IBM Support

Capturing ServeRAID configuration and event logs (DUMPLOG)



The purpose of the DUMPLOG file is to quickly capture ServeRAID configuration and event logs for service or support on your ServeRAID disk subsystem.

Resolving The Problem

Summary of use
The purpose of using either the DSA utility, or for older Operating Systems and IBM Servers the DUMPLOG file, is to quickly capture ServeRAID configuration and event logs for service or support on your ServeRAID disk subsystem. DSA is a powerful command line utility that collects a large superset of ServeRAID and other system data, and can automatically return this data to IBM Technical Support using the appropriate command line switch. The DUMPLOG file is a batch/script file that uses the ServeRAID command line utility called IPSSEND and automates a number of useful commands, then compiles the output into a standard text file that can be used to understand and identify issues. DUMPLOG does not collect any of the system information that the DSA utility provides.

Supported operating systems and appropriate file download

Download and use the DSA Utility to capture ServeRAID configuration and event logs. Please refer to the Readme file that accompanies the DSA utility for correct operation, and how to send the resultant data files to IBM Technical Support automatically or by email.

If your system or operating system is not supported by the DSA utility at this time, capture the ServeRAID configuration and event logs using the appropriate DUMPLOG file.
Note: Downloadable files include the DUMPLOG file and the appropriate version of IPSSEND.

Download the appropriate dumplog file.

Operating System Download filename
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows 2000 (all versions)
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (all versions)
Linux (all versions) linux_dumplog.tgz
SCO OpenServer dump_os.tar
SCO Unixware dump_uw.tar
IBM OS/2 Warp

Operating requirements
  • Any installed ServeRAID adapter with drivers loaded
  • The DUMPLOG utility for your operating system
  • The ServeRAID IPSSEND command line utility for your operating system
  • DUMPLOG and IPSSEND located in the same folder or directory
Security issues
The output files obtained from running DUMPLOG are in standard text format and are available for viewing. The tool captures the ServeRAID array and logical disk configuration information including physical information about attached devices. For organizational purposes, we date and time stamp the file and query for the name of the system as applicable for the operating system.

DUMPLOG for Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000 and OS/2 will pull the ServeRAID logs for 1 adapter at a time. If you have multiple adapters in a system, a separate command must be run for each adapter.

Capturing multiple sets of logs
It is very important to capture ServeRAID logs using a naming convention that can identify the server clearly. The tool supports long filenames for the operating system that also support long filenames. If IBM Service and Support determines an action plan for the system, it is very important that we can identify the system in the environment.

When capturing logs on many adapters and systems, save the logs to a diskette. The ServeRAID logs are usually 12kb to 20kb in size and you can easily fit many sets of logs on one diskette.

If your company has multiple site locations, subgroup the site names into the naming conventions.





Running under Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows XP, and IBM OS/2 Warp
  1. Download the appropriate Dumplog file for your operating system.
  2. Extract the files to the local disk drive or to a floppy diskette for portability.
  3. Open a Command Prompt.
  4. Run the DUMPLOG command using the following command syntax:

Command syntax
Usage is: DUMPLOG filename [n]


filename - the name of the log file to be created (this will abort if the file selected exists)
n - ServeRAID adapter number (optional - defaults to 1)




Running under SCO OpenServer and SCO Unixware
  1. Download dump_os.tar (SCO OpenServer) or dump_uw.tar (SCO Unixware) depending on which NOS you are running.
  2. Copy the *.tar file to a sub-directory of your choice (e.g. /tmp).

    It is not recommended that you extract the *.tar file to (or run from) the root directory (/). If you plan to collect ServeRAID logs at other times, it is recommended to create a separate subdirectory (e.g /ipsdump) to keep these files.
  3. Extract the utilities from the associated *.tar file using the following command:

    tar xvf <tar_filename>

    The following files are extracted:
    Name                           Size                    1887                   4658
    ipssend (os)               210995
    ipssend (uw)              117040
  4. Using one of the two methods described below, run the script to obtain ServeRAID log information.
    1. # sh
    2. # ./

    This utility will prompt you for the model-type and serial number of the system you are running this on. It is important that you supply the correct information when sending these logs for analysis. Do not enter hyphens or spaces when supplying model-type and serial number information.
  5. Using one of the two methods described below, run the script to clear the ServeRAID log information.
    1. # sh
    2. # ./

Running under Linux
  1. Download dumplog.tgz the directory of your choice.
  2. Uncompress it with the command tar -xzvf dumplog.tgz
  3. Change into the newly created ./dumplog directory. You should have the files ipssend, and in this directory.
  4. At root, run the command ./
  5. This utility will prompt you for the model-type and serial number of the system you are running this on. It is important that you supply the correct information when sending these logs for analysis. Do not enter hyphens or spaces when supplying model-type and serial number information. Send all the *.txt files created to IBM support
  6. If instructed, run the command ./clearlogs to erase the ServeRaid logs. Running this command will delete the logs on every ServeRaid controller installing in your server.

Running under DOS
  1. Download the latest ServeRAID Command Line diskette
  2. Create the DOS bootable Command Line diskette per the instructions in the readme file
  3. Copy the DUMPLOG.BAT and CLEARLOG.BAT file to the root of the diskette
  4. See the command syntax under the Windows section to run this command under DOS (uses the same commands)


Document Location


Operating System

IntelliStation Pro:All operating systems listed

System x Hardware Options:All operating systems listed

System x:Operating system independent / None

[{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU016","label":"Multiple Vendor Support"},"Product":{"code":"HW24A","label":"System x Hardware Options->ServeRAID"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWP01","label":"IntelliStation Pro->IntelliStation M Pro"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWP02","label":"IntelliStation Pro->IntelliStation Z Pro"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWP03","label":"IntelliStation Pro->IntelliStation E Pro"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWP05","label":"IntelliStation Pro->IntelliStation A Pro"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}},{"Type":"HW","Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Product":{"code":"HWP99","label":"IntelliStation Pro->IntelliStation R Pro"},"Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
28 January 2019