IBM Support

Activating a trial license in MaaS360

Release Notes


You can activate a trial license to allow customers to try out MaaS360 features that are outside of their subscriptions.


After the License Management is activated, you can provision an additional Enterprise trial part D1P3CTR for customers who want to try out features that are not part of their subscriptions. This trial part can be activated on a maximum of 10 devices for a period of 30 days.

The trial package provides customers access to all MaaS360 features, but customers use those features with a trial license. If customers purchase the subscriptions during the free trial, the settings and data for those customers remains intact.

To activate a free trial, customers must contact MaaS360 Support or visit to connect with the CSM team.
Here's the workflow to provision the trial license part:
  1. Customer contacts MaaS360 Support to raise a request to trial out features of MaaS360 outside their subscriptions.
  2. This request email reaches the CPS team and the must be forwarded to the CSM team.
  3. The CSM team works with the On-boarding team to provision the trial part to the customer.
  4. The On-boarding team provisions the Enterprise Trial part D1P3CTR for the customer account in the SSM portal.
Once provisioned in the SSM portal, the trial part information will be tracked on 10 devices for 30 days for the customer. This solution will not allow the trial part to be extended to the 31st day or on the 11th device, but the customer can be reprovisioned with the same part for another 30 days. This part has only one day gap between suspension and cancellation, unlike standard parts, which have 60 days duration between suspension and cancellation. This means the part will get suspended and canceled on the 30th and 31st day respectively, from the date of provisioning.
How to provision the trial license part in the SSM portal?
  1. Log in to the SSM portal.
  2. Search for the existing customer who requested for trial of MaaS360 features outside their subscriptions by the charge agreement number, customer ID, or subscription ID and click the search icon.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Organization field and select Place new DSW Order.Place new DSW order
  4. Open Engage Support and search for the active order.
  5. Enter input values to the following fields in the order:

    Note: Use current existing agreement to locate this information within the Engage Support order.

    • For the Customer Information, input the following:
      • Charge agreement number

        Customer Information

    • For the Order Information, input the following:
      • Order number
      • Distribution channel code

        Order Information

    • For the Part Information, input the following:
      • Part number: D1P3CTR
      • Quantity: 10
      • Term: 1 month
      • Renewal option: Terminate at end of term
      • Configuration ID: You can use the existing configuration ID in the order, but you must enter the expiration date since the Configuration ID is tied to the order expiration or you can switch a digit in the current configuration ID so the sub terminates in 30 days.
      • Line Item: 20
      • Billing frequency: monthly recurring charge (MRC)
      • Start date: (Not required to select)Part Information
  6. Click Submit.

[{"Type":"MASTER","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB24","label":"Security Software"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Product":{"code":"SSYSXX","label":"IBM MaaS360"},"ARM Category":[{"code":"a8m3p000000hCGyAAM","label":"ENROLLMENT"}],"ARM Case Number":"","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"All Versions"}]

Document Information

Modified date:
08 May 2023

