IBM Support

Firmware update v88M0-87G0-41 for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 - IBM Tape Library (3361-4LX)




Release Date

24 November 2009

Downloadable File

File link File size File description
1,615 CHANGE HISTORY for the Fibre Channel Drive Sled Firmware File (v88M0)
2,483 CHANGE HISTORY for the SLED Firmware File (v87G0)
5,848 README for the 33614LX Tape Library Firmware
12,121 CHANGE HISTORY for the SLED Firmware File (v41)
1,555,579 3361 SCSI drivelsed 87G0 firmware
1,729,215 3361 Fibre Channel drivesled 88M0 firmware
2,547,808 Library Firmware File


Download the latest 33614LX Tape Library Firmware Files

Download Description

Change history

LTO3 drivesled firmware changes from 73P5 to 88M0:

  1. Error recovery enhancements
  2. Timeout fix
  3. Cleaning algorithm enhancement

LTO3 drivesled firmware changes from 73P5 to 87G0:

  1. Fix Check Condition for Clean-me cartridge unload issue.
  2. SAS: performance improvements.
  3. Control Path and Data path Failover enhancements.
  4. Set read attribute medium type to 0 for unknown cart types.
  5. Enhance Limits during POST motor testing.
  6. Correct size compare logic for Cartridge Memory byte overlength, can result in failure on load of some cartridges.
  7. Fix issue where some Write commands hang at Early Warning.
  8. Bottom Sensor Stuck check - Manifests as band change Timeout (FSC 7849).
  9. Fix some servo issues that resulted in damaged tape.
  10. Fix Write Hang in Multi LUN environment.
  11. Eliminate some false Write Protect indications on load.
  12. Brush retract change eliminates timing failures causing 2Exx fails during unload.
  13. Fix for Mode page 0x1e.
  14. LTO2 media Error Recovery Page for Tension change in band 2.

LTO3 drivesled firmware changes from 64D2 to 73P5:

  1. Fixes a potential motor damage issue that can occur during a mid-tape recovery after a power down in the middle of tape.
  2. Increases the number of Log Page 16 parameters that are maintained from 3 to 6.
  3. Fixes perception of a stuck cartridge, by reducing the time to complete the cartridge memory write error recovery procedures before posting an error.
  4. A WORM cartridge may become unusable, if an uninitialized WORM cartridge was placed inside a drive and the cartridge memory was updated via a SCSI read attribute command.
  5. Fixes problem where Density ID, Media Type, and Media ID were not updated in Log Page 16 on a permanent Read or Write error.
  6. Enhances algorithm to detect servo.
  7. Error reporting enhancement.
  8. Data protection mechanism enhancement where a drive failed a write with a SCD ‘6’ and an FSC 6000 on Fibre Channel drives.
  9. Fix for unload error on 5v power interruption.
  10. Corrected problem of missing media information on subsequent log page 16 parameters with the same cartridge loaded.
  11. Corrects problem in log page 16 implementation where SK/ASC/ASCQ is not logged when a deferred sense is generated.
  12. Corrects log page 16 parameter numbering and added missing timestamp the log page 16 parameters.
  13. Media Format Buffer Header dataflow error fixed.
  14. If Host Bus Adaptor is reset after a command phase, but before a status phase the SCSI bus might hang.
  15. Corrected problem with Write Buffer command being rejected by LUN2.
  16. Improve recovery procedure when encountering a cartridge with corrupted or invalid Cartridge Memory contents.
  17. Corrected code problem which caused the drive to error with a FSC 601B.
  18. Corrects problem where a SCSI Write Attribute command issued to a new WORM cartridge that has not yet been written to, makes that cartridge read only.
  19. Corrects problem where a Fibre Channel drive previously having been configured via a Set Config to power up offline, powers up and goes on line.
  20. The drive was not correctly flushing the buffer which caused the drive to hang indefinitely.
  21. Fixes problem in log page 16 where the density code is set incorrectly.
  22. Correct problem where a permanent error occurs during Read/Write operation and the sense is reported as current, log page 16 won’t be updated.
  23. Corrects problem where on a Fibre Channel drive, the drive stays offline when the wrap test is invoked over the loader interface.
  24. Corrects problem near end of media where SCD 3 is set with an FSC 7265.
  25. The lifetime Power On Hours was not being correctly saved or reported.
  26. A Fibre Channel drive may stop communicating to a host when there are link errors, causing the drive to reset.
  27. Refines the reporting of lifetime media motion hours in parameter 3 of log page 14.
  28. Improved log counter calculation reported in log page 38.
  29. Fixes problem where the SCSI wrap test invoked over the loader interface may fail a good drive.
  30. Fixes problem causing false framing errors.
  31. Due to timing issues during interface speed negotiations, the drive may not be seen by the host.
  32. Corrects problem where log page 3C counter values were not updated until the media was removed.
  33. Corrects problem where wrong back hitch tape speed was selected resulting in FSC 78B5 errors.
  34. Corrects problem where the drive with a persistent reservation is implicitly logged out.
  35. Adds log page 3C to list of supported log pages in log page 00.
  36. Improve link reliability with certain fibre channel switches.
  37. In some instances when a error is recovered, the Illegal Length Indicator was not correctly reported in the sense data to the host.

