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APAR status

  • Closed as program error.

Error description

  • When moving Rotating Assets that are not in any location using
    the MASS Move action you will receive  1 of 2 error messages
    depending on
    whether there is an inventory balance or not.
    -If the rotating item inventory balance is 0  you will receive
    the message >BMXAA4211E-Database error number 2601 has occurred
    when operating on INVBALANCES
    -If the rotating item has an inventory balance  you will receive
    the message >BMXAA8229W - Record INVCOST :Item =Location=
    Condition Code= Site= Item Set= has been updated by another user
    Scenario 1- Rotating Item with 0 inventory balance, mass move
    rotating asset that are not in any location
    1) Item Master - created new Rotating Item = ROT4 , Rotating?
    check box, leave everything else.
    2) More Actions> Add Items to Storeroom > enter Central , issue
    unit =each click ok.
    3) Change Status = Active , Check Roll New Status to
    Organizations and Inventory  click ok.
     Note your Rotating Item is now in Inventory with  Inventory
    balance = 0
    4) Assets app > created 2 new assets
     a) asset num = MB2105  Type = Production,  Rotating item =
    ROT4 , change status = operating
     b) asset num = MB2106  Type = Production,  Rotating item = ROT4
    , change status = operating
    5) List View > search for your  Rotating Assets MB2105, MB2106
    check select records and check both of the Rotating assets.
    6) Common Actions > select Move/Modify/Assets >  window opens
    and your 2 selected rotating assets MB2105, MB2106 are listed.
    7) Mass Move > To Location > enter Central > click APPLY ,
    note:current location is blank since the assets are not in any
    location and the to location is set to Central.
    8) Click OK   >  receive the message : "BMXAA4211E-Database
    error number 2601 has occurred when operating on INVBALANCES:
    Item=ROT4 Storeroom=Central Bin= Lot=Condition Code=
    Site=BEDFORD Item Set=SET1 Report the error to the owner of the
    9) Click Close , and click cancel
    10) Inventory > select rotating item ROT4 - Inventory balance= 0
    , not correct  Inventory balance should = 2
     click on Rotating Asset tab > the 2 rotating assets MB2105 and
    MB2106 have been moved.
    Scenario 2- Rotating Item with an inventory balance, mass move
    rotating assets not in any location
    1) Inventory > Rotating Item = PUMP100 take note of the
    inventory balance ,example =10
    4) Assets app > created 2 new assets
     a) asset num = MB2107  Type = Production,  Rotating item =
    PUMP100, change status = operating
     b) asset num = MB2108  Type = Production,  Rotating item =
    PUMP100, change status = operating
    5) List View > search for your  Rotating Assets MB2107, MB2108
    check select records and check both of the Rotating assets.
    6) Common Actions > select Move/Modify/Assets >  window opens
    and your 2 selected rotating assets MB2107, MB2108 are listed.
    7) Mass Move > To Location > enter Central > click APPLY ,
    note:current location is blank since the assets are not in any
    location and the to location is set to Central.
    8) Click OK   >  receive the message : "BMXAA8229W - Record
    INVCOST : Item =PUMP100 Location=CENTRAL Condition Code=
    Site=BEDFORD Item Set=SET1 has been updated by another user.
    Your changes have not been saved. Refresh the record and try
    9) Click Close , click CANCEL
    10) Inventory > select rotating item  PUMP100- Inventory
    balance=10, not correct Inventory balance should = 12
     click on Rotating Asset tab > the 2 rotating assets MB2105 and
    MB2106 have been moved.
    To be able to successfully move multiple rotating assets that
    are not in any location back to the inventory storeroom and
    update the inventory balances correctly.
    When Multiple Rotating Assets that are not in an any location
    and are selected to be be moved to inventory through the
    mass/move/modify action an
    BMX error message is issued  either "BMXAA4211E-Database error
    number 2601 has occurred when operating on INVBALANCES"(when he
    inventory balance =0) or "BMXAA8229W - Record INVCOST : has been
    updated by another user."(when there is and existing inventory
    IBM Maximo Asset Management

Local fix

Problem summary

  • ****************************************************************
    * USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
    * MAXIMO                                                       *
    * PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
    * When Multiple Rotating Assets that are not in an any         *
    * location and are selected to be be moved to inventory        *
    * through the mass/move/modify action an                       *
    * BMX error message is issued either "BMXAA4211E-Database      *
    * error number 2601 has occurred when operating on             *
    * INVBALANCES"(when he inventory balance =0) or "BMXAA8229W -  *
    * Record INVCOST : has been updated by another user."(when     *
    * there is and existing inventory balance)                     *
    It happened due to all the taking place in
    one save transaction, due to which for each asset it tried to
    update the invbalnce and invcost at the same time. leading to
    the error - updated by another user. Even the process didn't
    roll back, the assets are being moved but the invbalance and
    invcost were not updated.

Problem conclusion

  • This will be fixed in a future release.

Temporary fix


APAR Information

  • APAR number


  • Reported component name


  • Reported component ID


  • Reported release


  • Status


  • PE




  • Special Attention

    NoSpecatt / Xsystem

  • Submitted date


  • Closed date


  • Last modified date


  • APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

  • APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Fix information

  • Fixed component name


  • Fixed component ID


Applicable component levels

[{"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSLKT6","label":"Maximo Asset Management"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"761","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
12 January 2024