Scenarios: Data migration
These scenarios show different migration situations for moving data to another system.
- Migrating from IBM i 7.2 on a Power Systems model 520 to IBM i 7.4 on a Power Systems model 720 system
- In this scenario, you have a model 520 system, you are running IBM i 7.2, and you want to migrate your data to a Power Systems model 720.
What to do:
You cannot install IBM i 7.4 on your model 520. To migrate your data, you need to save the data to a tape drive that is compatible with model 720 and then restore the data on the model 720.
To perform this data migration, complete the steps in the following topics:
- Migrating from IBM i 7.2 on a Power Systems model S814 to IBM i 7.4 on a Power Systems model S914
- In this scenario, you have a Power
Systems model S814, you are running IBM i 7.2, and you
want to migrate your data to an IBM®
Power Systems model S914.
What to do:
To migrate your data, you can install IBM i 7.4 on your model S814. You then need to save the data from your model S814 to tape drives that are compatible with the model S914, and restore the data on the model S914.
To perform this data migration, complete the steps in the following topics:
- Upgrading to a new version of IBM i on your system
- In this scenario, you are running IBM i 7.2 or i 7.3 on your
system and you want to upgrade to i 7.4.
What to do:
If you are upgrading to a new version of IBM i on the same system, it is not necessary to perform an explicit data migration. You can follow the steps in Checklist: IBM i software upgrade or replacement readiness to upgrade to i 7.4.
- Upgrading your system to a new IBM Power Systems model
- In this scenario, you want to upgrade your system to a newer model.
What to do:
If you are upgrading to a new IBM Power Systems model without changing the serial number, it is not necessary to perform an explicit data migration. You can follow the directions in the Upgrading the system and data migration topic for your system model in the IBM Power Systems Hardware Information Center.
If you are moving hardware to your new system, then your data will transfer. If your hardware is not compatible with your new system, you can perform a data migration.
To perform this data migration, complete the steps in the following topics:
- Migrating data from one logical partition to another
- In this scenario, you want to migrate data from
one logical partition to another on your system.
What to do:
If you are migrating data from one IBM i logical partition to another logical partition on the same system, follow the instructions in Restoring a logical partition (LPAR) to another LPAR–Checklist 22.