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Enumeration Status

Definition file: ilconcert/iloalg.h
An enumeration for the class IloAlgorithm.

IloAlgorithm is the base class of algorithms in Concert Technology, and IloAlgorithm::Status is an enumeration limited in scope to the class IloAlgorithm. The member function IloAlgorithm::getStatus returns a status showing information about the current model and the solution.

Unknown specifies that the algorithm has no information about the solution of the model.

Feasible specifies that the algorithm found a feasible solution (that is, an assignment of values to variables that satisfies the constraints of the model, though it may not necessarily be optimal). The member functions IloAlgorithm::getValue access this feasible solution.

Optimal specifies that the algorithm found an optimal solution (that is, an assignment of values to variables that satisfies all the constraints of the model and that is proved optimal with respect to the objective of the model). The member functions IloAlgorithm::getValue access this optimal solution.

Infeasible specifies that the algorithm proved the model infeasible; that is, it is not possible to find an assignment of values to variables satisfying all the constraints in the model.

Unbounded specifies that the algorithm proved the model unbounded. In order to check whether the model is feasible, remove the objective, and reoptimize.

InfeasibleOrUnbounded specifies that the model is infeasible or unbounded.

Error specifies that an error occurred and, on platforms that support exceptions, that an exception has been thrown.

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