working with SSL/TLS on z/OS
                > Modifying Elliptic Curve Key Length on z/OS:
    (with the following content):
    Modify the GSK_CLIENT_ECURVE_LIST environment variable to set
    the list of elliptic curves or supported groups that are
    specified by the client as a string consisting of 1 or more
    4-character values in order of preference for use.
    This SSL environment variable can be set in the CHINIT startup
    JCL via the CEEOPTS DD statement:
    CEEOPTS DD DSN=<dataset-name>,DISP=SHR
    In the dataset referenced above, specify the list that you wish
    to use, for example:
    NOTE: Do not use this CEEOPTS statement with in-stream data, as
    this will prevent the environment variable from being set for
    all SSL tasks using it. Make sure to reference a sequential
    dataset, or partitioned dataset member to allow this to work
    when using an SSLTASKS value greater than 1.
    See Table 5 (link:
    for a list of valid 4-character elliptic curve and supported
    groups specifications.
    The default specification is 00210023002400250019. If TLS V1.3
    is enabled, 0029 (x25519) is appended to the end of the default

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name

    IBM MQ Z/OS V9

  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

Applicable component levels

[{"Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Product":{"code":"SSYHRD","label":"IBM MQ"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"100"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
13 April 2021