Start of change


The CLEAR_TRACKED_JOB_INFO procedure removes entries from the job tracking file that exists on the specified ASP group.

Start of changeMany filters are provided to restrict the entries that are removed from job tracking files by this procedure. The filters are additive, with each one further limiting the entries to be removed. If none of the filter parameters are specified, all entries are removed from the job tracking file.End of change

Authorization: The caller must have *JOBCTL special authority.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram CLEAR_TRACKED_JOB_INFO ( IASP_NAME =>  iasp-name ,NODE_NAME => node-name,JOB_QUEUE_LIBRARY => job-queue-library,JOB_QUEUE => job-queue,INTERNAL_JOB_IDENTIFIER => internal-job-identifier,ROUTING_STEP => routing-step )

The schema is QSYS2.

A character string that contains the name of the IASP where the job tracking file to be cleared is located. Can contain the following special value:
The job tracking file is located in the system ASP (ASP 1) or any basic user ASPs (ASPs 2-32).
Start of changenode-nameEnd of change
Start of changeA character string that contains a node name. Entries in a job tracking file for this node are removed. Can contain the following special value:
The node where the procedure is being run is used.
End of change
Start of changeIf this parameter is omitted, the node name is not used to limit entries to be removed.End of change
Start of changejob-queue-libraryEnd of change
Start of changeA character string that contains a job queue library name. Entries in a job tracking file for a job queue in this library are removed.End of change
Start of changeIf this parameter is omitted, the job queue library name is not used to limit entries to be removed.End of change
Start of changejob-queueEnd of change
Start of changeA character string that contains a job queue name. Entries in a job tracking file for a job queue with this name are removed. End of change
Start of changeIf this parameter is omitted, the job queue name is not used to limit entries to be removed.End of change
Start of changeinternal-job-identifierEnd of change
Start of changeA binary string that contains an internal job identifier. Entries in a job tracking file with this internal job identifier on node-name are removed. End of change
Start of changeWhen internal-job-identifier is specified, node-name must be specified. job-queue-library and job-queue must not be specified.End of change
Start of changeIf this parameter is omitted, the internal job identifier is not used to limit entries to be removed.End of change
Start of changerouting-stepEnd of change
Start of changeAn integer that contains a routing step number. Entries in a job tracking file with this routing step and internal-job-identifier on node-name are removed.End of change
Start of changeWhen routing-step is specified, internal-job-identifier and node-name must be specified. job-queue-library and job-queue must not be specified.End of change
Start of changeIf this parameter is omitted, the routing step number is not used to limit entries to be removed.End of change


  • Clear all tracked job information from the job tracking file in *SYSBAS.
  • Start of changeClear tracked job information for all jobs submitted to any job queue in library MYLIB on any node.
                                      JOB_QUEUE_LIBRARY => 'MYLIB'); 
    End of change
  • Start of changeClear tracked job information for all jobs submitted to any job queue named MYJOBQ in any library on any node.
                                      JOB_QUEUE => 'MYJOBQ'); 
    End of change
  • Start of changeClear tracked job information for all jobs submitted to job queue MYJOBQ in library MYLIB on the local node.
                                      NODE_NAME => '*LOCAL',  
                                      JOB_QUEUE_LIBRARY => 'MYLIB', 
                                      JOB_QUEUE => 'MYJOBQ');
    End of change
  • Start of changeClear tracked job information for a specific job on the local node.
                                NODE_NAME => '*LOCAL',  
                                INTERNAL_JOB_IDENTIFIER => BX'0000000100142F00AAE4AE8F89E30001');
    End of change
  • Start of changeClear tracked job information for routing step 2 of a specific job on the local node.
                                NODE_NAME => '*LOCAL',  
                                INTERNAL_JOB_IDENTIFIER => BX'0000000100142F00AAE4AE8F89E30001',
                                ROUTING_STEP => 2);
    End of change
End of change