Start of change


The CHANGE_DEVICE_LOCKING_POLICY procedure changes the password policy for all NVMe devices.

Authorization: The caller must have *IOSYSCFG and *SERVICE special authorities.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram CHANGE_DEVICE_LOCKING_POLICY ( POLICY_PASSWORD => policy-password,NEW_POLICY_PASSWORD => new-policy-password,FIXUP => fixup )

The schema is QSYS2.

A character string that contains the current device policy password used to unlock the device.
If policy-password is specified, new-policy-password must also be provided.
A character string that contains the new policy password used to unlock the device and for changing the locking policy configuration.
It must be at least 8 characters long and cannot exceed 32 characters.
If new-policy-password is specified, policy-password must also be provided.
A character string that indicates whether the NVMe device is to be resynchronized with the password stored in Platform KeyStore (PKS).
The NVMe device must be under the locking policy.
This option should only be used when the PASSWORD_FIXUP_REQUIRED column in the QSYS2.LOCKING_POLICY_INFO view has a value of YES.
The NVMe device is to be resynchronized with the password stored in PKS.
If fixup is YES, new-policy-password and policy-password must not be specified.


  • Change a locking policy password.
                                            NEW_POLICY_PASSWORD => 'changeit58'); 
End of change