LTO3 drivesled firmware changes from 5CM0 to 64D2:

  1. Added external checksum file (.md5) to accompany built image files. This provides assurance that a firmware upgrade will not fail due to a corrupted image file.
  2. Fix Library hang at initialization when booting the host and library at the same time.
  3. Fix Library hang after a cartridge swap failure.
  4. Fix condition where Library can be put online while diagnostic is in progress.
  5. Fix situation where system does not retry with a servo initialization after failed position to source on drive.
  6. Move picker to park position before doors are released.
  7. For any puts to fixed slots, raise LTO tapes by 1mm to adjust for tabs.
  8. Display complete drive/changer firmware version on the Operator Control Panel and Remote Graphical User Interface.
  9. Some application software does not start gracefully if a tape happens to be in the picker upon initialization.
  10. For any get operation, if no cartridge present event has been seen after 2 tries, on subsequent tries, picker is positioned at home position in case the picker is somehow lost.
  11. Enhanced firmware to 1) protect the hand during inventory and magazine access; 2) modify move medium by making its check of vertical (Z) axis movement prior to moving to the source or destination.
  12. When moving the picker downwards, if the picker motor overhangs the picker tray (when facing left) or the picker assembly overhangs the picker tray (when facing right or towards the drives), if an overejected tape strikes the picker, the picker assembly can be knocked off its robotic rails.
  13. There is a race condition, such that the current move ID that is saved for a multi-cabinet move can get overridden by another cabinet.  This can cause the
    system to be stuck in a "moving" state forever on a multi-cabinet move.
  14. There is no warning to the user when the right magazine is not fully inserted, causing a move failure from the far right column of the magazine.
  15. Drive failing calibration during initialization caused library to be unavailable.
  16. Improve robustness of stack move operations.
  17. Improve robustness of stack pass-thru moves.
  18. If the move to elevator up fails, there is no retry/servo initialization, and the system is stuck in a hard error state.
  19. Home position test puts hand in a wrong place and causes a servo error.
  20. System lockup occurs on Operator Control Panel if XY test is started before current running test finishes.
  21. Robot failed to detect shipping robot restraint.
  22. Changed the Device Identifier in the READ ELEMENT STATUS data to be the same format for all drive types.
  23. Clean up non-surrogate drive - drive SCSI command handling.
  24. Device ID identifier length is incorrect for mixed drive or multi ID drives.
  25. On the “Partitions” setup page, if no partition is selected and the remove button is pressed, the library loses its personality.
  26. Renamed wording on the “Utilities” page from "Fibre Channel Bridge Scan" to "Bridge Scan".
  27. Operator cannot login to the “Operations” page on the Remote GUI.
  28. The users are prohibited from creating a partition without a name or with a "blank" name.
  29. 16 character drive serial number displayed on Remote GUI has erroneous characters at the end.
  30. Remote Graphical User Interface progress windows during System Test stopped updating after less than 2 hours.
  31. Remote Graphical User Interface error message is incorrect when administrator is created with an invalid email address.
  32. Remote Graphical User Interface error message is not user friendly when Logical Unit Number attempt is set to 256 or more.
  33. Drive Operations on Remote Graphica User Interface displays ambiguous error page.
  34. Operations page on Remote Graphical User Intetrface cannot be displayed if accessed through a slow network.
  35. Find Media Identification table on Remote Graphical User Interface sometimes displays incorrect contents.
  36. Incorrect cabinet ID sometimes shown on Graphical User Interface.
  37. Operator Control Panel host bus setup scroll up/down arrow always defaults to index 0 in the menu item selection.
  38. Cabinet ordering in drive operation screen is incorrect.
  39. Operator Control Panel drive operation scroll up/down button not working properly.
  40. Operator Control Panel Administrator PIN has only 8 characters displayable but takes up to 32 characters.
  41. System shows wrong error message on Operator Control Panel if a drive is powered on without turning off.
  42. Operator Control Panel buttons lose their functionality after clearing administrator/operator password.
  43. Operator Control Panel displayed Graphic Characters for Input of Administrator Password.
  44. Added statistics for recovery home and calibration for each axis (XY, Z, rotary and picker axis).
  45. Fix number of retry counts statistics for all axis.
  46. Added text for event IDs 0x2252 and 0x22F1.
  47. Improved reporting of Initialization Errors.
