IBM Support



You can track all active APARs for this component.


APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • Error Message: N/A
    Stack Trace: N/A

Local fix

Problem summary

  • Oracle JCL upgrade to level 7u79-b08

Problem conclusion

  • JDK JCL  is upgraded to level 7u79-b08. Following are Oracle bug
    changes included in this JCL upgrade:5036554: unmarshal error on
    CORBA alias type in CORBA any7084032:
    test/java/net/Inet6Address/ fails on Windows
    XP/2003 if IPv67152892: some jtreg tests fail with permission
    denied8027026: Change keytool -genkeypair to use -keyalg
    java/net/NetworkInterface/ fails on
    Windows7076487: (sctp) SCTP API classes does not exist in JDK
    for Mac8032832: Applet/browser deadlocks, when IIS integrated
    authentication is used8027348: (process) Enhancement of handling
    async close of ProcessInputStream8034262: Test
    java/lang/ProcessBuilder/ fails7094099: DropDown
    List of JComboBox detached8039368: Remove testcase from npt
    utf.c8039899: Missing licence headers in test for
    JDK-80331138034118: <OSB>parfait<CSB> JNI exception pending in
    <OSB>parfait<CSB> JNI exception pending in
    Java Access Bridge version strings need to be fixed8025710:
    Proxied HTTPS connections reused by HttpClient can send CONNECT
    to the server8041931:
    test/sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/ fails with cannot
    find keystore8038961: kinit, klist and ktab aren't built from
    jdk7u51 in licensee src bundles7130140: using horizontal scroll
    button on mouse causes a message to be printed on stdout8013098:
    <OSB>macosx<CSB> localized are not included
    in rt.jar8041725: Nimbus JList selection colors persist across
    L&F changes7153157: ClassValue.get does not return if
    computeValue calls remove7172865: PropertyDescriptor fails to
    work with setter method name if setter is non-void7160604: Using
    non-opaque windows - popups are initially not painted
    correctly8037945: Paths.get("").normalize() throws
    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException8033571: <OSB>parfait<CSB> warning
    from b128 for security/smartcardio/pcsc_md.c: JNI exception
    pending8030114: <OSB>parfait<CSB> warnings from b119 for JNI exception
    pending8039118: Windows build failure (j2pcsc.dll : fatal error
    unresolved external symbol throwByName)8043720: (smartcardio)
    Native memory should be handled more accurately8042465: Applet
    menus not rendering when browser is full screen on Mac8043129:
    JAF initialisation in SAAJ clashing with the one in
    javax.mail8032901: WaitForMultipleObjects() return value not
    handled appropriately8046269: Build broken : THIS_FILE :
    undeclared identifier8019834: InetAddress.getByName hangs for
    bad IPv6 literals8046024: JDI shared memory transport failed
    with "Observed abandoned IP mutex"8028074: InetAddress.getByName
    fails with UHE "invalid IPv6 address" if host name starts with
    a-f8048506: <OSB>macosx<CSB> javax.swing.PopupFactory issue with
    null owner8030192: TESTFAIL:
    java/util/logging/ failed with
    NPE8031068: java/util/logging/
    checkLoggers: getLoggerNames() returned unexpected
    loggers6984762: Invalid close of file descriptor '-1' in
    findZoneinfoFile8040076: Memory leak: java.awt.List objects
    allowing multiple selections are not GC-ed.6993873:
    a test indicates ".a frame wasn't focused on click" jdk7 issue
    on linux4991647: PNGMetadata.getAsTree() sets bitDepth to
    invalid value7095856: OutputStreamHook doesn't handle null
    values8049514: FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING can not be turned off
    on a validator through SchemaFactory8044614: <OSB>macosx<CSB>
    Focus issue with 2 applets in firefox8046495: KeyEvent can not
    be accepted in quick mouse clicking8031435: Ftp download does
    not work properly for ftp user without password8032908:
    getTextContent doesn't return string in JAXP8048887:
    SortingFocusTraversalPolicy throws IllegalArgumentException from
    the sort method8032864: <OSB>macosx<CSB> sigsegv (0Xb) Being
    Generated When Starting JDev With Voiceover Running7158636:
    InterfaceAddress.getBroadcast() returns invalid broadcast
    address on WLAN8036981: JAXB not preserving formatting for
    xsd:any Mixed content8038966: JAX-WS handles wrongly xsd:any
    arguments for Web services8060461: Fix for JDK-8042609 uncovers
    additional issue8055949: ByteArrayOutputStream capacity should
    be maximal array size permitted by VM8061954: 7u76 - deployment
    warning dialogs do not work on Linux8017212: File.createTempFile
    requires unnecessary "read" permission8041979:
    sun/jvmstat/monitor/MonitoredVm/ failing on all
    platforms8064532: 7u76 build failed with # 80419796458027:
    Disabling IPv6 on a specific network interface causes
    problems8059327: XML parser returns corrupt attribute
    value8059054: Better URL processing8065286: Fewer subtable
    substitutions8065291: Improved font lookups8067050: Better font
    consistency checking8067684: Better font substitutions8067699:
    Better glyph storage8068320: Limit applet requests8065373:
    <OSB>macosx<CSB> jdk8, jdk7u60 Regression in Graphics2D drawing
    of derived Fonts8065709: Deadlock in awt/logging apparently
    introduced by 80196238065991: LogManager unecessarily calls
    JavaAWTAccess from within a critical section8064601: Improve jar
    file handling8071591:
    java/util/logging/ test started
    to fail due to JDK-80659918019800: Test sun/tools/jcmd/
    failing after JDK-80170118062178: Test
    closed/java/util/TimeZone/ fails in 7u758046559:
    NPE when changing Windows theme - applied after modification
    This APAR will be fixed in the following Java Releases:
       7    SR9       (
       7 R1 SR3       (
    Contact your IBM Product's Service Team for these Service
    Refreshes and Fix Packs.
    For those running stand-alone, information about the Service
    Refreshes and Fix Packs can be found at:

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

  • R700 PSY


[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSNVBF","label":"Runtimes for Java Technology"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"7.0","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB36","label":"IBM Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
21 February 2022