IBM Support

Administrative console shortcut not updated



You notice activities such as changing the WC_adminport or migrating from an earlier version of WebSphere® Application Server do not automatically update the Administrative console shortcut generated on the programs menu for Windows® and Linux® systems. This means that the shortcut will browse to an address using an incorrect port if the WC_adminport is changed. The shortcut is intended to be manually edited to compensate for this.


The process of creating a new WebSphere Application Server configuration profile on Windows and Linux systems will create a shortcut (also called a "launcher" or a "bookmark") on the system's programs menu. The shortcut is titled "Administrative Console". Using the shortcut will invoke the system's web browser to open the URL that is the main page for the profile's administrative console.

By default, the URL for the administrative console is:


The number "9060" in that URL represents port 9060. This is the default port that the administrative console listens to. Internally, this setting is called "WC_adminhost".

During the profile creation process, it is possible to use a different port than 9060. If this port number is changed during profile creation, then the shortcut will use whatever port is chosen. But, once the profile is created, the shortcut is not automatically changed at any point in the future. This is intended; changes to the administrative console port require manual updates to "bookmarks", including the shortcut / launcher.

This means that if the WC_adminhost port is changed during the profile's lifetime, then the shortcut will no longer be valid. It will incorrectly try to browse to the address using the old port number.

Migrating from an earlier version of WebSphere Application Server can also potentially change the WC_adminhost port. This means that after successfully completing a migration, the Administrative Console shortcut may not work.

Resolving The Problem

Summary of solution

Manually edit the shortcut to use the proper port number.


  1. Right-click the Administrative Console and choose "Properties".

  2. Locate the command-line for the shortcut. Specifically, find the URL which points to the administrative console. It looks similar to this example:


  3. Change the port number to the correct port number for the administrative console's WC_adminhost. In the example shown in the previous step, the number "9060" would need to be changed to whatever the correct port number is.

Alternative solution
Using your web browser, navigate to the proper URL to bring up the Administrative Console for the profile, then bookmark it in the web browser. Use that bookmark instead of the shortcut on the programs menu in the future.

This has the advantage of being more readily accessible than using the shortcut on the system's program menu.

Identifying the WC_adminhost port number
If you are not sure what the WC_adminhost port setting is changed to, then you can manually obtain it. The WC_adminhost setting is defined in an XML file within a profile's configuration data.

Locate the "serverindex.xml" file, following the path below. The names in the path depend on where the product and profile are installed, as well as the cell name and node name used in the profile.


Open the serverindex.xml file in a text editor and search for the string "WC_adminhost". Once that is found, look one line below it. The number after the string "port=" is the WC_adminhost port number.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Install","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.0;7.0;6.1","Edition":"Base;Express;Network Deployment","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
15 June 2018