  48. Added descriptive text entry for error 0x2517 (hand restraint) to table of error code text strings.
  49. Servo statistics were being saved late in the shutdown process, after the servo thread is shutdown. This was causing problems if a door was open on shutdown, or some other operation in progress during the shutdown.
  50. Cleaning tape issue caused firmware to generate 100s of the same event.
  51. Detecting duplicate barcode labels should generate an incorrect critical event.
  52. Added new event for when door is unlocked or opened.
  53. Remove partition while diagnostics test is running results in system hang on Remote Graphical User Interface.
  54. Report creation of Default Partition after deletion of last user partition.
  55. If library is partitioned, and then magazine type changes, library reports old (incorrect) type.
  56. Added a push at the back of the cartridge for each put to a slot (magazine or fixed slot).  This should ensure that the cartridge will be fully seated in the magazine and mitigate issues with the hand coming off of the rails after running into a tape that is not fully seated.
  57. Reduce number of Z axis retries during failure from 4 to 2 and add a delay (100-200ms) between moves.
  58. Determine why slot retry counts are not being updated and correctly report get failures when tape is not in hand.
  59. In rare cases, it has been seen that a recovery servo initialization can fail, but a retry will succeed.
  60. System lock up at Init and during init with IP Address 0.
  61. Fix Security Glitch in Web Graphical User Interface navigating without Password.
  62. Invalid partition without a drive can be created.
  63. Fix iSCSI Partitioning hang.
  64. System initialization Failure if system rebooted with tape in the picker.
  65. Store previous calibration values in log.
  66. If master's door is closed first, system keeps Door Open status.
  67. Power Monitor critical event doesn't identify the correct power supply.
  68. Fix loss of calibration position during diagnostic test, this failure happens randomly and usually after running the test multiple times.
  69. Improve reporting of bad barcode labels.
  70. Firmware downgrade to V26 from V30 causes "Init Error".
  71. System hang while collecting Failure Analysis log.
  72. No event is logged when the stack system loses communication.
  73. System initialization error can happen if door is opened and Operator Control Panel button stuck
  74. Servo failure not generating critical event.
  75. Avoid possible corruption of partition setup when stack role changed.
  76. Modify drive "Power On" behavior when drive is already powered on. Add an error message to indicate that the drive is already powered on, and that it should be reset if desire is to re-start the drive.
  77. Correct Spelling error (verion to version) in Java Warning pop-up msg.
  78. Added code to support recording the initiation and completion status of move medium commands from any user interface, including the diagnostic tests.
  79. Enhance SCSI interrupt handling so that a noisy bus or errors on the bus can not lockup the library.
  80. Add logout capability to allow logout and re-login as different user to perform different functions.
  81. Add option to reset drive in web Graphical User Interface.
  82. Graphical User Interface shows wrong drive locations in Logical Map.
  83. Expand Failure Analysis log support to get logs from slave cabinets.
  84. Drive will not configure if set to speed it does not support.
  85. Add 4 Gigabit to config options for all Fibre Channel drives.
  86. Remove "autoinventory" option, not used and causes servo problems in the field.
  87. Drive Fan's report Hard error event when no drive present.
  88. Added code to save/restore Ethernet speed settings.
  89. Previously, library only displayed "PRESENT" or "N/A" for drive status. Now displays: "UNKNOWN", "N/PRES", "ONLINE", "INITING","OFFLINE", "ERROR", "DISABLE", or "LOG OUT".
  90. Improve messaging when the tape is stuck in the hand (versus Servo Error).
  91. Improve messaging when the tape is stuck in the drive.
  92. Increase maximum password size to 31 characters, and allow special characters other than double quotes and spaces.
  93. Add detail to indicate the library has lost communication with a drive.
  94. Fix premature reporting of over temperature.
  95. Change Graphical User Interface text to use "encryption" instead of "encrypt".
  96. Add ability to pull logs without needing the service password.
  97. Add Drive Encryption configuration to Drive Manager configuration.
  98. After updating the 3361 library to V41 and you add a new user, or change the existing password, you must use a special (non-text and non-numerical) character in the new password.

See the CHANGE HISTORY and README file for complete details.



Document Location


Operating System

System x:Windows Server 2003

System x Hardware Options:Windows Server 2003

Older System x:Windows Server 2003

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Document Information

Modified date:
07 January 2014

